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gretchen 03-26-2009 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by BTFLCHLD (Post 809592)
BOLT :thumbsup:

I wat to see that! It looks so cute!

David 03-26-2009 03:39 PM

"Calcutta" - Malle

I watched half of "Phantom India" but I got bored, so I switched over to "Calcutta"

Zombie 03-26-2009 05:40 PM

Let's see - in the last week:

Slumdog Millionaire - god bless you, Danny Boyle, for being so freakin' versatile.

No Country for Old Men - I was wary, because I am a major Cormac McCarthy disciple, but the Coens did okay.

Burn After Reading - Was not earth-shaking, but was fun - also, John Malkovich with a hatchet? Yes please.

Audition - I always use this film to introduce the uninitiated to the wonders of Miike. Good times, good times. :lol:

Not a movie, but I also watched some Carnivale, because I never get tired of the brilliance that was that show.

iamnotafraid 03-27-2009 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Zombie (Post 809775)
Not a movie, but I also watched some Carnivale, because I never get tired of the brilliance that was that show.

If you're talking about HBO's Carnivale, I totally agree.
I wish they would bring Carnivale and Deadwood back
for at least one more season.

Zombie 03-27-2009 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by iamnotafraid (Post 810031)
If you're talking about HBO's Carnivale, I totally agree.
I wish they would bring Carnivale and Deadwood back
for at least one more season.

Yes, the very one. So brilliant.

It won't come back, I don't think, but I wish it would. It breaks my heart we only got 2 seasons. To me, that show is an example of what TV can be when it tries.

I'm not as crazy over Deadwood, but that was a great show, too - I think it's easier to get over the loss of that one because if you want to know what happened, you can go read it in a book. Not the same for Brother Justin & Ben. Sigh.

iamnotafraid 03-29-2009 07:34 PM

more DVD's......

Pride And Glory, Good movie. Some of it's hard to watch.
Edward Norton and Colin Farrell did a good job on this movie.

The House Bunny, that laughter I hear??? Okay,
I admit it, I like Anna Faris. But even she couldn't make this movie
worth watching (shocking I know).

iamnotafraid 04-02-2009 05:38 AM


The Mummy, Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor, why did I even....?

Traitor, Pretty good, borrowed too much from Bourne and Bond.

Sophie's Choice, Great movie, Meryl Streep's best work.

GoldDustOrphan 04-03-2009 11:05 AM

Perkins 14 - garbage
From Within - Has witches in it, so I felt obliged.
Marley & Me - Cute dogs. I was forced.
The Children - Children who kill, which proves what I've known all along.
Fritt Vilt 2 - Decent follow-up.

GODDESS6 04-03-2009 11:58 AM

'twilight' for the 57th time:o~

skcin 04-03-2009 01:16 PM

Milk. Great story, acting was fantastic. Movie was boring as hell though. :sorry:

Liza 04-04-2009 04:58 PM

Blood Diamond - brilliant film, quite brutal but opens your eyes to what actually goes on in Africa, and makes you think twice about wanting a diamond!! Good watch.

Ghost_Tracker 04-05-2009 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by JazmenFlowers (Post 809506)
I have the trilogy. everyone was in awe that I had not ever seen it so I got it. I've only watched the first one and it was good...long, but good. I still don't really get it I guess.

So far I've seen the Godfather Part 1 and about half of Part 2.
I like them both a lot but I don't see "what the big deal is" either -
I wouldn't put them on my list of "best movies ever made" the
way many fans do. I liked the acting, though.

GODDESS6 04-05-2009 01:30 PM

beverly hill chihuahua~ hey, i have a kid~ the movie was super cute~

fleetwoodtrick 04-05-2009 01:39 PM

Ping Pong Playa

OMFG, it was freaking HILARIOUS!

fleetwoodtrick 04-06-2009 08:32 PM

Forrest Gump is on now. They just played the part w GYOW.

Forrest was run-ning. :wavey:

Richard B 04-06-2009 09:01 PM

Recent movies I watched (mostly on blu-ray):

Let The Right One In
Best film of 2008
Turned out better than I thought it would be and Ben Kingsley and Penelope Cruz are very believable.
Slumdog Millionaire
Pretty good, not sure it is worth Best Picture. Kudos for truly depicting India as the filthy cess pool it is. The big cities are really dirty.
Cute, but typical Disney fare.
This is just plain fun and kind of freaky.
Night Watch
Day Watch

Both these films are high-speed, non-stop Russian weirdness. Love them both. Looks fab on blu too.
Tell No One
Awesome thriller from France.

sara1998 04-08-2009 07:47 PM

Hi guys! Been a while, huh?

