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becca 02-27-2018 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1220991)
You do realize that from day one the public has watched the media and Democrats openly conspire against Trump and try to discredit the election. (Now we are supposed to believe that this is just an honest investigation when you’ve been so obvious about the whole thing.)

Er, Robert Mueller is a Republican and was appointed by Republicans. I know I know, "shut up Canadian." :distress:

Dr.Brown 02-27-2018 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by becca (Post 1221024)
Er, Robert Mueller is a Republican and was appointed by Republicans. I know I know, "shut up Canadian." :distress:

No, you don't have to "shut up" but realize that Mueller was appointed as director of the FBI by George Bush in 2001. Despite the Republican label, there is no love lost between Bush loyalists and Trump supporters who view Bush and his VP Cheney as globalists who in the wake of the 9/11 attacks were eager to start wars and further destabilize the Middle East while protecting their Saudi friends - this, despite the fact that 17 of 19 attackers were Saudi citizens. Bush/Cheney pivoted away from Saudi Arabia in order to take care of "unfinished business" left over from his father's term in office, getting rid of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.

Unfortunately, the destabilization campaign continued under Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who saw to it that Qaddafi was deposed/executed in Libya. The unstable regions then became recruiting hotbeds and a staging ground for Radical Islamic groups such as ISIS. Getting back to Mueller, he was fully on board the Bush agenda and also found favor with Pres. Obama who extended Mueller's term as FBI director. There are legitimate doubts as to Mueller's objectivity and no appeal to such can be made based on supposed party loyalty.

Jondalar 02-28-2018 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by becca (Post 1221024)
Er, Robert Mueller is a Republican and was appointed by Republicans. I know I know, "shut up Canadian." :distress:

The FBI hates Trump. Many Republicans hate Trump. One of the reasons Trump got elected was because a lot Democrats who voted for him never considered him a true Republican. He has been boxed in that role now because Democrats made it clear from day 1 they were his enemy. His voters understand what he has had to go through and are forgiving. The Deep State wants him gone.

I always voted Democratic until Trump. I’m so glad I did. I love my country and am totally embarrassed of the way Democrats have acted. Their behavior has made me an even bigger supporter of Trump. Trump puts American citizens first. The Democrats put everyone else first, including illegal aliens. There is nothing wrong with loving your country. Democrats want everyone to be ashamed.I cannot vote for the anti-American Democratic Party anymore. They don’t even respect the law, police or free speech anymore. Screw them. They’ve lost my vote.

I’m not a Republican or a Democrat. I’m a Trumpster who loves his country.

Newzchspy 02-28-2018 04:47 PM

so, @fuzzyplum , its OK for HRC to steal a nomination away from Mr. Free Sh*T Bernie Sanders?? It works both ways.

Understand, it's not the MOST votes numerically in the USA that wins elections, its the most votes in the Electoral College states that matter. CA & NY always go Demo anymore, so in our system of checks and balances, we have to temper NY, CA and other liberal bastions with the middle and its ALWAYS the middle that wins elections. Like it or not, that's the way it works.

becca 02-28-2018 05:26 PM

Thank you for those two replies Dr. Brown and Jondalar... it does help to see the thinking behind people's politics. I can certainly agree with being very happy with things Trump said about the whole 'pre-emptive war' Iraq invasion which Bush Jr. and Obama both signed on to. I did hear that Bush Jr. bought record amounts of oil for the U.S. reserve when it was at a record high cost while he was in, a conflict of interest for the oil man way up there past things only alleged about Trump. Before that I figured I would've voted Ross Perot two times; I definitely hoped the U.S. could have a new party or two grow, but that seems further away than ever.

Dr.Brown 02-28-2018 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by becca (Post 1221041)
I definitely hoped the U.S. could have a new party or two grow, but that seems further away than ever.

I completely agree that the US is very poorly served by a two-party system. I had hoped that in 2016 Trump and Sanders would have been the two candidates to break up entrenched interests within both parties, perhaps permanently splintering them.

