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Old 06-26-2015, 02:13 PM
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An ‘American Horror’ Success Story: Finn Wittrock’s Emmy-Worthy ‘Freak Show’
Fresh off the news that he’ll be returning for ‘American Horror Story: Hotel,’ Finn Wittrock recounts the wildest scenes he shot as murderous man-child Dandy on ‘Freak Show.’

"People really love to abuse me. Why do I have that effect?"

What was the wildest thing that Finn Wittrock had to do during his run as Dandy—the dashing Peter Pan with a murderous streak—on American Horror Story: Freak Show? And what does it say about this show that, in one scene, Wittrock stripped to his underwear to bathe in a tub filled with his character’s mother’s blood, and that may not even take the crown?

“There’s a lot of, ‘We’ll see how they pull this together!’” Wittrock laughs. “‘Good luck guys!’”

The trust exercise that is working on a Ryan Murphy series (Murphy is also the mastermind behind Glee and the upcoming Scream Queens) certainly paid off for Wittrock, the 30-year-old actor who also appeared last year in Angelina Jolie’s World War II epic Unbroken and Murphy’s HBO adaptation of The Normal Heart.

Quick with a hearty laugh and almost addictively good-humored in real-life, it turns out that Wittrock was quite adept at playing against type as the sociopath. Whether he was playing the protégé of a demented clown, stripping to his tighty-whities to lather up in his mom’s blood, or laying waste to a troupe of circus freaks in a graphic season-ending massacre, Wittrock was so convincing playing Dandy’s dark side that people are legitimately confused when they meet him.

“A lot of times fans will say, ‘Wow, you’re so nice! I’m so surprised!’” he says. “It’s like, what did you think?”

Fresh off the news that he’ll be returning for ‘American Horror Story: Hotel,’ Finn Wittrock recounts the wildest scenes he shot as murderous man-child Dandy on ‘Freak Show.’
Wittrock has already garnered a Critics Choice Awards nomination for his role on the series and is a favorite to land an Emmy nomination next month. Plus, Murphy has already invited him back into the American Horror Story fold: it was recently announced that he’d be checking in alongside Lady Gaga, Sarah Paulson, and Matt Bomer when the anthology series returns for its Hotel season later this year.

With all of this going on, we chatted with Wittrock about navigating the delirious TV funhouse that is shooting a Ryan Murphy series, the hardest Freak Show scenes to shoot, and why he’s basically become an honorary member of the Jolie-Pitt family.

What’s the thing that people have been hounding you about the most from this past season? And has that been annoying?

People always want to ask me where the character comes from, and whether I’m like him. Or a lot of times fans will say, “Wow, you’re so nice! I’m so surprised!” And it’s like, what did you think? That Ryan Murphy hired me for the job because he knows I have a weird relationship with my mother and I like to bathe in blood? (Laughs) Obviously, it’s a bit of a stretch, but I always explain it that I always thought of Dandy as a stunted child. He emotionally never matured, but intellectually did mature. That sort of infant psyche, which is all ego, never matured into a well-balanced adult. He was allowed to grow and become a monster.

I don’t know whether this speaks to any deranged behavior on my part, but I see in a way the fun of being in Dandy’s mindset, of being petulant and selfish and demanding. Murder and mayhem aside, that might be a gratifying way to behave.

Yeah. There’s a part of us that wants to have permission to act like that. A baby is really cute and innocent and adorable, but if they could they would kill someone to get to their mother. (Laughs) It’s a good thing that they can’t, you know? So I think that there is that infant brain inside us all. But we have just become socialized—or most of us—so we quell that. But there is something satisfying about seeing it on a rampage.

So many scenes were just really bonkers. Was there one you remember being really daunted by, or that you were nervous about pulling off?

Well the stuff with the clown, those first episodes, when we were all discovering—me and the writers—what world this lived in. So there were times when I was afraid it would be too much of a cartoon. And I wanted those scenes to be really grounded. I wanted his mind to really be blown off a bit. And actually John Lynch [who plays Twisty the Clown] really helped with that. He was silent, but he really gave you a lot as an actor. So I was nervous about that. And when I first read the bathing in blood, it was like, “Wow, I really thought you couldn’t outdo yourselves after all you’ve done. But you’ve found a way.” (Laughs)

Is that a scene that a lot of people ask you about?

