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skcin 09-27-2006 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by carrie721 (Post 575576)
holla. reporting for duty in food thread #9837483! :laugh:

my car is broken, so i haven't been getting to the gym. i've been walking a lot, but that's not the same. i'm going to go for a bike ride today. i've been doing really awesome food-wise. i mean, i'm almost shocked at how well i'm doing. it's been two full months now, and i really don't even need to think about what to eat anymore. yeah, i'm pretty much awesome. :laugh: i don't know how much i weigh at this point, since i haven't been to the gym, but my jeans are falling off of my ass :laugh: . seriously, i went to macy's yesterday to buy a jacket, and i couldn't keep them up and i felt like a douchebag. oh! AND the lady at the counter totally complimented me on my outfit. ok, they have to do shiz like that, but i did look cute (except for the falling down pants. lol.).

uh, to summarize: i've never felt this good about myself. and i'm glad everyone else is doing well, too. oh, jaz, i'm glad you're doing a run/walk program. i just read this the other day and thought of you.

That? Is awesome, and you ARE awesome! :thumbsup: It's such a relief when you get to the point of not having to count every little calorie or point or carb or whatever. You just know you can have such & such, or that you shouldn't have this or that. Good for you.

I've also recently realized that my pants are falling down. :o I mean, that's good but it looks like I don't know how to dress myself. The crotch on all my khakis is hanging way too low, and jeans are too baggy. Great, now I'm in better shape but I look like an A-Hole. :rolleyes:

carrie721 09-27-2006 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by skcin (Post 575689)
That? Is awesome, and you ARE awesome! :thumbsup: It's such a relief when you get to the point of not having to count every little calorie or point or carb or whatever. You just know you can have such & such, or that you shouldn't have this or that. Good for you.

I've also recently realized that my pants are falling down. :o I mean, that's good but it looks like I don't know how to dress myself. The crotch on all my khakis is hanging way too low, and jeans are too baggy. Great, now I'm in better shape but I look like an A-Hole. :rolleyes:

thanks paula. maybe you and i can start a droopy-pants-on-chicks look? yeah, didn't think so. :laugh:

speaking of a-holes, i'm so mad. my mom always has to find some way to devalue any accomplishment of mine. we were talking about nutrition and shiz, and i keep trying to get her to overhaul her diet with me, and she was like, yeah, it's great what you're doing, but you have so much extra time on your hands (because i'm not going to school this semester), and you have more extra income than i do (not true), it's just so easy for you to blah blah blah. whatever, it's going to piss me off way too much to go into it. :mad: :mad: :mad: but there's the jist. my mom's a succubus. :lol:

SuzeQuze 09-27-2006 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by carrie721 (Post 575726)
thanks paula. maybe you and i can start a droopy-pants-on-chicks look? yeah, didn't think so. :laugh:

speaking of a-holes, i'm so mad. my mom always has to find some way to devalue any accomplishment of mine. we were talking about nutrition and shiz, and i keep trying to get her to overhaul her diet with me, and she was like, yeah, it's great what you're doing, but you have so much extra time on your hands (because i'm not going to school this semester), and you have more extra income than i do (not true), it's just so easy for you to blah blah blah. whatever, it's going to piss me off way too much to go into it. :mad: :mad: :mad: but there's the jist. my mom's a succubus. :lol:

Ahh, you have one of those too, huh? My Mom has every excuse in the book for why she doesn't take care of herself. She always has. It is hard to exercise and eat right no matter what your schedule is! If anything, the less busy you are, the harder it is to watch what you eat!

Paula, my pants are falling off too. :lol:

carrie721 09-27-2006 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by SuzeQuze (Post 575732)
Ahh, you have one of those too, huh? My Mom has every excuse in the book for why she doesn't take care of herself. She always has. It is hard to exercise and eat right no matter what your schedule is! If anything, the less busy you are, the harder it is to watch what you eat!

