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Old 07-29-2007, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by carol7lynn View Post
Immoral people are essentially dishonest and play by rules not sanctioned by society and without regards for how their behavior(s) may negatively impact others. In that respect, CAH is immoral. Immoral people seldom tell the truth, let alone live it. They are masters at making a lie seem real. The vast majority of them habitually try to escape accountability, by playing the hapless, and yes, perennial victim of others (in particular) or circumstances (in general.)

Secondly, her personal, accountings/observations about the members of FWM, are thereby, flawed and just like her character, unreliable and untrustworthy. What other members of the band said about her or each other, is not a sound argument to justify the support of her spiteful, and often inaccurate, literary betrayal of the confidences of others. Nor does the argument that a book publisher would not have supported her efforts by publishing her work, if what she said, was not sanctionable. Case in point, one such publishing house paid O.J. Simpson big bucks to co-write a book entitled "What If I Did It?" Indeed!

Lastly, CAH was never a member of the band and her motivations for telling tales now, after fences have been mended within the band only reflects her unrelenting bitterness over not being "An Insider."

If your life is a mess, then it is because of the unwise choices that you have made. If you continue to have negative things happen to you without changing what you are doing, then you have only yourself to blame. CAH seldom blames herself, but always blames others/circumstances for the negative things that happen to her.

By and large, things just don't happen to us but we make them happen. Just mull-over these five points for example. She could have chosen to act responsibly but she repeatedly chose not to. Our behaviors reveal our true character and, quite frankly, I find her behaviors deplorable and, as such, reflective of a person of immoral character.

I am not being sanctimonious, as one poster inaccurately pointed out, instead I am questioning her motives for (mis)leading the public into believing what she has to say is actually a true and accurate accounting of the "Storms" within the band or even between her and Lindsey. To do that I have examined what she has done and is doing with her own life. People who point fingers at others, while making themselves look beyond reproach, are liars and fakes.

CAH is an asocial, if not anti-social, user who is still, trying to distract from the fact, that she was her own worst enemy in the "Storms" that brewed around the Mac family; not Stevie and not Lindsey. We teach people how to treat us, one famous TV psychologist preaches daily to his audience, and he is right. If people are mistreating you then you either put your foot down and stop it or you leave. And, what CAD does is, she immorally sacrifices her first born child and eventually her own personal safety, to attain the rock star lifestyle that she couldn't obviously earn on her own merits/talents but calculatingly and vicariously tries to gain through her associations with stars.

How telling that, twenty years later she is dishing it for the dollar rather than earning her keep through her musical talents and abilities; whether as a sound engineer or an artist. As I stated in an earlier post, it is also quite telling that she makes sure everyone knows, on her dedication page, that her current husband is a musician. Who cares? She does because even today, she can still only identify herself, in the entertainment business, by her latest man.

Point 1: She was deceitful and unfaithful when she willingly cheated, on her live-in boyfriend and father of her unwanted child, with LB.

Point 2: Rather than take responsibility for her own body and the welfare of any children that she might have, she fails to either marry her sexual partner or practice adequate birth control and proceeds to get pregnant out of wedlock. She was, therefore, acting irresponsibly, without principles and without discipline.
In short, she knowingly and willingly engaged in asocial behaviors, without any consideration for the welfare of any children that she might bring into this world when she had sex with a man with whom she had no legal ties. She was not a naive 15 year old living in her family's home back in Oklahoma. She was a grown woman living and working in Hollywood.

Point 3: Instead of acting responsibly and getting a better paying job and/or taking advantage of the social welfare programs available in the liberal state of California to help her keep her child, she shifts her responsibilities onto someone else. She dumps the child to continue her pursuit of a star which for her is her true career.

Point 4: She leaves one boyfriend's bed to move in with another (LB) and continues the self-destructive pattern of living without legally marrying her (sexual) partner and, once again, becomes pregnant out-of-wedlock.