Yeah. Yeah. People had lots of mixed reactions to that. But the stuff I was really most proud of was the stuff with Frances Conroy [who plays his mother]. I really liked those last few feuds we had where everything exploded and things went crazy. It was like doing a really great play, working with her. When you can sort of ground it in that drama for a while, you’ve earned yourselves the place where you can go bathe in blood and kill a bunch of people and all the crazy stuff. You’ve gone to some depths, so you give yourselves permission to do crazier things.

The bathing in blood scene might be a good example of this: I imagine being on a show like American Horror Story requires a lot of faith that something on the page that seems so out there and could go so, so wrong will turn out OK. What’s a good example of that for you?

Where you’re like I trust you…? Well, those things that were happening at the end of the season, like the crazy puppet thing and then the big mass murder at the end. No matter what you do, professionally there’s a lot that’s just not in your control having to do with tone and rhythm and effects. So you do have to put faith in your creators. (Laughs) Then again, by the time we got to the end of the season we were on the same page. You get to know them really well and you get a feel of what it’s supposed to be and how it will come together. You’re in charge of a lot of it, and there’s a lot of, “We’ll see how they pull this together! Good luck guys!”

What was it like acting against Sarah Paulson as the conjoined twins?

It’s always challenging. She’s such a pro, so it was really cool to see how she would transform from Bette to Dot. Even when she wasn’t “acting” but had a Dot wig on, the way she’d talk to me was different from the way she did when she was Bette. It was a very technical and sometimes tedious process with those special effects. It basically takes three times longer than a normal scene would. There’s a lot of tweaking. It took a lot of patience, especially since the schedule got a bit crazy at the end. You really want a good actor next to you for that, and I felt like I really needed to be there because she had such a huge task. She deserves a lot for this season, I think.

Her characters are a good example of seeing something on the page and acting it on set and not having any clue of what it will end up looking like on TV. There’s a lot of that with this show, because it’s so stylized.

It’s very stylized. I’ve heard that with TV directors, it’s very in-demand. Directors want to do this show because they get to really go for it. There’s no holds barred in terms of what you want to do with the camera. They really experiment and have fun. But it is a test of faith. “I hope this works…”

Let’s talk about Dandy’s demise. What was it like shooting that massacre scene? It plays so tense and exciting, but what was it like for you, the guy doing the offing?

People would ask me if it would disturb me, and most of the time during the shoot I was able to leave Dandy on the set and walk home as Finn and not have Dandy follow me. But at the end of that day having killed everybody, it was weighing on me for the first time. I was really feeling guilt and disgust. But dying is much easier. Actors are always happy to die themselves. Killing other people can be much harder on the soul.

You’ve been dying so much on screen lately. The Normal Heart, Unbroken, this…

I know! I don’t know why. People really love to abuse me. Why do I have that effect?

They’re good death scenes, though.

I had a string in a row, a bunch of them. I don’t know what that’s about! Maybe I should look into that.

So we talked about the surreal nature of filming the bathing in blood scene. But the other, um, revealing scene was the big nude scene you had in front of Gabourey Sidibe. I imagine when you sign on for a Ryan Murphy series and you’re an attractive young male, the writing’s a bit on the wall…

Yeah. All the guys, we all had to at least show our ass once. It’s basically in the contract. (Laughs) You see it coming, and then you don’t quite see that coming. Luckily, that was down the road. So I had gotten to know the crew and gotten to know Gabby a bit.

Is it better to shoot a nude scene when you’ve gotten to know a crew, or better when you don’t know them?

It’s better when you know them because when you have to do a love scene on the first day of shooting or something, that’s just hard. There’s so much ice to break beforehand. This you can just jump in and play and hope that everyone’s going to be a professional.

Well you looked great, needless to say. Between that and your role in The Normal Heart, you’ve solidified a rather strong and passionate gay following.

So I’ve been told.

Well that should help secure a healthy future in this business.

Knock on wood, yeah. And I got to play a cool gay character in Masters of Sex. People have asked if I feel like I’m being typecast, and it’s just not on my radar. If it’s obscene or over-the-top, that’s something else. But these were all good stories and really challenging characters to play. Sexuality was secondary.

And in really prestige projects.