I was really disappointed however in how quickly Sanders caved at the Democratic primary convention even though he must have known there was massive fraud against him coming from the Clinton campaign during the primaries. I think Trump has ended up closer to the mark in upsetting the apple cart among the Republicans but still has a ways to go in that direction. IMHO, the less influence we see from "neo-Con" interventionists such as Bush/Cheney, McCain, Romney, etc., the better.

Jondalar 02-28-2018 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by becca (Post 1221041)
Thank you for those two replies Dr. Brown and Jondalar... it does help to see the thinking behind people's politics. I can certainly agree with being very happy with things Trump said about the whole 'pre-emptive war' Iraq invasion which Bush Jr. and Obama both signed on to. I did hear that Bush Jr. bought record amounts of oil for the U.S. reserve when it was at a record high cost while he was in, a conflict of interest for the oil man way up there past things only alleged about Trump. Before that I figured I would've voted Ross Perot two times; I definitely hoped the U.S. could have a new party or two grow, but that seems further away than ever.

Just an FYI about Mueller. His team of lawyers include 13 Democrats, 3 Independents and no Republicans. He is a man with a mission. That team is out to get Trump. However, after all this time they haven’t found Trump collusion with Russia. It just turning into a perjury investigation, anything to get the president, someway, somehow. The media has gotten huge ratings with Russian collusion stories but now they are even moving away from it.

Macfan4life 03-01-2018 01:57 PM

FISA Judge 1: Republican
FISA Judge 2: Republican
FISA Judge 3: Republican
FISA Judge 4: Republican
Robert Mueller: Republican
Rod Rosenstein: Republican
Attorney General: Republican
FBI Director: Republican
House: Republican
Senate: Republican

The Trump and Nunes conspiracy ;)
BTW I would imagine most FBI agents did not vote for Hillary Clinton and voted for Trump like all other law enforcement agencies

FuzzyPlum 03-01-2018 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Newzchspy (Post 1221040)
so, @fuzzyplum , its OK for HRC to steal a nomination away from Mr. Free Sh*T Bernie Sanders?? It works both ways.

Understand, it's not the MOST votes numerically in the USA that wins elections, its the most votes in the Electoral College states that matter. CA & NY always go Demo anymore, so in our system of checks and balances, we have to temper NY, CA and other liberal bastions with the middle and its ALWAYS the middle that wins elections. Like it or not, that's the way it works.

Yes, I know that. I didn't mean they literally stole an election. :confused:
You don't seem to have the most democratic example of democracy in the world though when the most popular candidate to the tune of 3 million votes (more than 2% of the electorate) loses- but that's another story.

Anyway, I see there were positive comments from your President regarding gun control yesterday. That's a step in the right direction. I'd be happy for you all if he manages to get something done- He's gone up one notch in my estimation, though the bar is still pretty low. Of course, he might speak to somebody else tomorrow and change his mind.

Jondalar 03-02-2018 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1221052)
Yes, I know that. I didn't mean they literally stole an election. :confused:
You don't seem to have the most democratic example of democracy in the world though when the most popular candidate to the tune of 3 million votes (more than 2% of the electorate) loses- but that's another story.

Thank god a lot of those Anchor Babies didn't move out of state like they were supposed to. California can grow and grow but electorially it doesn't matter.

Clinton didn't try real hard in the Rust Belt State like Wisconsin and Ohio out of arrogance and that's where she lost. It was her own fault. Plus, the Democrats screwed their strongest candidate, Bernie Sanders, out of the nomination. No one wants to take responsibility for losing. That's what all this Russia nonsense is about.

Jondalar 03-02-2018 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Macfan4life (Post 1221051)
FISA Judge 1: Republican
FISA Judge 2: Republican
FISA Judge 3: Republican
FISA Judge 4: Republican
Robert Mueller: Republican
Rod Rosenstein: Republican
Attorney General: Republican
FBI Director: Republican
House: Republican
Senate: Republican

The Trump and Nunes conspiracy ;)
BTW I would imagine most FBI agents did not vote for Hillary Clinton and voted for Trump like all other law enforcement agencies

Yeah, and the fake Dossier payed for by Clinton is why he is even being investigated by Mueller. Don't get me started on conspiracies. Clinton lied over and over again, deleted emails..... Lorretta Lynch on the tarmack with Bill Clinton.... nothing ever happened to her. The justice system protected her over and over again. The Clinton Foundation... Uranium.... Comey got sooo much crap from his own people for letting her off the hook that it backfired.