That fact is laws are, codified morals, enacted by society for a reason and that is to deter us from engaging in behaviors that are injurious/unjust to ourselves and others. Bringing children into a situation where there is no established legal union/arrangement in place to support our child or ourselves, is again irresponsible and unfair to any children, such an illicit union, might produce.

Point 5: Bootlegging concert albums is illegal and a felony. Like most criminals, she makes no apologies for what she has done. Wonder what she would think if someone bootlegged her book and cut her out of her share of the profits?

I remain firm in my observation that her book sheds no light on the "Storms" within the MAC as she touts. It's a vain attempt to recapture the fame and fortune she set out to garner when she set out for Hollywood thirty some odd years ago. Her story is no different than Anna Nicole Smith's and you saw how that one ended.


You question Carol's motives for her book; I question your motives for your tirade/ unwarrented character asassination. I'm so glad to know you possess such strong morals! It's so refreshing to hear from such a highly evolved being whose **** doesn't stink! See you at the Heavenly gates, St. Sweetheart! To get there, I guess you have to make a hard Right turn.
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Last edited by PenguinHead; 07-29-2007 at 04:21 PM..
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Old 07-29-2007, 05:33 PM
Michelle Daya Michelle Daya is offline
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Originally Posted by Kelly View Post
She also never said he hit her.

Don't quote me Mick either...what he wrote doesn't matter to me, esp when he said he wants to rewrite. The NZ incident was the one where he sang offkey? And mocked her during Rhiannon? And kicked his foot out? That seems like drunken, bitter behavior to me, not necessarily physical abuse. Show me where a fan saw him kick the **** out of her onstage and I may agree. Out of all the fans in that arena not ONE has ever come forward to say they witnessed this abuse? Chris was mad about him singing offkey and embarrassing the this the incident you are talking about?

Curious, do you think Stevie has done things that LB wouldn't talk about publically either? She could be just as abusive as you seem to think LB is, behind closed doors.
your ex who you have stayed friends with (after not being friends) & might possibly even still love is being verbally attacked in a book written by a mutual friend for hitting you or shoving you up against a car. when someone you care about is falsely accused, most people would be shocked & say "he did not hit me.' her saying she jumped on him first was true, i'm sure but she never went to his defense to say he didn't jump on her. she went so far as to say she thought he was going to kill her & that if he did, her family & friends would go after him. you say don't quote you mick, but that's stevie talking. as for mick saying it wasn't the first time, she didn't disagree with that either.

i love lb but even as bob welch pointed out by coming to the defense of cah, he wasn't perfect. doesn't make me love his music any less but honestly, i don't think i would have wanted to date him or get on his bad side back then. i'm guessing he's worked on his little demons since & that's why he's so happy? so i respect him for that.
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Old 08-01-2007, 01:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Kelly View Post
She also never said he hit her.

Don't quote me Mick either...what he wrote doesn't matter to me, esp when he said he wants to rewrite. The NZ incident was the one where he sang offkey? And mocked her during Rhiannon? And kicked his foot out? That seems like drunken, bitter behavior to me, not necessarily physical abuse. Show me where a fan saw him kick the **** out of her onstage and I may agree. Out of all the fans in that arena not ONE has ever come forward to say they witnessed this abuse? Chris was mad about him singing offkey and embarrassing the this the incident you are talking about? . . . .

At 6:42 (3:49 counting backward) or so - she says "he didn't just get violent with me," I attacked him, etc. So, she did say he got violent with her Otherwise, what is your definition of getting violent with someone?

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Last edited by strandinthewind; 08-01-2007 at 01:46 PM..
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Old 08-08-2007, 03:59 AM
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Old 08-15-2007, 11:14 AM
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Just got done reading this... It was a good read, and a very interesting tale. It's a classic story, and most of it I have heard before.