Paula, my pants are falling off too. :lol:

ita. my mom went on and on, listening every (self-perpetuated) excuse for why she is SO much busier than everyone else she knows who can take care of themselves, and then she started crying, making me look like a big bad jackass who was telling her she couldn't eat hohos anymore and had to eat flaxmeal for the rest of her life. WAH.

the fashion industry is going to make a lot of money off of us as we drop all this weight. :cool:

skcin 09-27-2006 03:58 PM

Moms. Thank God mine isn't like that. I mean, she's not healthy & doesn't exercise & eat right, but she doesn't make me feel bad that I do it. She's proud of me, and makes no excuses for why she's overweight - she's lazy & likes to eat. :D

SuzeQuze 09-27-2006 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by carrie721 (Post 575735)
ita. my mom went on and on, listening every (self-perpetuated) excuse for why she is SO much busier than everyone else she knows who can take care of themselves, and then she started crying, making me look like a big bad jackass who was telling her she couldn't eat hohos anymore and had to eat flaxmeal for the rest of her life. WAH.

the fashion industry is going to make a lot of money off of us as we drop all this weight. :cool:

She cried? Damn. My Mom loves the self-pity party but I don't think I could make her cry. Maybe. But your Mom is just being manipulative. Her feelings about herself aren't your problem. Who's the Mom here, right?

Lately I've been like a drill seargent to my mom, "JUST GET MOVING" because I worry about her. She's getting so heavy and unhealthy. :( She's got sleep apnea now so she really has an excuse. It's driving me batty. It's funny because I used to do all the same stuff, make excuses, she taught me well, but now that I have figured out how to think differently I have little patience for her. Frustrating!

carrie721 09-27-2006 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by SuzeQuze (Post 575739)
She cried? Damn. My Mom loves the self-pity party but I don't think I could make her cry. Maybe. But your Mom is just being manipulative. Her feelings about herself aren't your problem. Who's the Mom here, right?

Lately I've been like a drill seargent to my mom, "JUST GET MOVING" because I worry about her. She's getting so heavy and unhealthy. :( She's got sleep apnea now so she really has an excuse. It's driving me batty. It's funny because I used to do all the same stuff, make excuses, she taught me well, but now that I have figured out how to think differently I have little patience for her. Frustrating!

me too. much to my mother's chagrin, 5 yrs of therapy did me a world of good. my mom hates my (miracle worker of a) shrink. i, too, used to make excuses constantly, but i've snapped out of it. i'm not so sure my mom can or will do the same.

DavidMn 09-27-2006 05:09 PM

Well for me, I need to overhaul my eating habits for sure. On the good side, I try to walk at least 5-10 miles a week.

carrie721 09-27-2006 10:31 PM

has anyone here used resistance bands for weight training? i decided not to renew my gym membership for next month because a) i'm cheap, b) i'm super miserly with my time, and it takes too long to drive there, wait for machines, etc, and c) my car is broken and right now, i don't care if it gets fixed (see point a). i'm looking for alternatives to machines & hand weights since i don't have any machines and hand weights can be expensive. aaanyway, i bought some resistance bands today. i tried them out and got a great upper body workout and probably the best core workout i've ever done, but not so much with the lower body. any suggestions? it doesn't really have to involve the resistance bands, i just want to make sure i'm not neglecting my legs.

strandinthewind 09-27-2006 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by carrie721 (Post 575861)
has anyone here used resistance bands for weight training? i decided not to renew my gym membership for next month because a) i'm cheap, b) i'm super miserly with my time, and it takes too long to drive there, wait for machines, etc, and c) my car is broken and right now, i don't care if it gets fixed (see point a). i'm looking for alternatives to machines & hand weights since i don't have any machines and hand weights can be expensive. aaanyway, i bought some resistance bands today. i tried them out and got a great upper body workout and probably the best core workout i've ever done, but not so much with the lower body. any suggestions? it doesn't really have to involve the resistance bands, i just want to make sure i'm not neglecting my legs.

The bands are cool and you can use them on all joints - at least we do in this aeorbics I take. You will never bulk up on bands, but they are cool for girls as they generally do not want bulk.

amber 09-27-2006 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by carrie721 (Post 575861)
has anyone here used resistance bands for weight training? i decided not to renew my gym membership for next month because a) i'm cheap, b) i'm super miserly with my time, and it takes too long to drive there, wait for machines, etc, and c) my car is broken and right now, i don't care if it gets fixed (see point a). i'm looking for alternatives to machines & hand weights since i don't have any machines and hand weights can be expensive. aaanyway, i bought some resistance bands today. i tried them out and got a great upper body workout and probably the best core workout i've ever done, but not so much with the lower body. any suggestions? it doesn't really have to involve the resistance bands, i just want to make sure i'm not neglecting my legs.