FuzzyPlum 03-02-2018 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1221059)
Yeah, and the fake Dossier payed for by Clinton is why he is even being investigated by Mueller. Don't get me started on conspiracies. Clinton lied over and over again, deleted emails..... Lorretta Lynch on the tarmack with Bill Clinton.... nothing ever happened to her. The justice system protected her over and over again. The Clinton Foundation... Uranium.... Comey got sooo much crap from his own people for letting her off the hook that it backfired.

Is that the investigation and resulting dossier that was first set up by conservatives to discredit Trump?
Anyway, the net is tightening- they're getting out while they still can and the canaries are singing.

elle 03-02-2018 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by iamnotafraid (Post 1221001)
Ever wonder how many minds we've
changed here by arguing?

At least I know I'm right.

i've been checking here from time to time, just out of curiosity. i have to say that i'm puzzled why people keep re-arguing what happened more than a year ago.

why not discuss current events? there's so much important stuff happening right now, including tax cuts, education, foreign policy, environment, immigration, gun control, healthcare, infrastructure (well doesn't seem like much is happening there) that all has consequences for both now and the future, yet all i read here is re-litigating something that's long over and done. :shrug:

Jondalar 03-02-2018 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by elle (Post 1221065)
i've been checking here from time to time, just out of curiosity. i have to say that i'm puzzled why people keep re-arguing what happened more than a year ago.

why not discuss current events? there's so much important stuff happening right now, including tax cuts, education, foreign policy, environment, immigration, gun control, healthcare, infrastructure (well doesn't seem like much is happening there) that all has consequences for both now and the future, yet all i read here is re-litigating something that's long over and done. :shrug:

Because the Democratic Party won't move on. They keep blaming their loss on the president and Russia and won't take any responsibility for their own mistakes. It's time to move on but they won't let it happen. It would mean they would actually have to admit to responsibility for their bad decision making. They also don't want to cater to the white working people in the Rust Belt to win back the votes they lost.

elle 03-02-2018 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1221070)
Because the Democratic Party won't move on. They keep blaming their loss on the president and Russia and won't take any responsibility for their own mistakes. It's time to move on but they won't let it happen. It would mean they would actually have to admit to responsibility for their bad decision making. They also don't want to cater to the white working people in the Rust Belt to win back the votes they lost.

that makes no sense. democratic party is completely irrelevant right now. they have no power whatsoever, so why would you pay any attention or worry about anything they say or do, or any candidates they had in the past and are long out of any kind of influence sphere.

Jondalar 03-02-2018 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by elle (Post 1221071)
that makes no sense. democratic party is completely irrelevant right now. they have no power whatsoever, so why would you pay any attention or worry about anything they say or do, or any candidates they had in the past and are long out of any kind of influence sphere.

It makes total sense. They are trying to get him impeached. They have from the beginning. All they want to do is disrupt his presidency. They are not treating him like a president. They are still upset over the election.

elle 03-02-2018 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1221072)
It makes total sense. They are trying to get him impeached. They have from the beginning.

they cannot impeach him. republicans have both the house and the senate.

again, democrats have no power. you are worrying about people without power and stuff that cannot happen, instead of making sure that people who are actually in power do what they promised they would do for you. like drain the swamp for example!

then again, as a FM fan i guess one is used to pondering about stuff that won't happen! :lol:

Macfan4life 03-02-2018 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1221059)
Yeah, and the fake Dossier payed for by Clinton is why he is even being investigated by Mueller. Don't get me started on conspiracies. Clinton lied over and over again, deleted emails..... Lorretta Lynch on the tarmack with Bill Clinton.... nothing ever happened to her. The justice system protected her over and over again. The Clinton Foundation... Uranium.... Comey got sooo much crap from his own people for letting her off the hook that it backfired.