Whatever her reasons for writing it etc... I found it entertaining.
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Old 08-15-2007, 11:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Dark Angel View Post
Not true. The actions or decisions of another person can make your life a mess as well. Let's take child abuse for example. Is it the child's 'unwise choice' that causes the abuse..NO. It's that of the abuser. Unfortunately, in some cases the person abused tends to blame their-self for what happened.
Sometimes, years later they realize it wasn't their choice for it to happen, and that they are not to blame.

So we choose what happens to us? We make them happen? Sometimes, perhaps. But throughout our entire lives, childhood through adulthood, much happens that we do not make happen. Abuse, rape, any problems (mental or physical) related to either of those situations are not normally something we choose to happen.


How can you leave a relationship you're too young to get out of? A bit f*cking difficult when you're not even old enough to know what's going on, isn't it? TV psych's are usually the ones who know the least yet make the most money. Big surprise there....

She didn't 'sacrifice' her child. She put it up for adoption so it would have a better life than what she thought she could give it. What would you rather a person do, abort it or worse?? As for her safety, I haven't read the book, but I've seen through my own eyes what some people will do when they love, or believe they love someone with all their being. It's sad and absolutely horrible to watch and be a part of! You say she did it for the 'rock star lifestyle'. Do you have a clue as to how many women will put up with abuse for years because they have themselves convinced that their man really *does* love them...that they love their man...that they hang on to a hope that someday he'll change...that all forms of abuse will end??

Another bullsh*t comment. Not surpising though. Condoms break. The pill has never been 100% effective. Both of these are proven facts. At her young age I seriously doubt she would have been able to handle a child. I know I sure as hell couldn't have. Why not give it to someone that *can* take care of and provide for it. It's a much better option than abortion, imo.

Why not climb down your from high-horse, your ivory tower, or whatever the hell it is you're living in and join the real world. Bad sh*t happens everyday to people whether or not they choose it to. No psych's BS, TV or real life, will ever change that fact. There will always be demons of one sort or another to fight. And, unfortunately, there will always be someone trying to be a self-righteous, holier-than-thou twit, who's best claim to fame is that they are so flexible they can bend over and kiss their own a$$.

Thank you for responding to and tearing down every idiotic statement that presumbably religious zealot wrote. I know its an old post now, but I just re-read it recently and it brought back a lot of emotion. Her misguided, ignorant holy dogama is quite frightening to me. Scarier than any Steven King novel.
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Old 08-17-2007, 09:17 PM
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I just finished reading the book, but I didn't comment since the thread seemed to have died down. I'll just add my 2 cents anyway. I also thought the book was very interesting. I read with an open mind and didn't dismiss her claims because it didn't shed the best light on Stevie and Lindsey. However, there were just a few things that annoyed me about the book (after reading the thread I see I wasn't alone).

Carol paints herself as a young naive girl who was nothing but a supportive and loving girlfriend. I don't doubt that she was, but she just seemed to damn perfect (besides the drug abuse). When she talks about the physical abuse incidents she says every attack was unprovoked and that she had no idea why he was upset. Not saying he would have been justified if she did do something, but obviously something happened. Unless it was the mixing of drugs and or stress that caused his rage. She also downplayed his relationship with Stevie big time. She claims that he didn't seem all that sad about it and she also mentions Lindsey didn't care at all about the Stevie/Mick affair. I wouldn't expect the woman to write that Stevie was the love of his life in her book, but to act like it was no big deal to him was silly. Even if he didn't sit her down and tell her (and why would he do that with his new gf?) his interviews and song lyrics would explain it.

Their break up was also interesting because both sides are different. I have always read that Lindsey left her because she had a serious drug problem. Carol talks as though she left him since she suggested they take a break. However, she felt like it was really the end when she heard "Go Insane." She felt betrayed because he portrayed her as a big time druggie. In the book she says her drug problem was no worse than the members of the FM family (in and out of the band). After a year apart he asked her to marry him and said he wanted to produce a CD for her. I found that part odd considering she isn't a singer and mentions she would never have Stevie's musical ability. Unless he was pulling out all of the stops to get her back, I am not sure about that one.