That’s the thing. I remember I had seen the play The Normal Heart and was staggered by it. And I saw Larry Kramer in the lobby handing out these pamphlets as the audience was leaving, “The AIDS crisis is today.” I was like, “This guy is on another level.” And Ryan really expanded the play in a way that only he could do it.

We opened talking about what people ask you most about in working on American Horror Story. But I imagine in the past year you’ve had to talk exhaustively about “what Angelina Jolie is really like.”

(Laughs) Oh yes.

Did that get annoying to have to answer all the time?

It would if I was lying. I could be very honest and say that she was such an impressive, awesome person. It’s really true. We kept waiting on Unbroken, “Is the ball going to drop and she’s going to come to set one day and be a crazy diva?” No one would actually hold it against her, but she never did. Even in the most stressful time, that opening scene, the airplane scene, was a really technical, difficult thing. And it’s the only time production went over schedule. She deserved to have been stressed out and angry, but whatever she was she never showed it to anybody. She was always graceful and collaborative. So it was a very special time. And I just got to work with Brad on The Big Short, another movie.

Now you’re part of the family.

Yeah, I only do movies with one of the two of them.
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Old 06-30-2015, 08:12 PM
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10 Best Musician Cameos in Movies and TV

By Josh Chesler Monday, June 29, 2015 Phoenix New Times

8. Stevie Nicks — American Horror Story: Coven

When Nicks’ name was first mentioned on the third season of FX’s supernatural horror series (before it became a slightly gorier version of Glee), it seemed like an amazing pop culture reference to one of music’s most famous “witches.” When Nicks actually appeared, it was clear this was more than just an appropriate reference, but actually a perfect fit. The Fleetwood Mac singer played herself (as a witch), and even performed a bit of music, but the real showstopper was that shawl and the twirling that goes with it.
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Old 07-02-2015, 09:05 AM
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Oh, thank you!
I totally agree with that article.
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Old 07-02-2015, 09:14 AM
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'American Horror Story: Hotel': Emma Roberts returning, Ryan Murphy confirms
By Chris E. Hayner

A familiar face will be checking into "American Horror Story: Hotel." Emma Roberts, who starred in the "Coven" and "Freak Show" seasons of the anthology series will return for the next installment of "AHS."

Creator Ryan Murphy spilled the news to Zap2it in a group interview. "She's still going to do a couple episodes of 'Horror Story' at the end, I think," he says. He adds, "She comes at the end. She comes and she has a great thing with Evan Peters at the end."

Roberts will jump to "AHS" after she finishes shooting the first season of Murphy's "Scream Queens," which wraps in early October.

Pairing her with Peters should prove to be an interesting twist on the end of the season. After dating since 2012, the engaged couple have reportedly ended their relationship.
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Old 07-03-2015, 03:54 PM
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American Horror Story: Hotel and Fargo trading cards for Comic-Con: First Look

FX will hit Comic-Con next week, and fans of Fargo and American Horror Story: Hotel will be able to pick up some souvenirs to tide them over until the shows return this fall. The network worked with illustrator Martin Ansin to create seven different trading cards exclusive to Comic-Con fans, and EW is pleased to debut the ones for Fargo and AHS: Hotel.

FX will also have cards for Archer, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll, The Bastard Executioner and The Strain. Each will be available for fans to pick up throughout the FX Fearless Arena after acquiring up a complimentary carrying case at the Welcome Area.

See the cards for American Horror Story: Hotel and Fargo below:

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Old 07-06-2015, 08:12 AM
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‘American Horror Story’ Season 5 Spoilers: ‘Hotel’ Production Begins Monday
Denis O'Hare revealed that production on Season 5 begins Monday

The cast of “American Horror Story” Season 5 will begin to check into “Hotel” on Monday! Returning actor Denis O’Hare confirmed the good news on Twitter on Thursday.

O’Hare spent a few days in Italy, visiting Genova and Turin. When a fan tweeted and asked him to visit Milan, the actor responded that he couldn’t due to prior obligations … “American Horror Story.”

Would love that,” he replied. “But I have to go back to US and start work on AHS-Hotel on Monday.

It’s not clear where O’Hare and the rest of the cast will be, or if filming will start on Monday. Series co-creator Ryan Murphy previously revealed at PaleyFest in March that filming wouldn’t begin until August. Production for the FX anthology is set to return to Los Angeles after the last two seasons, “Coven” and “Freak Show,” were filmed in New Orleans. A six-story hotel for Season 5 is being built on the Fox lot.