That's actually false but its not me to try to prove anything to you. Google or do your own fact searching. The FBI investigation into the Trump campaign happened well before the Dossier. The Dossier was political research that stumbled upon Russian connections that was also reported to the FBI. However, the FBI already had an investigation going. On a side note, nothing in the Dossier has ever been proven to be false.
That is what Nunes wont tell you trying to fool everyone that the FBI investigation came only from the Dossier. That is wrong. As we learned from the Trump people who have pled guilty, the FBI investigation started with one guy's loose lips and bragging to other people.
Something that could help you in life is never trust just one news source. Do your own investigation. Never take something for granted that someone is spoon feeding you.

Macfan4life 03-02-2018 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1221052)
Yes, I know that. I didn't mean they literally stole an election. :confused:
You don't seem to have the most democratic example of democracy in the world though when the most popular candidate to the tune of 3 million votes (more than 2% of the electorate) loses- but that's another story.

Anyway, I see there were positive comments from your President regarding gun control yesterday. That's a step in the right direction. I'd be happy for you all if he manages to get something done- He's gone up one notch in my estimation, though the bar is still pretty low. Of course, he might speak to somebody else tomorrow and change his mind.

Our founders were brilliant men. But they were highly suspicious of common and ignorant men. When they created the government not only did they put checks and balances on all branches of government but they also created a check and balance on the people's power. For example only land owners were allowed to vote. The Congress they created was 2 houses. House of representatives elected by the people and the Senate where the Senators where appointed by the governors in each state. The Senate approves treaties, judges, etc. They wanted educated men in these positions so the elected power was not given to popular vote until 1917 when the constitution was changed to allow popular vote of Senators. The electoral college does many things but the most important thing it does is a chance for the college to over turn the popular vote in case the people voted for a flawed candidate. Its perfectly legal for any member of the electoral college to vote for anyone they want. However tradition is they vote the way their district does. But they are not bound by it at all. Many times over the years not all members of the electoral college vote for the president their district did. For example in 1988 one member did not vote for either major candidate for president. His one vote made no difference in the election and it was more of a protest vote. After the election of Trump many lobbied members of the electoral college not to vote for Trump. But most of the college voted how their district did which elected Trump.
The electoral college will be repealed in the next 50 years. Right now the rural states feel powerful but in about 20 years you can win the presidency by only winning 8 most popular states. You could win 42 states and still lose the presidency. Democrats are wimps lost 2 presidential elections in the last 25 years to the electoral college but winning the popular vote. If this happened once to Republicans, they would definitely move to abolish the electoral college. But once 8 or 9 states decide the presidency with the major cities, they will change their minds.

Jondalar 03-02-2018 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Macfan4life (Post 1221074)
That's actually false but its not me to try to prove anything to you. Google or do your own fact searching. The FBI investigation into the Trump campaign happened well before the Dossier. The Dossier was political research that stumbled upon Russian connections that was also reported to the FBI. However, the FBI already had an investigation going. On a side note, nothing in the Dossier has ever been proven to be false.
That is what Nunes wont tell you trying to fool everyone that the FBI investigation came only from the Dossier. That is wrong. As we learned from the Trump people who have pled guilty, the FBI investigation started with one guy's loose lips and bragging to other people.
Something that could help you in life is never trust just one news source. Do your own investigation. Never take something for granted that someone is spoon feeding you.

Well somebody has been reading Politico and taking whatever Adam Schiff says as gospel. Your research try’s to debunk how important the Clinton paid for Dossier was to getting the court to let them to spy on Trump. By the way, of course the FBI, and the Swamp in Washington DC were investigating Trump. All they have wanted to do from the beginning is discredit him. Just because they started investigation, doesn’t mean they are just. However they had the courts approval to spy on him because of the dossier.