Overall, I still don't dislike Carol Ann or have any issues with her. I enjoyed the book despite some annoyances. Ok, for the rant folks. I just had to get out some of my thoughts since I don't live with any other FM fans.

Last edited by Dreamz19; 08-17-2007 at 09:19 PM..
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Old 08-18-2007, 08:51 AM
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I only got the book yesterday (bit of delay with Amazon UK)

Having read this thread I do feel like I've already read the damn thing.

Am I the only one who is bored to death with the constant descriptions of the amount of coke everyone was doing? Jesus, enough already.

I don't think I'm going to make it to the end.

Still the story about Christine's "granny knickers" was funny

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Old 08-18-2007, 10:58 AM
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I just made a comment about the book in the Austin Chronicle. I have to say its entertaining and I had no trouble getting through it at all. I consumed it in about a day and a half. I have no doubt that some of the book is true, but when even one part lacks credibility that calls the ENTIRETY into question.

Looking at the facts objectively, some discrepancies jump out:

1. Carol Ann says her lawyers told her she was Lindsey's common law wife and could have taken him for half of everything. California has not recognized "common law" marriage since 1895! No lawyer told her that. They might have told her that she could try for palimony, as Michelle Triola Marvin did. That's about it.

2. She claims she was right by Sara's side at her wedding. But she also indicates she only saw Lindsey twice after their break up: once at Desi's funeral and once a year after the separation when he rented a porsche and asked her to marry him. Well, Lindsey was in Hawaii at Mick and Sara's wedding. Why didn't she see him there? Plus, we have footage from the wedding and I don't see Carol Ann on it. I admit, it's not the best quality footage though. Still . . . I don't think she was in Hawaii for the wedding.

3. What about the Rolling Stone cover shoot. We've heard Annie AND the band describe the shoot and they didn't say it took place at Lindsey's house. Carol says it was at Lindsey's house, was over in about an hour. Well, seeing as how Stevie said she and Lindsey made out for TWO hours, I don't see how that is possible. Actually, I know Stevie was exaggerating about that, but I don't think Carol has the location for the shoot right.

4. We have the tape where Christine asks Mick if it's ok to say Lindsey has epilepsy. Mick tells her no. It doesn't sound like Christine had a problem in making this public, if the choice was up to her. So, in the book when Carol says that Christine told Lindsey he shouldn't air his private business in the media and should keep the epilepsy to himself, that doesn't sound like her. Mick is the one who told Christine not to divulge the epilepsy. Why would Christine be the one trying to make Lindsey shut up about it?

5. You guys have already mentioned the "Save Me" part. She says she was so busy working as a costume designer on two different videos that it was easy to avoid Lindsey during the shooting of the "Save Me" video. Yeah, I guess so! I think Fleetwood Mac easily avoided Lindsey during the shooting of the "Save Me" video too, since he was not there. If Carol didn't realize that Lindsey was not with the band, then all her talk about still being close to people like Sara and John Courage is suspect, because they certainly would have told her that.

6. Greg won his medal in 1968, not 1964. Small thing, but when you can't get the known facts right, why should I trust you on the unknown ones?

7. She says she signed a prenup -- at her own suggestion. Well, if she did that's another reason why she could never have taken Lindsey for half of everything, like she claims her lawyers told her she could.

Actually though, I was glad to have part of the book. But I can't believe the parts I like and discount the parts I don't like. I want to know what the truth is and this book doesn't tell me.

Random thoughts . . .

I didn't know that Jeff Buckingham lost a leg in a car accident. That was interesting to read.

Carol's description of Lindsey going downstairs with a gun to intercept a burglar had me on the edge of my seat. You know what? I didn't trust Lindsey when he was swinging a guitar chord in Stevie's face during "Tusk." I thought that was an accident waiting to happen. I also don't like him pounding the drum kit with his bare hand. I am sure he'll slit open his wrist. I sure wouldn't feel too comfortable having him running around the house with a gun. But Carol makes him sound brave.