Funny, I was on vacation last week, and watched a boat load of movies. Sara and I have been wanting to watch The Boy in the Striped Pajamas for the longest time now. Wasn't too bad. The ending was surprising and bittersweet. We weren't disappointed. Samantha and I both love Coming to America... oldie but a goodie. I made her watch Mississippi Burning, which has always been a favorite of mine. Anyhow, back to the new ones... Mall Cop was a let down. Didn't enjoy that one too much at all. Bride Wars was another let down in my opinion. Both just weren't as funny as I expected.

GoldDustOrphan 04-09-2009 01:18 AM


Let The Right One In
Best film of 2008

This is just plain fun and kind of freaky.
I agree, Let the Right One In was my favorite film of 2008. The film made dozens of top ten/critic's lists. Unfortunately, the just-released U.S. DVD features a new Americanized translation, different from what played in theaters. The company that released the DVD has responded to heavy protest and is releasing the original English subtitles. The "new" version added sex jokes, etc. Still, a full U.S. remake is coming from the director of Cloverfield. Let the Right One In is one of the greatest vampire films. It starts out somewhat dry, but let it work it's dark magic.

Quarantine is a near shot-for-shot remake (right down to set design) of the 2008 Spanish horror film [REC], which is short for "record." [REC] 2 is coming. Sony is finally releasing [REC] on DVD later this year. It's a tighter film than the U.S. remake, which is 15 minutes longer than the Spanish version, which is a gripping 75 minutes.

DavidMn 04-09-2009 02:35 AM

Just watched Undercover Brother tonight. Not the greatest acting, but it gave me a good laugh. Of course the best line is "You mess with the fro', you got to go.":laugh::laugh:

Cornflake Girl 04-10-2009 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by GODDESS6 (Post 812815)
beverly hill chihuahua~ hey, i have a kid~ the movie was super cute~

:laugh: Having a kid is such a great excuse to watch films like that, I love babysitting for that exact reason.

The last film I watched was The Waitress, I bought it because it was cheap and I remembered reading a review where it was compared to Amelie. It's not quite as good or thought-provoking but still a cute movie.

GODDESS6 04-10-2009 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Cornflake Girl (Post 814038)
:laugh: Having a kid is such a great excuse to watch films like that, I love babysitting for that exact reason.

The last film I watched was The Waitress, I bought it because it was cheap and I remembered reading a review where it was compared to Amelie. It's not quite as good or thought-provoking but still a cute movie.

i run a home daycare, they give me an excuse to see all the good kiddie movies~

LikeAWillow 04-10-2009 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by GODDESS6 (Post 812234)
'twilight' for the 57th time:o~

I watched it with a bunch of friends last night- it's a horrible movie but it's so entertaining.

I can't wait to watch it again :o

Nico 04-10-2009 08:33 PM

The Philadelphia Story. I love great old movies.

Beachwood Mac 04-10-2009 09:59 PM


Meryl Streep, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Adams and the rest of the cast were phenomenal. The movie was about an hour and 45 minutes long and ended too quickly. All that great dialogue and drama and the ending made it seem like the bell rang and everyone had to go home before they could figure out how to end the movie.

desertangel 04-11-2009 01:06 AM

I've watched more movies in the last week than I have in the last 5 years... thanks to a bad back. I discovered the cheap-o section at Target and picked up some oldies but goodies...

Love Story
The Way We Were
Annie Hall
All the Presidents Men
Blue Hawaii
Car Wash
After Hours
American Grafitti
Wild Guitar

Miss Vicky 04-18-2009 10:08 AM

Doubt - Amazing film with great performances all around and a script that will not allow you to sit back and be a casual observer. As for the way it ended, I'm not sure how anybody could really expect to get answers from a movie called Doubt. Sister Aloysius had her suspicions but no solid proof to support them and the viewer is left with the same.

The Tale Of Desperaux - Cute and far more cheery than the novel on which it's based, but a bit disjointed.

Changeling - A bit disappointing actually. Good performances and a strong cast, with a fair amount of suspense, but it just didn't grab me the way I'd hoped it would.

State Of Play - Lots of action, suspense and a surprising amount of humor. Russell Crowe turns in a great performance and, as usual, commands the screen.