Trump was not part of the swamp. He didn’t know enough about politics to rig an election. Clinton lied over and over again. Nothing ever happened to her. The Clintons dirty dealings are all over Washington.

elle 03-02-2018 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1221076)
Trump was not part of the swamp. He didn’t know enough about politics

wasn't that exactly his argument on why he can drain the swamp - because he knows it too well from being on the other side, from years of giving money to politicians to try to gain influence? so he'd be perfectly suited to drain the swamp, making sure that his decisions don't depend on who can give more money for something that may benefit him or his businesses since he's independently wealthy. i have not been following much lately, how's that been going?

Jondalar 03-03-2018 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by elle (Post 1221080)
wasn't that exactly his argument on why he can drain the swamp - because he knows it too well from being on the other side, from years of giving money to politicians to try to gain influence? so he'd be perfectly suited to drain the swamp, making sure that his decisions don't depend on who can give more money for something that may benefit him or his businesses since he's independently wealthy. i have not been following much lately, how's that been going?

No that wasn’t his argument. And your statement is full of negative twists against Trump. It’s going well.

FuzzyPlum 03-03-2018 02:10 AM

Drain the swamp?
From what I read Jared Kushner is single-handedly turning Washington DC into Louisiana.

Jondalar 03-03-2018 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1221085)
Drain the swamp?
From what I read Jared Kushner is single-handedly turning Washington DC into Louisiana.

You worry about the United States too much and CNN and the Huffington Post are more like terrorist organizations than media outlets. All they do is lie, racebait to try and incite and spread Fake News to further the Democratic agenda, which is now a socialist agenda. There is Fox News and then there is everything else. Most news organizations are just branches of the Democratic Party. FOX is soo popular because it's the only alternative.

FuzzyPlum 03-03-2018 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1221086)
You worry about the United States too much and CNN and the Huffington Post are more like terrorist organizations than media outlets. All they do is lie is try to incite and spread Fake News. There is Fox News and then there is everything else. Most news organizations are just branches of the Democratic Party. FOX is soo popular because it's the only alternative.

I must admit I do spend too much of my time following American political news but I can't help it... I find it intriguing and...well... entertaining. Its like watching a Shakespearean play- often tragic. often laughable, sometimes horrific.

Don't think I've ever read Huff Post and I rarely look at CNN. I mostly read British newspapers online; Independent and The Guardian. I'll also admit to being addicted to openly left wingers like TYT, Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert.

Fox News and then everything else; there are normal views and regular opinions, and then there are extreme views as pushed by Fox. That Fox is one of the very few major news outlets that push such a far right wing agenda should tell you all you need to know. There is a reason why the much maligned 'mainstream media' are called the mainstream.

jwd 03-03-2018 12:25 PM

elle 03-04-2018 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1221084)
No that wasn’t his argument. And your statement is full of negative twists against Trump. It’s going well.

i have no idea what are you reading into my post, but there're no negative twists in it.

about that whole draining the swamp and him stating he's the best man to do it and why, i'm too lazy to but i'm sure with a bit of googling you will find videos of him saying that - and i'm surprised you think what he said was negative, i would think that's one of the things people liked about him.

it's going well is not telling me anything.

Jondalar 03-05-2018 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by elle (Post 1221094)
i have no idea what are you reading into my post, but there're no negative twists in it.

about that whole draining the swamp and him stating he's the best man to do it and why, i'm too lazy to but i'm sure with a bit of googling you will find videos of him saying that - and i'm surprised you think what he said was negative, i would think that's one of the things people liked about him.

it's going well is not telling me anything.

He has gotten rid of most of the Obama administration and Clinton lackeys. There are lots more of deep state to go. He has to work on lobbyist too. Term limits would help. He has been doing well with replacing judges. Trump was not part of Washington. That's why he best to do it and why he is NOT part of the Russian Collusion. The man would not even know how to collude to win the election. He was never a politician. That is one reason people voted for him. The Deep State (the swamp) wants him gone.

elle 03-05-2018 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Jondalar (Post 1221099)
He has gotten rid of most of the Obama administration and Clinton lackeys. There are lots more of deep state to go. He has to work on lobbyist too. Term limits would help. He has been doing well with replacing judges. Trump was not part of Washington. That's why he best to do it and why he is NOT part of the Russian Collusion. The man would not even know how to collude to win the election. He was never a politician. That is one reason people voted for him. The Deep State (the swamp) wants him gone.