So, if Lindsey was so violent, why did Carol have to run and tell Lindsey that Stevie grabbed her and said she would never let Carol marry Lindsey? It sounds to me like Carol wanted Lindsey to go and beat Stevie up. After she tattled on Stevie, Carol doesn't know what happened between Lindsey and Stevie, but she describes Stevie being so frightened and nervous that it sounds like Carol thinks Lindsey DID beat Stevie up, but I'm guessing he probably . . . well. Do you notice that Carol never describes any of the more tender moments between Lindsey and Stevie?

When Stevie called Lindsey crying after Robin died, Carol doesn't describe what he said to her. When Lindsey called Christine, Mick and Stevie because BAM gave their album a bad review, Carol says he was upset and they said soothing things to calm him down, but she doesn't say anything else about it. They obviously had some gentle exchanges with each other, as well as some brutal ones, but Carol doesn't describe any of the quieter moments. She says "Angel" is about Mick, but doesn't mention the cute way Lindsey and Stevie performed "Angel" on stage together. She's got to have noticed that.

It seems strange to me that since Lindsey generally beat Carol up all the time and was insanely jealous, when he heard that Dennis said he slept with Carol, all Lindsey did was give her a half smile and kiss her??? Since he was so suspicious and paranoid about everything else, why did he believe her without question on that one? Also, for him to be so possessive that he couldn't stand to be away from her, it sounds like they spent a LOT of time apart, whether he was on tour or not.

Carol describes Stevie talking to her about how to be Lindsey's perfect mate. Carol was enraged when she realized the whole conversation was being videotaped. She ran and told Lindsey and Lindsey just laughed. I get the feeling that Carol was hoping Lindsey would get mad at Stevie. This time her tattling didn't pay off.

Overall, the big problem I have with the book is that I don't feel that Carol is telling the whole story. She tells you what everyone else said and did, but doesn't tell you what SHE was doing. This happens a lot in "biographies." I felt the same way when I was reading Mary Wilson's book. Mary had children, affairs and husbands of her own. She even had a child die in a car accident while Mary was driving. She hardly mentions any of this in her book. She only talks about what a bad person Diana Ross was and paints herself as just sitting back watching every thing go by around her quietly, as if a fly on the wall. Well, in this book Carol Ann is too much of a fly on the wall. I know she was more of a participant in events than she lets on.

As far as the book being held up for 10 years, there was no litigation concerning this book (because that would have been a matter of public record) and you cannot keep something from being published. You can sue for defamation AFTER the fact, but unless material is copyrighted (like a photograph) or ownership is in question (like the OJ book) you can't keep it from being published beforehand in the United States. That would be prior restraint and that's unconstitutional. So, the delay in getting this book out wasn't because Carol was legally restricted. Maybe she was in negotiations with FM lawyers, but if she was, those negotiations were voluntary on her part. It's not like she has been fighting for over a decade to get the "truth" out.

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Old 08-18-2007, 12:45 PM
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^ Most of what you brought up has already been touched upon in this thread, and I agree with every little bit if your post, but I want to come back to this bit a little:

Originally Posted by michelej1 View Post
So, if Lindsey was so violent, why did Carol have to run and tell Lindsey that Stevie grabbed her and said she would never let Carol marry Lindsey? It sounds to me like Carol wanted Lindsey to go and beat Stevie up. After she tattled on Stevie, Carol doesn't know what happened between Lindsey and Stevie, but she describes Stevie being so frightened and nervous that it sounds like Carol thinks Lindsey DID beat Stevie up, but I'm guessing he probably . . . well. Do you notice that Carol never describes any of the more tender moments between Lindsey and Stevie?

