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Old 10-07-2018, 12:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Feather Blade View Post
Thank you for posting them here where the moderators say they belong.
You are most welcome.
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Old 10-07-2018, 12:42 PM
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Originally Posted by vivfox View Post
Exactly the answer I was expecting from you but was HOPING for a different response.
It isn't a contest at all. But anytime I see that I posted the same thing another member already posted, I delete mine. It's just a common courtesy.
I thought I Got You was awesome. This is the first time I've seen a full clip of Black Magic Woman and Hypnotized, both great. I loved he way everyone was singing to Don't Dream It's Over. Now if someone would just post some of Chris's songs...
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Old 10-07-2018, 12:51 PM
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Finally some Chris material... Say You Love Me
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Don't Stop
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Waiting on Isn't It Midnight and All Over Again to come through... her voice definitely sounds a little weak, but considering her age that is to be expected. It's definitely not displeasing to the ear though! Love her to death and glad she's still trucking
"I am just one small part of forever" -Think About It (The song that got me into Stevie Nicks)

"The face of a pretty girl x1,000,000" -Isn't It Midnight (The song that got me into Christine McVie)

"The sun is bright, but not too bright to see. When the darkness comes you've got to fly into the light." -Doing What I Can (The song that got me into Lindsey Buckingham)

"I can still hear you saying you would never break the chain" -The Chain (The song that got me into Fleetwood Mac)
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Old 10-07-2018, 01:05 PM
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I love that the bare tree backdrop has returned.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">My favorite moment was before the encore, when a guy a few rows up lit and held up an ACTUAL LIGHTER. <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FleetwoodMac</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Lara Weber (@lweber) <a href="">October 7, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Old 10-07-2018, 01:08 PM
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="">@magnettothesea</a> can I get a drum solo please <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FleetwoodMac</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Dorota (@DorotaSW) <a href="">October 7, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Old 10-07-2018, 01:10 PM
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Saw my fav band;Fleetwood Mac last night and was still impressed after 40 years of entertainment. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Peter C Smith (@PeterCSmith4) <a href="">October 7, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Old 10-07-2018, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by vivfox View Post
Don't Dream It's Over:

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I think Stevie sounds pretty good on this song, and I think it’s because it’s her, new for her to get into. Something to use her voice a bit...I know she doesn’t have a great voice anymore, but she sounds okay...

So imagine if she had gone ahead with Fmac into the studio and recorded new Fmac music..
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Old 10-07-2018, 01:12 PM
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This is a cool backdrop too:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Bucket list seeing <a href="">@fleetwoodmac</a> tonight. “Thunder only happens when it’s raining” <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Matthew Huck (@matthewhuck) <a href="">October 7, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Old 10-07-2018, 01:18 PM
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A little Christine, not the greatest sound though...

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Old 10-07-2018, 01:21 PM
TimeCastASpell TimeCastASpell is offline
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I’m not sure I know how to link this properly but was asked if I had “All Over Again” And I do, actually got the full song zoomed in with my digital camera I snuck in. Unfortunately I have computer problems so am not sure when/how to get my camera recordings uploaded. But here’s a 1 min clip I took with my phone while also juggling the camera and hence the lack of zoom.

Edit- Can someone tell me what the code is to get this to show up without making you click to Twitter?
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Old 10-07-2018, 01:24 PM
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Originally Posted by TimeCastASpell View Post
I’m not sure I know how to link this properly but was asked if I had “All Over Again” And I do, actually got the full song zoomed in with my digital camera I snuck in. Unfortunately I have computer problems so am not sure when/how to get my camera recordings uploaded. But here’s a 1 min clip I took with my phone while also juggling the camera and hence the lack of zoom.

Edit- Can someone tell me what the code is to get this to show up without making you click to Twitter?
Here you go. Thanks for this!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Clip from “All Over Again” at United Center for my <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#FleetwoodMac</a> fans. I have a full zoomed camera recording to get online also. So apologies because I took this clip 1-handed juggling a large camera too. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Tzipora Raphaella (@Tzipity) <a href="">October 7, 2018</a></blockquote>
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This sounds great. To embed just hit that dropdown thingy on the right and choose embed tweet. You should post the Oh Well clip too. It sounds awesome. Or I can post it if you like.