O’Hare, who previously starred in Season 1, Season 3 and Season 4, was cast in “Hotel” in mid-June. No details about his character have been released. The actor will join fellow returning stars Angela Bassett, Kathy Bates, Wes Bentley, Matt Bomer, Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters, Emma Roberts, Chlöe Sevigny and Finn Wittrock. Newcomers to the franchise include Lady Gaga, Max Greenfield and Cheyenne Jackson.

New details about “American Horror Story: Hotel” are speculated to be announced at the San Diego Comic-Con panel on Sunday, July 12.
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Old 07-11-2015, 06:50 AM
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American Horror Story gives fans a glimpse of ‘Hotel’ at Comic-Con
American Horror Story has opened the doors to their newest adventure American Horror Story: Hotel at Comic-Con in San Diego.

We are only a little over two and a half months away from the moment that American Horror Story fans have been waiting for from the very second the curtain fell for the final time on American Horror Story: Freak Show; the premiere of Season 5 of the FX Original Series known as American Horror Story: Hotel.

As most of you are already well aware, the extravaganza known as the San Diego Comic-Con has officially kicked off in sunny California, and with it comes the latest and greatest from all of your favorite movies, television shows, comics, and so very much more.

What better place to get your first look at what hides behind the doors of the new season of American Horror Story? While the official American Horror Story panel is not until Sunday evening, this has not stopped FX Networks from dropping little pieces of insight into what fans can expect from the new series.

In fact, they have gone as far as to give their fans a look inside the American Horror Story exhibit at Comic-Con. One can only assume that this can be interpreted as our first look at what we will see when the doors to the hotel officially swing open in October.

Judging by the pictures, which you can see below, this, is going to be one creepy adventure. Of course, we would expect nothing less from series co-creators Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk.

As we mentioned before, there is no official word if this is actually the design of the hotel we will see in the series, but one could imagine that if there are changes that they will not be very significant. This is not to say that it couldn’t happen, but let’s be real…they premiere in just over two and a half months.

The first image we see is a wide shot of the hotel itself. Much like the second season of the series, which was known as American Horror Story: Asylum, they have chosen to go with very dark colors like the worn down grey that surrounds the building. There is a significant amount of damage to the outside, but as the old saying goes, never judge a book by its cover.

When we take a look inside, we see a pristine white lobby area. This is reminiscent of Miss Robichaux’s Academy in American Horror Story: Coven in both theme and color. The room is very crisp, clean, and very open.

The focal point of the room is the bright and inviting check-in desk. There is no telling what awaits us behind the counter, but if we know Murphy and Falchuk the way we do, they will be incredibly devious and most certainly not looking out for your best interests.

Finally, we have a look at what appears to be a hotel key. More than likely, this is something that they are handing out to people who attend the event and not an actual representation of something we will see in the show. The one thing we do know for sure is that we want one!

While we are incredibly disappointed that HBIC Jessica Lange will not be joining us on this new adventure, FX Networks has scared up a terrific cast for the latest season of the creepy series that will undoubtedly hold up the legacy that has been established in the four seasons before it.

At this point and time we do not have an official premiere date for American Horror Story: Hotel other than the fact that it is slated to premiere in October. On the bright side, we have a pretty good feeling that this information will become available on Sunday night at the panel.
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Old 07-12-2015, 07:15 AM
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Sarah Paulson’s excited to play a bad guy for the first time American Horror Story

Sarah Paulson’s about to play a bad guy for the first time in the upcoming season of American Horror Story — and she’s ready.

I think what I’m going to do is try to bring Jessica Lange to the show without her being here by just borrowing all her moves,” she said when she stopped by the Entertainment Weekly Lounge at Comic-Con. She has some competition though: Co-stars Angela Bassett and Matt Bomer are also itching to steal some of the American Horror Story veteran’s tricks. Watch the three fight it out — and share Lady Gaga stories:
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Old 07-12-2015, 07:22 AM
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5 kick ass moments from EW's: Women Who Kick Ass panel at Comic-Con
We salute Hayley Atwell, Gal Gadot, Jenna Coleman, Gwendoline Christie and Kathy Bates.