Carol describes Stevie talking to her about how to be Lindsey's perfect mate. Carol was enraged when she realized the whole conversation was being videotaped. She ran and told Lindsey and Lindsey just laughed. I get the feeling that Carol was hoping Lindsey would get mad at Stevie. This time her tattling didn't pay off.
The way she described the interaction between herself and Stevie most of the time reminded me of kindergarten. CAH acts like it was a constant competition between the two, but in the meantime all she really wants is to be friends with Stevie. You mentioned the tattletaling she did on several occasions, but there also instances like during the awards season, when CAH was over the moon because according to her all eyes went to her when she walked into the room, instead of to Stevie, who could usually wear a trash bag and people still noticed her because she was always very present. CAH was the better dressed one that evening and she was gloating.

Then she also describes Lindsey's behaviour of mocking Stevie on stage as funny. To me that doesn't sound like someone who really respects a person and wants nothing more than to be her friend. She constantly keeps bringing up the fact that she can't compete with Stevie. I find that combined with her running off to Lindsey every time Stevie does something a tad disturbing. Especially when she then brings up that sometimes she and Lindsey would slip into the little girl/daddy roles.

I don't buy for a second that she really just wanted to be Stevie's friend. If that was the case she could have stood up for herself and told Stevie to go to hell, or sat her down at one point and asked Stevie was the problem was. Something, anything, instead of running off to 'daddy' every time CAH felt Stevie did her wrong.

As for the lack of tender moments... yes. We've discussed this before, but it was all part of CAH's master plan of making Stevie as insignificant as possible, making her role in Lindsey's life seem more important.
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Old 08-18-2007, 03:06 PM
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It's weird re-reading this thread and seeing all the hostility towards Carol Ann. Sure there are inaccuracies (not surprising considering the amount of drugs everyone in the FM inner circle were doing) and she definitely paints herself as this innocent, Alice In Wonderland character, which is certainly an exaggeration and sometimes slightly nauseating but the book is a great read and all the backstage stuff is some of the best I've ever read. I think it gives a much better insight into the crazy world that the Mac lived in during their hey day than Mick did in his book.

Also people seem to be annoyed that CAH doesn't recognise Stevie as being Lindsey's great love, but firstly, they had been broken up for a year when Carol Ann and Lindsey got together and had even been dating other people, and secondly, I can't imagine Lindsey would have ever told her if he still had feelings about Stevie, or maybe she just didn't want to believe it? I know I wouldn't if I were her.
Lastly, people seem to want to dismiss Carol being one of Lindsey's great love (to put it in a Stevie way), but he was with her for eight years, living with her for most of that time. That's a pretty significant relationship for anyone.

Originally Posted by danax6 View Post
We all know the timeline coincides with Stevie and Mick doing the hanky panky and everyone being aware of it, but according to CAH he was indifferent, didn't care at all, that he probably didn't even notice. It's been said by at least 3 different people that Mick sat down at Lindsey's kitchen table at one point and told him about the affair, yet CAH never brings this up either. Where did she suppose those songs came from?
You know, even though she says that she never found out exactly when Lindsey found out about the Mick/Stevie affair, didn't his first act of violence towards her happen around this time? He came home early from the studio and attacked her. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that may have been the day when Mick told him. At least that's what when through my head.

Originally Posted by danax6 View Post
As for Oz and New Zealand. It was blatantly obvious something was going on between Lindsey and Stevie, but CAH only talks about the kicking incident on stage. This was all right around the time that Stevie apparently went ape-**** on CAH and said that it would be a cold day in hell before she'd let Carol marry Lindsey. Then when Lindsey gets aggressive with CAH, she only talks about herself, what her role was in all of it, and she wonders if she did anything wrong to deserve it. To the reader, it's obvious Lindsey's demons coming out had to do with whatever was going on with Stevie, but once again CAH pretends that she doesn't exist, plays an insignificant part in the 'triangle'. She keeps saying Lindsey was indifferent towards Stevie. Well, obviously he wasn't, but what made him lash out like that?