Next Up: The Reader

David 04-18-2009 11:26 AM

"Bombshell" -- Harlow, Tracy, Tone
Lots of engaging yelling & stomping of feet in the '30s manner, but not much charm. Even Lee Tracy slightly grates. Best scene: Orphanage adoption representatives visit the big Hollywood star in her mansion & craziness ensues.

desertangel 04-18-2009 08:23 PM

Memphis Belle with Matthew Modine. Story about WWII B17 crew on their 25th and last mission over Germany. Based on a true story. Nicely done.

bellagypsy79 04-18-2009 08:53 PM

This movie isn't on DVD yet but I just got done watching it now on HBO....."Grey Gardens". Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange were outstanding! Barrymore, I see a Golden Globe win for her in the next year to come! Did anyone else watch it? I loved it!

strandinthewind 04-18-2009 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by bellagypsy79 (Post 815776)
This movie isn't on DVD yet but I just got done watching it now on HBO....."Grey Gardens". Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange were outstanding! Barrymore, I see a Golden Globe win for her in the next year to come! Did anyone else watch it? I loved it!

It was fantastic. I saw the play on Broadway and remember the doc. I felt so sorry for Little Edie and, in a way, for Big Edie. Interestingly, it appears the South does not have exclusive rights to faded beauty stuck on a plantation per Tennessee Williams :eek:

BTFLCHLD 04-18-2009 09:35 PM

marley and me...tearjerker
seven pounds...I wasn't sure if I'd like this based on another's opinion but I was pleasantly surprised...touching.

mylittledemon 04-18-2009 09:56 PM

I watched Batman (the 1989 Tim Burton one) and V For Vendetta. Both on BluRay. Both looked superb.

rubytuesday 04-19-2009 01:51 AM

Easy Virtue, The Boy in the Striped Pjyamas, and I saw Bottle Shock.

iamnotafraid 04-27-2009 07:11 PM

A few more over the past couple of weeks.....

Let The Right One In. This will scare you! The English over-dubs
were horrible. Pretty good vampire movie.......FREAKY.

The Duchess. Rented this for someone else, but it was good if you
like these period pieces.

Jewel, The Essential Live Songbook Disc 1 & 2. These two concerts
are absolutely great. Joe Thomas produced these Soundstage concerts. If
you think he did a good job with Stevie Nicks, watch these and you'll wonder
why couldn't Stevie's have been released this way. Two seperate concerts,
interview and bonus video. And the Blu-ray version includes extra concert
video recorded at Red Rocks (I believe). I'll be buying the Blu-ray version.

Nick And Norah's Infinite Playlist. Liked the two main actors, but the
movie was pretty lame.

Role Models. Why did I waste my time. Very crude movie as one
would expect.

Rachel Getting Married. One bad movie. Has Anne Hathaway been
in a good movie???

The Road Home. Pretty good movie if you don't mind reading subtitles.

Ladies And Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains. Somehow I had missed this
movie, as it was made in 1982(?). I liked it, kind of a Pat Benatar, Blondie, and
Go Go's type theme. Plus I like Diane Lane.

The Last Word. Winona Ryder stars in this one. It was an interesting
movie, very different. But they lost what made the movie stand out as being
different and went with a Hollywood ending. Why?!!

The Wrestler. Very good movie. Mickey Rourke does a wonderful job
with this role.

Cadillac Records. Very good movie. Great music. They get the dates
(years) wrong in some parts of the movie, but overall it doesn't hurt the movie.

Step Brothers. Some funny parts, but very crude.

My Best Friend's Girl. A big waste of time. I wonder if Dane Cook could
go 5 minutes without cursing? Kate Hudson should have passed on this one.

Too many movies, now back to my guitar......

estranged4life 05-05-2009 08:59 PM

"Still Waiting..." (The sequel to "...Waiting") - Not as good as the first movie

"Zack and Miri (Make a Porno)" - By far the funniest movie I have seen since "Clerks 2" (Add to the fact I see alot of Debbie's personality, along with my own, in this movie - She'd loved it!)

desertangel 05-06-2009 07:47 PM

still stuck in that time warp...

Alice's Restaurant
A Summer Place

JWS 05-06-2009 11:09 PM

"A Night at the Opera"....Marx Brothers

iamnotafraid 05-07-2009 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by JWS (Post 819319)
"A Night at the Opera"....Marx Brothers

That's a great movie!

David 05-07-2009 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by iamnotafraid (Post 819326)
That's (A Night at the Opera) a great movie!

I love that movie, too, notafraid!

And last night I watched Duck Soup, & Female with Ruth Chatterton.

tuigirl 05-07-2009 04:16 PM

youngest wanted to go see 17 again...what a loada twaddle...most cringeworthy film I've seen in ages..(unless ur a Zac fan, in which case you'll drool,esp when he steps out of his new car and onto school campus....nice shades..very cool leather jacket and white t-shirt)
The new Harry Potter trailer looked more interesting!

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