EW took over Hall H for the sixth year in a row for its annual Women Who Kick Ass panel, celebrating our favorite bad ass women in pop culture. Moderated by EW senior writer Sara Vilkomerson, this year’s roster featured Gwendoline Christie (Game of Thrones), Hayley Atwell (Agent Carter), Jenna Coleman (Doctor Who), Gal Gadot (Batman v Superman) and Kathy Bates (American Horror Story). Here are the 5 most kick-ass moments:

Gadot, who plays Wonder Woman in the comic book movie, says putting on the costume was exhilarating. “It was like an out of body experience. There I was little Gal from Israel becoming Wonder Woman.

Bates says that the new season of Hotel is going to deliver the goods. “I’ve just gotten the first couple of scripts of Hotel. I know I’m running the hotel which is very exciting.” She added, “It’s almost like a completely different way of telling a story. Everybody is just going to be knocked out of their seats when they see this.

Coleman thinks that the next Doctor Who could be a female. “I think it’s absolutely possible. There’s absolutely no reason why not. I think Peter Capaldi is doing the most wonderful job so there’s not currently a vacancy.

Atwell understands why there are shippers who want Peggy Carter and Lyndsy Fonseca’s character together. “I think it’s quite rare on television these days in a scene together who aren’t talking about the men.” She added, “Not in competition with each other and being catty.

Christie says that Brianne of Tarth’s fight with the Hound in the last season of Thrones was actually brutal—she truly punched the actor in the groin. “What you see in that fight is a genuine connection of fist and under carriage.
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Old 07-13-2015, 05:32 AM
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Here Are The First 'American Horror Story: Hotel' Character Names

We finally know who will be checking into the "American Horror Story: Hotel" next season.

Actors from both "American Horror Story" and "Scream Queens" joined Ryan Murphy, co-creator of both shows, onstage at a combined Comic-Con panel on Sunday. "AHS" Season 5 cast members Sarah Paulson, Kathy Bates, Angela Bassett, Evan Peters and Matt Bomer took the stage alongside Jamie Lee Curtis, Emma Roberts, Lea Michele, Skyler Samuels, Keke Palmer, Abigail Breslin and Billie Lourd of Fox's upcoming "Scream Queens."

While Murphy didn't share any new footage from either series, he did reveal a handful of details about the new season of "AHS," according to multiple outlets. We now know that Sarah Paulson will play Hypodermic Sally, Evan Peters is Mr. March, Kathy Bates is Iris and Matt Bomer is Donovan. We also know that all of the above characters, plus Angela Bassett's character, will be evil.

Although Murphy reportedly didn't say much about how "Hotel" will tie in to the previous seasons of "AHS," which he revealed last year were all connected, he did say that former "AHS" characters will return in the new season.

E! Online TV Scoop @eonlineTV
We will see more and more and more former #AHS characters this season. They'll check into the hotel. #SDCC
10:27 PM - 12 Jul 2015

Vulture ✔@vulture
Ryan Murphy: Characters are connected to different seasons. You'll see more & more of that this season in #AHSHotel. #SDCC
10:27 PM - 12 Jul 2015

Murphy also revealed that Paulson, whose characters have previously survived all four seasons of "AHS," may not survive this year.

Vulture ✔@vulture
#AHSHotel: we know Angela Bassett & Sarah Paulson are bad girls. Murphy says Paulson's Hotel character may not live this time. #SDCC
10:15 PM - 12 Jul 2015

While "Hotel" newcomer Lady Gaga was not at the panel on Sunday, Murphy revealed the story behind her casting. The pop singer apparently contacted Murphy herself and asked if she could play an evil character. His response? "YES," in all caps, according to Mashable. Gaga won't have any singing moments on the horror series, but fashion will be a major aspect of the "Bad Romance" singer's character.

Vulture ✔@vulture
Murphy: Part of @ladygaga #AHSHotel role involves fashion so the costume designers are working with her on that. #SDCC
10:14 PM - 12 Jul 2015

So far, Murphy hasn't revealed any further details about "Hotel," but we do know it will also star Chloe Sevigny, Wes Bentley, Finn Wittrock, Max Greenfield and Cheyenne Jackson. "AHS" veteran Jessica Lange has already been pretty clear that she won't be returning to the show; however, Murphy reportedly made a comment during the panel that the actress could come back one day, according to E! News.