These are all just things that make it clear to me that CAH turned the story into a certain direction, one that is at the least very one-sided. Which I guess was to be expected, considering this is her book, but it just annoys me because I feel like I am missing huge chunks of the story. Chunks that she left out deliberately and that for me makes it hard to take her book seriously.

I'm in Fleetwood Mac College.

Nah, my mind just really has an endless capacity for useless information. It's scary.
I immediately thought that Stevie's reaction towards Carol in NZ was due to the fact something had been going on between her and Lindsey, but I have to say maybe Carol really believed there was nothing between them. Obviously he wasn't divulging any of his feelings or infidelities to her.

I really enjoyed this book, I did feel certain things were left out, maybe due to legal reasons things had to be taken out or maybe it was just the writer's prerogative, but most things I believed her. The one thing I did doubt her on though was the Dennis Wilson affair. She denied it ever happened and Lindsey believed her. Then he went ape-**** after listening to those tapes she and Sara made. Nothing was on them she claims, but Lindsey's reaction sounded like her heard her confessing to something more. Obviously I'm speculating here, but that's what ran through my mind. It's funny that years later Lindsey would change his mind and claim she did have an affair with Wilson.
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Old 08-18-2007, 03:16 PM
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Originally Posted by trackaghost View Post
You know, even though she says that she never found out exactly when Lindsey found out about the Mick/Stevie affair, didn't his first act of violence towards her happen around this time? He came home early from the studio and attacked her. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that may have been the day when Mick told him. At least that's what when through my head.
Exactly my point.

I immediately thought that Stevie's reaction towards Carol in NZ was due to the fact something had been going on between her and Lindsey, but I have to say maybe Carol really believed there was nothing between them. Obviously he wasn't divulging any of his feelings or infidelities to her.
If so, then she was even more naive than I thought. That, or she just didn't want to see it. The connection is blatantly obvious.
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Old 08-18-2007, 04:34 PM
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Lastly, people seem to want to dismiss Carol being one of Lindsey's great love (to put it in a Stevie way), but he was with her for eight years, living with her for most of that time. That's a pretty significant relationship for anyone. QUOTE]

And an incredibly significant relationship for Lindsey who seems to be extremely monogamous. She says that all of Go Insane except D. W. Suite (I guess) was about her and I believe her because Lindsey has pretty much made that clear since the album came out and both Richard and Jeff described how happy the 2 of them were at the beginning in Rolling Stone. I couldn't help but accept that Carol is one of Lindsey's great loves and great heartbreaks.

As for Stevie, the way the book is written, I don't really think Carol is unaware of any less than hostile dynamics between Lindsey and Stevie. I think she's deliberately omitting them. I'm not even talking about them being lovers, because I'm not convinced they were. I just mean they had some friendly moments. I just think it's strange that she skips over those completely. The most obvious time being the phone call about Robin. Of course you leave some things out of a book, but when you consistently leave the SAME type of thing out throughout, that says something.

Or I think of the description of the way the band didn't visit Lindsey when he was in the hospital. That may be true, but I can't believe they were totally insensitive to his condition. Just from the concert footage I saw, both Stevie and Christine seemed to be very caring towards Lindsey as he exited the stage -- in rather a daze. I don't think everyone was always as hardnosed and callous as the book depicts.

Anyway, my favorite moment in the whole book is when she says she told Stevie that John Wayne was born on May 26 too. I really can actually see Stevie's reaction to that comment in my head. That was hilarious.

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Old 08-18-2007, 05:04 PM
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Originally Posted by trackaghost View Post
Also people seem to be annoyed that CAH doesn't recognise Stevie as being Lindsey's great love, but firstly, they had been broken up for a year when Carol Ann and Lindsey got together and had even been dating other people, and secondly, I can't imagine Lindsey would have ever told her if he still had feelings about Stevie, or maybe she just didn't want to believe it? I know I wouldn't if I were her.