Yeah, I got some. The legs/resistance mostly comes in from doing various squats while using the bands. But various squats are hard enough without the bands, so you could do that. There's the leg in front kind (not to hard, but great for the butt) then the legs side by side (hella hard, and easy to have improper form). For an alternate to legs side by side, you can do wall sits, which are hella hard as well, but don't do as much for the ol' assaroo. 90 degree angle with your legs, and just stand there with your back against the wall. A minute is hard. :laugh: Then you can do calf raises, which is just up on your toes, and down, for a certain number of times, however many sets each. I like to hold my hand weights when I do calf raises, bands might be good, too. Also, I got my hand weights for 10 at Walgreen's, if you hit a cheap store you might be able to find some. :)

carrie721 09-27-2006 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by strandinthewind (Post 575869)
The bands are cool and you can use them on all joints - at least we do in this aeorbics I take. You will never bulk up on bands, but they are cool for girls as they generally do not want bulk.

hmm. i don't really mind bulk, as long as it's muscle bulk. hmm. now i'm a little perplexed.

carrie721 09-27-2006 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by amber (Post 575872)
Yeah, I got some. The legs/resistance mostly comes in from doing various squats while using the bands. But various squats are hard enough without the bands, so you could do that. There's the leg in front kind (not to hard, but great for the butt) then the legs side by side (hella hard, and easy to have improper form). For an alternate to legs side by side, you can do wall sits, which are hella hard as well. 90 degree angle with your legs, and just stand there with your back against the wall. A minute is hard. :laugh: Then you can do calf raises, which is just up on your toes, and down, for a certain number of times, however many sets each. I like to hold my hand weights when I do calf raises, bands might be good, too. Also, I got my hand weights for 10 at Walgreen's, if you hit a cheap store you might be able to find some. :)

ok sweet :xoxo: . i'll have to try these. i actually have a pair of 8 lb. weights, which are good for me for delt exercises, but not for biceps or triceps or anything else. and actually, i was doing calf raises w/ the bands earlier, just to try it out, and it worked pretty well. :thumbsup:

now i'm sad because i have to ride my bike a lot tomorrow, and it's supposed to thunderstorm all day. :rolleyes:

amber 09-27-2006 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by carrie721 (Post 575884)
ok sweet :xoxo: . i'll have to try these. i actually have a pair of 8 lb. weights, which are good for me for delt exercises, but not for biceps or triceps or anything else. and actually, i was doing calf raises w/ the bands earlier, just to try it out, and it worked pretty well. :thumbsup:

now i'm sad because i have to ride my bike a lot tomorrow, and it's supposed to thunderstorm all day. :rolleyes:

Um...eight should be plenty. :confused: I use 10. They're kinda heavy. actually, per arm, I guess adding two lbs is quite a bit. But you should still use them for the ones you said you don't use them for - it can't be that light for you. :confused:

Yeah, you know, if you go out and buy a Shape magazine, you'll probably find some proper form for squats thing. It's important to use proper form, else you won't get a workout, or you'll hurt your knees, or blah.
Sorry about your thunderstorm.

carrie721 09-27-2006 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by amber (Post 575890)
Um...eight should be plenty. :confused: I use 10. They're kinda heavy. actually, per arm, I guess adding two lbs is quite a bit. But you should still use them for the ones you said you don't use them for - it can't be that light for you. :confused:

they're not terribly light, i guess, but i think i got used to doing weights at the gym, and hitting failure after 6 or 7 reps or whatever.


Yeah, you know, if you go out and buy a Shape magazine, you'll probably find some proper form for squats thing. It's important to use proper form, else you won't get a workout, or you'll hurt your knees, or blah.
Sorry about your thunderstorm.
cool. i actually think i have a mag around here somewhere that has those exercises in it. i should find it ...

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