E! Online TV Scoop @eonlineTV
Ryan Murphy makes a reference to Jessica Lange possibly leaving for a year and then coming back, room explodes. #yes #please #ahs #sdcc
10:08 PM - 12 Jul 2015

FX has yet to release further plot details about "American Horror Story: Hotel," but we have speculated on what the new season could be about, based on previous clues.
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Old 07-14-2015, 09:40 AM
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Get Your First Glimpse At Lady Gaga In 'American Horror Story: Hotel'

The Lady is ready to check in to AHS:Hotel this October on FX.

Five months after FX first announced Lady Gaga would join the cast of "American Horror Story: Hotel," we finally have our first glimpse, (and we do mean glimpse) of Mother Monster in character.

A 10-second teaser (yes, 10 seconds, it's such a tease) released on Monday features the hand of a woman you don't want to mess with, but one we are clearly dying to meet as she rings the hotel's concierge bell.

The new teaser comes just two days after the show's Comic-Con panel, where the returning cast members revealed the names of the characters they'll be playing this season. Sarah Paulson will play Hypodermic Sally, Evan Peters is Mr. March, Kathy Bates is Iris and Matt Bomer is Donovan. We also know that all of the above characters, plus Angela Bassett's character, will be evil.
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Old 07-16-2015, 07:40 AM
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Lady Gaga shares glimpse of bloody American Horror Story: Hotel script as she prepares for her hair-raising role

Her 'Little Monsters' are not easily shocked.

But even Lady Gaga's devoted fans may have raised some eyebrows when the singer, 29, posted an image of an American Horror Story: Hotel script covered in what looked like blood to Instagram.

The singer and actress stars in the upcoming season of the creepy FX show, as the upcoming season takes place in a spooky hotel.

Making a reservation: Lady Gaga posted this image of her bloody American Horror Story script to Instagram

Lady Gaga ‏@ladygaga
Just doing a bit of monster homework. Horrible lipstick accident. #AHS

The episode's title "Checking In" was clearly visible in the snap, as was the name of American Horror Story creators and writers Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk.

A new teaser video for the new show released this week showed Lady Gaga 'checking in' to the hotel.

In the clip, a grey, gloved hand with long, talon-like nails rings a bell on the front desk before the words 'Lady Gaga' were flashed across the screen.

The singer reportedly told showrunner Murphy she wanted to play a character that was involved in fashion.

Gaga is an experienced actress, scoring roles in feature films Machete Kills and Sin City: A Dame To Kill for.

She also had a small part on The Sopranos before shooting to fame as an international pop star.

The Born This Way singer will join returning AHS stars Kathy Bates, Angela Bassett, Sarah Paulson and Chloe Sevigny in the latest season of the anthology series, which hits US television screens in October.

Read more:
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Old 07-17-2015, 08:57 AM
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Richard T. Jones Books ‘American Horror Story: Hotel’

EXCLUSIVE: Richard T. Jones is the latest to check into American Horror Story: Hotel, booking an 8-episode arc on the FX anthology series. He will play Detective Hahn, a Los Angeles police Homicide Detective.

Jones joins Sarah Paulson, Lady Gaga, Kathy Bates, Matt Bomer, Cheyenne Jackson, Angela Bassett, Max Greenfield, Finn Wintrock, Wes Bentley, Evan Peters, and Chloë Sevigny in Hotel.
Jones recently appeared opposite Reese Witherspoon in feature Hot Pursuit, and will next be seen in Sony’s upcoming pic Concussion. His other TV credits include recurring roles on CBS’ Extant and Netflix’s Narcos. Jones is repped by APA, Michael McConnell at Artists International Management and Felker Toczek.
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Old 07-17-2015, 09:05 AM
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'American Horror Story' Nominees Sarah Paulson & Finn Wittrock Talk 'Hotel' & Playing Dark For Ryan Murphy – Emmys

“He trusts his gut more than most actors do.”

Finn Wittrock is talking about American Horror Story: Freak Show co-creator Ryan Murphy, who selected him actor to play the sociopath rich brat Dandy Mott after playing a dying AIDS patient in the HBO movie The Normal Heart. The roles couldn’t be different. Ask Wittrock, “How did Murphy know you could go dark?” and the actor is dumbfounded.

Murphy also had a similar instinct with actress Sarah Paulson, who started off playing Southern psychic on Season 1 of American Horror Story and graduated to the challenging role of Siamese twins Dot and Bette in Freak Show.