I immediately thought that Stevie's reaction towards Carol in NZ was due to the fact something had been going on between her and Lindsey, but I have to say maybe Carol really believed there was nothing between them. Obviously he wasn't divulging any of his feelings or infidelities to her.
I would never expect her to say that Stevie was Lindsey's great love. At the same time I thought it was really silly to think Stevie wasn't that important to Lindsey. Even if he never told her (which I also wouldn't expect him to do), his songs and attitude towards Stevie should have told her. I took it as though she still feels that way after all these years. Perhaps she was strictly writing about how she felt then (which I can understand better).

As far as them being broken up for a year, something is off with that as well. Carol Ann says she and Lindsey got together Feb 1977. However, Stevie had a journal entry dated Aug 24,1977 saying she has come to the conclusion that she and Lindsey are finally over and that it was sad to see a good love go bad. (Something along those lines). Either Carol Ann's dates are off or something was still going in with Stevie and Lindsey behind the scenes.

I also agree 100% about that NZ incident. Earlier in the book she mentions how nice Stevie was to her when she was with Mick. Then all of a sudden when Carol Ann's comes back on tour Stevie is upset to see her and reacts the way she does. That should have told Carol something. Either she was really stupid or she was still desperately trying to believe nothing was going on.

Originally Posted by danax6 View Post

The way she described the interaction between herself and Stevie most of the time reminded me of kindergarten. CAH acts like it was a constant competition between the two, but in the meantime all she really wants is to be friends with Stevie. You mentioned the tattletaling she did on several occasions, but there also instances like during the awards season, when CAH was over the moon because according to her all eyes went to her when she walked into the room, instead of to Stevie, who could usually wear a trash bag and people still noticed her because she was always very present. CAH was the better dressed one that evening and she was gloating.

Then she also describes Lindsey's behaviour of mocking Stevie on stage as funny. To me that doesn't sound like someone who really respects a person and wants nothing more than to be her friend. She constantly keeps bringing up the fact that she can't compete with Stevie. I find that combined with her running off to Lindsey every time Stevie does something a tad disturbing. Especially when she then brings up that sometimes she and Lindsey would slip into the little girl/daddy roles.
That went on a lot in the book. It all just seemed really petty. Personally, if my Bf still had some hostility and issues with his ex I would be worried. Indifference would show he truly didn't care. She really doesn't miss a beat to diss Stevie though. Seemed like Stevie was always jealous of her. Like if the entire band was assumed at something Carol did, Stevie would just sit there with a blank expression. She also talks about Stevie's "tasteless" marriage and how she and Lindsey were horrified about it.

There was two incidents I thought that was funny. The first was when she said that she and Lindsey couldn't believe Stevie would wear a long white dress to John and Julie's wedding. Someone mentioned only Stevie would try and upstage the bride. Then she mentions how she and Sara couldn't stop laughing at Stevie when she told Sara to stop dressing nice at the studio. Apparently, she was very jealous of her looking good for Mick. If Stevie did do something of the things she claims I dunno if I could blame Carol for the disses completely.

Last edited by Dreamz19; 08-18-2007 at 05:42 PM..
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Old 08-18-2007, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by trackaghost View Post
It's weird re-reading this thread and seeing all the hostility towards Carol Ann.
Not saying you're talking about me, but for the record I have no hostility towards Carol Ann at all. I really liked her book and thought it was very interesting. In fact I wish she had talked a little more about her family life and a little about her life after FM. There were just somethings that were annoying to me. She just came across as really naive and super innocent at times. Even after years of living in Hollywood and with Lindsey.
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Old 08-18-2007, 06:00 PM
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I could buy the fact that Rod Stewart wanted to sleep with Carol, but one moment I thought was wishful thinking on Carol Ann's part was when all the troops were looking at her onstage in her see-through skirt. I know men in the military are starved for women, but it's hard to believe they would look past Stevie doing her Rhiannon exorcism moves on stage, to gawk at Carol standing in the wings in a transparent skirt.

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