Last edited by gldstwmn; 10-07-2018 at 01:30 PM..
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Old 10-07-2018, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by guillamene View Post
Thanks for posting!
Two observations from this and other clips:
Mike is a cool guitar player...….really adding a lot to the band!
Look at John: he is watching Mike, Neil( and Mick) as they play,almost as if he is getting used to their style of playing(which ,of course he is!) ....a total pro!
I think John is definitely the anchor. He sounds amazing.
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Old 10-07-2018, 03:21 PM
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Fleetwood Mac Showcase New Lineup And Revisit Their Earliest Days On Stage In Chicago

While the band, who has sold in excess of 100 million records, certainly experienced their greatest commercial success following the addition of members Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks in 1975, the group itself actually formed in the late 60s as a British blues quartet which would bear virtually no resemblance to the group that churned out pop hits like "Little Lies" during the 80s en route to enshrinement in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Beginning in 1967, the group featured founder Peter Green on guitar, Mick Fleetwood on drums, Jeremy Spencer on guitar and John McVie on bass. Over the course of the next seven years, artists like Christine McVie, Danny Kirwan, Bob Welch and Bob Weston would come and go as Green and Spencer departed.

1975 began with the addition of Buckingham and Nicks, then an off and on item, and Lindsey would take his first sabbatical in 1987. Christine and John McVie married and divorced and Christine left the band multiple times, rejoining most recently in 2014.

All of which is to say that maybe it shouldn't have come as quite the shock it did when Lindsey Buckingham, amidst much acrimony, departed Fleetwood Mac again earlier this year.

While that departure has riled up fans looking to place blame, what matters as the band embarks upon a North American tour is that Mick Fleetwood made perfect picks to replace him.

As Tom Petty's erstwhile sideman through projects like Mudcrutch and The Heartbreakers since 1971, Mike Campbell became one of rock's most underrated guitar players. Always able to make a song better, Campbell rarely looks to steal the spotlight with a flashy solo (though, as he showed on stage last night in Chicago, he's more than capable of doing that too).

New Zealand born singer and songwriter Neil Finn fronted rockers Split Enz in the late 70s and early 80s before moving on to even greater success as the voice of new wave rockers Crowded House in 1985.

"Welcome, Chicago!" said Stevie Nicks to open the show. "Here we are for our second show in one of my very favorite cities!"

Fleetwood Mac performed as a twelve-piece act Saturday night in Chicago with Mick Fleetwood, John and Christine McVie, Stevie Nicks, Mike Campbell and Neil Finn augmented by additional guitar and keyboard players, a second percussionist and three background vocalists.

The group's stage on this tour is very simple, free of the technological trappings that accompany most arena rock shows, with the group performing in front of a single video screen.

From their 1977 classic Rumours, "The Chain" opened Saturday night's show. As has generally been the case on recent Fleetwood Mac tours, their biggest album received the most focus, with seven tracks from it in the setlist so far on this tour.

That performance put the spotlight on Neil Finn early, who nailed his solo on the track. He'd go on to provide stellar vocals and guitar throughout the evening.

Finn is the flashier of the new additions. Now the youngest member of Fleetwood Mac at 60, he spun and bounced across the stage throughout the show. Mike Campbell, on the other hand, seemed perfectly content to hide in the shadows despite the stature and quality of his lead guitar playing.

"Many, many years ago I heard this song and it opened a lot of doors in my own heart," said Mick Fleetwood, introducing an acoustic cover of Crowded House's biggest hit "Don't Dream It's Over." "It's unbelievably fitting," he continued referencing Finn's new place in the band as Stevie Nicks joined him on vocals, singing one verse of the 1986 hit.