thanks for responding. very interesting.

i always thought that by draining the swamp people meant getting rid of special interests, lobbyists and influence of big money in politics, and doing what's actually good for the country and the people.

f i understand correctly you seem to have a very different definition - getting rid of non-partisan carrier public service people. like the ones who are supposed to be keeping special interests and big money in check. however, i may misinterpreting what you are saying since i have no idea what "deep state" is supposed to mean. :shrug:

SisterNightroad 03-08-2018 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1221087)
I must admit I do spend too much of my time following American political news but I can't help it... I find it intriguing and...well... entertaining. Its like watching a Shakespearean play- often tragic. often laughable, sometimes horrific.

Don't think I've ever read Huff Post and I rarely look at CNN. I mostly read British newspapers online; Independent and The Guardian. I'll also admit to being addicted to openly left wingers like TYT, Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert.

Fox News and then everything else; there are normal views and regular opinions, and then there are extreme views as pushed by Fox. That Fox is one of the very few major news outlets that push such a far right wing agenda should tell you all you need to know. There is a reason why the much maligned 'mainstream media' are called the mainstream.

I've just returned from a week without wifi and I've suddenly remembered about an English paper called Savage that was recommended by famous writer Roberto Saviano a few months ago for its knowledge about Italy's economic and political history, can you tell me something about it?

In the same article he was also praising another American magazine called Jacobin and the writer David Broder in particular that writes for both papers if anyone of you knows them.

FuzzyPlum 03-08-2018 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by SisterNightroad (Post 1221147)
I've just returned from a week without wifi and I've suddenly remembered about an English paper called Savage that was recommended by famous writer Roberto Saviano a few months ago for its knowledge about Italy's economic and political history, can you tell me something about it?

In the same article he was also praising another American magazine called Jacobin and the writer David Broder in particular that writes for both papers if anyone of you knows them.

Sorry, I've never heard of either of them. Tried googling Savage and cant seem to find anything. Found Jacobin- looks like a very socialist American paper.

FuzzyPlum 03-08-2018 05:48 PM

Great- an international trade war on the way. Well done Don you 5 year old pillock.
There was me thinking US republicans were all for laissez-faire economics.
Does nobody any good...anywhere. :shrug:

SisterNightroad 03-08-2018 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1221148)
Sorry, I've never heard of either of them. Tried googling Savage and cant seem to find anything. Found Jacobin- looks like a very socialist American paper.

Sorry, I've misspelled, I meant SaLvage!

Dr.Brown 03-08-2018 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum (Post 1221150)
Great- an international trade war on the way. Well done Don you 5 year old pillock.
There was me thinking US republicans were all for laissez-faire economics.
Does nobody any good...anywhere. :shrug:

An international trade war "on the way"? What do you think has been going on for decades to our detriment? Why do you think everything seems to be made in China today? Previous administrations have looked the other way as countries have unilaterally imposed strict controls and duties on American imports.

Elon Musk (not exactly a "5 year old pillock") pointed out that China imposes a 25% duty on all American cars imported into China while we impose only a 2.5% duty on imported Chinese cars - a tenfold difference! He also noted that US companies cannot own more than a 50% share of any Chinese auto factory while there are five 100% Chinese-owned auto factories within the US. Does this sound particularly "laissez-faire"?

Jondalar 03-08-2018 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Dr.Brown (Post 1221154)
An international trade war "on the way"? What do you think has been going on for decades to our detriment? Why do you think everything seems to be made in China today? Previous administrations have looked the other way as countries have unilaterally imposed strict controls and duties on American imports.

Elon Musk (not exactly a "5 year old pillock") pointed out that China imposes a 25% duty on all American cars imported into China while we impose only a 2.5% duty on imported Chinese cars - a tenfold difference! He also noted that US companies cannot own more than a 50% share of any Chinese auto factory while there are five 100% Chinese-owned auto factories within the US. Does this sound particularly "laissez-faire"?