The group went out of its way to introduce their new members, putting a Fleetwood Mac spin on "I Got You" by Split Enz early and the Tom Petty classic "Free Fallin" later. Nicks once again took on the vocal of her longtime friend and collaborator and Campbell's familiar strumming of the Rickenbacker on it was a comforting reminder of his past.

"During this set, we're going to pay respect to our history," said Nicks Saturday on stage at Chicago's United Center. "We have reached back in the history of Fleetwood Mac which is really exciting because it's a whole different thing," she continued, referencing the group's often overlooked roots in the U.K. blues tradition.

Aside from the absence of Lindsey Buckingham, the most stunning part of the current tour is the desire the group has to dig into their vast catalog for tracks that predate the involvement of Nicks and even Christine McVie.

"Listen, I'm personally really happy to be here with this band," said Campbell. "This song is written by Peter Green. Hopefully you know who he is by now," he continued, eyes locked on Fleetwood, both smiling, as a stripped down Fleetwood Mac consisting of just six players took on, arguably, the group's biggest early hit in "Oh Well."

Nicks and McVie left the stage and blues guitar drove the gritty jam as Campbell delivered not just rollicking lead licks but lead vocals too on iconic lines like, "I can't help about the shape I'm in / Can't sing, I ain't pretty and my legs are thin / But don't ask me what I think of you / I might not give the answer that you want me to."

Tracks like "Tell Me All the Things You Do" and "Hypnotized" were performed Saturday night in Chicago for just the second time since 1977. And what's incredible is the group's ability to balance those deeper dives by following them up with more pop leaning Fleetwood Mac hits like "Everywhere, "Rhinannon" or "Dreams" and making all of it work.

Nicks took the lead vocal on "Black Magic Woman," a song made popular by Carlos Santana in 1970, though it was penned by Peter Green and released by a very different Fleetwood Mac in 1968.

It was on "Black Magic Woman" where Campbell started to look comfortable. His guitar work on the track provided the type of moments fans didn't often hear on Tom Petty records. Campbell made his way across the stage during the track to interact with Christine McVie on keyboards. Mick Fleetwood stood up from his drum kit as the song came to a close, grinning ear to ear as he pointed a drumstick directly at Campbell.

That moment was one of many which revealed just how much fun the members of Fleetwood Mac seem to be having at the moment, not necessarily a given during past Fleetwood Mac outings.

Despite his absence, the group made no effort to shy away from Fleetwood Mac fare that's closely associated with Lindsey Buckingham. Finn handled the lead vocal capably on "Second Hand News" early in the set, teaming up with Campbell later for the guitar heroics that characterize "Go Your Own Way."

These are polarizing times for Fleetwood Mac fans, as evidenced by fan reaction on social media to Lindsey's departure, the current tour and newly updated setlist. On one hand, fans who approach the group nostalgically miss the guitarist, while others are happy for a fresh take on vital songs the group ignored for decades.

One thing that can't be argued is that the addition of Campbell and Finn seem to have injected new life into Fleetwood Mac. While it remains to be seen if that carries over to the studio, fans who can approach this lineup with an open mind will be vastly rewarded in the live concert setting.

While it's strange to see Fleetwood Mac covering, say, Crowded House, it's rewarding to see a band willing to shake things up and try something different this far in, even if that means ignoring the nostalgia for a change.
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Old 10-07-2018, 04:44 PM
Murrow Murrow is offline
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Oh man as both a Fleetwood Mac (all eras) and Crowded House fan, hearing this combination of songs brings a tear to my eye. Landslide and Say You Love Me sound closer to their studio originals than they ever did live - never knew Neil could play banjo! I thought Neale Heywoode would be wasted on this tour as third guitarist but blow me he nailed that solo on Landslide. Why they cheated in the BTM era and got Chris to play the solo instead of Rick is anybody's guess.

One gripe - I really don't think Stevie sounds good on Neil's songs. His personality and hers are like chalk and cheese (where as with LB I guess they just had all the wrong things in common).
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Old 10-07-2018, 05:10 PM
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Wow! I actually liked Hypnotized. Neil did a great job on vocals.

I have changed, but you remain ageless
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