Trump is doing the right thing. The media is always going to put a negative spin on everything he does and liberals will always spread their gospel, which isn’t truth at all. Finally, someone is looking out for America. Of course foreigners aren’t going to like it. They are not going to benefit from it. They want to turn our country into a third world hellhole so they can feel superior. They lost their power long ago.

The liberal media and Democrats are so insane they are willing to create a Cold War with Russia because they lost the election.Democrats aren't simply the pro-immigration party. They've become the anti-border party. The party opposed to citizenship itself. They don't want the border secured. They oppose the deportation of anyone, under any circumstances, even criminal offenses.

We need Trump to put a stop to this madness. And let’s beat China at their own game, while taking back America.

FuzzyPlum 03-09-2018 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Dr.Brown (Post 1221154)
An international trade war "on the way"? What do you think has been going on for decades to our detriment? Why do you think everything seems to be made in China today? Previous administrations have looked the other way as countries have unilaterally imposed strict controls and duties on American imports.

Elon Musk (not exactly a "5 year old pillock") pointed out that China imposes a 25% duty on all American cars imported into China while we impose only a 2.5% duty on imported Chinese cars - a tenfold difference! He also noted that US companies cannot own more than a 50% share of any Chinese auto factory while there are five 100% Chinese-owned auto factories within the US. Does this sound particularly "laissez-faire"?

If the US needs to put tariffs on imports from individual countries then that's fine, but its madness to impose tariffs across the board. Now all countries will all revert to protectionism. This will fuel inflation in the US (and other countries) and be bad for you guys overall....shooting yourselves in the foot. The EU is targeting Harley Davidson, Levi's, bourbon etc. This is clever as price rises on those products mean people in Europe will likely just buy other products/brands. In the US you cant avoid buying steel and aluminium so you'll still have to buy more expensive US steel and aluminium making everything you make more expensive and more difficult to sell abroad. Madness. Sad!

Jondalar 03-18-2018 02:02 PM

Whatever the case, America cannot become like Europe, a continent that is allowing it’s people to be displaced. A place that is allowed to have healthcare because of the United States military. What happens when America is no longer their sugar daddy. They are committing suicide. Muslims aren’t assimilating to Europe. Europe is assimilating to Muslims. The history that Europe has prided itself on will be gone like the statues in America that the Left has managed to take down. When you’re little girls have to wear turbans and get acid in thrown in their face then tell everyone how great Europe is.

Jondalar 03-19-2018 02:55 PM

This video talks about the Russian collusion and surprise it comes from real, objective liberals. Watch if you want to learn something instead of that crap being put out there by the bought and paid for media.

becca 03-20-2018 04:30 PM

U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the following statement today on President Trump congratulating Vladimir Putin on his “election” victory:

“An American president does not lead the Free World by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections. And by doing so with Vladimir Putin, President Trump insulted every Russian citizen who was denied the right to vote in a free and fair election to determine their country's future, including the countless Russian patriots who have risked so much to protest and resist Putin's regime."

Jondalar 03-21-2018 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by becca (Post 1221286)
U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, released the following statement today on President Trump congratulating Vladimir Putin on his “election” victory:

“An American president does not lead the Free World by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections. And by doing so with Vladimir Putin, President Trump insulted every Russian citizen who was denied the right to vote in a free and fair election to determine their country's future, including the countless Russian patriots who have risked so much to protest and resist Putin's regime."

No surprise there. John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Jeff Flake have done nothing but try to hurt Trump.

It’s funny. Hillary admittedly paid Russia for dirt on Trump and doesn’t get charged with collusion. She also profited from selling a bunch of uranium to Russia but doesn’t get charged with anything. Janet Lynch and Obama knew that Russia was meddling with our elections but stopped the investigation. Why, because Russia has always screwed with our elections but they didn’t think Hillary would lose. America is no angel and has interfered with other country’s elections.

As far as Russia is concerned, it’s absolutely pathetic that Democrats are willing to start another Cold War or possibly World War 3 with Russia instead of admitting their mistakes from the election. The mainstream news media is just deep state puppets and they are ramping things up.

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