How did Murphy know that Paulson could pull it off? “He threw everything at me and the kitchen sink during season two,” she said. “I had to simulate masturbation, give myself an abortion and breastfeed Zachary Quinto.” Once Murphy knew he could throw Paulson in any kind of peril and not jar her, he know the actress could go the distance.

Murphy’s thespian flexing also has its upside: Today, Wittrock earned his first Emmy nomination as a supporting actor and Paulson earned her fourth Emmy nom (third as supporting) in the limited series/movie category.

In preparing for her role as Dot and Bette, Paulson watched video of the only living conjoined twins, Brittany and Abby Hensel, “to get the physicality and mimic their body movements.” She also read about the Hilton twins. When playing one twin, she had to keep her rib cage off to the side, and when playing the other half, had to sit erect. Camera shoots took twice as long because they had to shoot the left and right sides of Paulson’s body, with her changing her head band to reflect the angle. “It was labor intensive and incredibly challenging,” says the actress. “I’m right-handed, not left. It was hard on the brain.

Speaking about his bloodthirsty character Dandy Mott, Wittrock says: “He always wanted to be a performer and be appreciated by a mass audience. It wasn’t for artistic reasons.

Then joking, “It was because he wanted to get his own Emmy!

He added: “Dandy was never accepted by anyone and was even rejected by the freaks. He was never allowed to mature.

In regards to their roles on next season’s Lady Gaga headliner American Horror Story: Hotel, Paulson stuck to her reveal at last Sunday’s AHS Comic-Con panel and nothing else: “My character’s name is Sally Hypodermic.” Murphy hinted then that Paulson’s character could be killed off because none of her AHS alter egos has experienced death.

Wittrock, who also is appearing in a string of upcoming features — Damien Chazelle’s musical La La Land, Adam McKay’s The Big Short and Angelo Pizzo’s My All American — says that his AHS: Hotel character is not a good guy by any means, but a very different person” from Dandy. As has been buzzed about on the web, Wittrock’s character has a love triangle with Lady Gaga and Matt Bomer’s characters.

Speaking specifically about his connection with Bomer, Wittrock explains: “There might be some payback, specifically in terms of what Dandy did to Matt’s character on Freak Show — Dandy dismembered him. So Matt and I may or may not go head to head over Lady Gaga. She has that affect on you.
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Old 07-17-2015, 09:09 AM
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American Horror Story's Finn Wittrock Talks 'Surprise' Emmy Nod and Battling Matt Bomer for Lady Gaga in Hotel

It seems fitting that a woman’s scream is what alerted Finn Wittrock to his Emmy nomination Thursday morning for his role as killer clown Dandy Mott in American Horror Story: Freak Show.

My wife had the [live stream] up, and I was like, ‘Ugh. This is too much suspense. Just tell me if I got one or not. I can’t deal with watching this,’ the actor recounts to TVLine. “So I made some scrambled eggs and coffee and then suddenly I heard her let out this joyful scream: ‘You got it!'

Below, Wittrock reveals which fellow Freak he celebrated the news with, reflects on Dandy’s tragic life and “intense and painful” death, and previews his Horror Story rematch with Matt Bomer in this fall’s Hotel.

TVLINE | How does it feel?
I’m surprised. I didn’t see it coming. There was some talk about [the possibility of a nod] but I’m still in shock. It’s incredibly nice and humbling.

TVLINE | Have you hard from any of your Horror Story co-stars this morning?
Sarah Paulson and I have been texting. [Her nomination] was incredibly well deserved.

TVLINE | Where did you draw your inspiration from for Dandy?
Anthony Perkins from Psycho. Honestly, it was less about watching other psychos and more about finding your inner child, in a dark way. [Laughs]

TVLINE | You were asked to do a lot of out-there stuff in Freak Show. Anything make you go, “Um… wow.”
How do you pick a No. 1 between hacking Matt Bomer to bits, stabbing Patti LaBelle and bathing in your mother’s blood… The mass murder at the end finally made me like, “Oh, God. This is hard.” Killing that many people did start to take an emotional toll on me a little bit.

TVLINE | Do you think Dandy got off easy just merely drowning to death? Did he deserve a punishment more befitting of his crimes?
I think drowning is maybe the scariest way to go. [Laughs] And filming it was actually really intense and a bit painful. I’m sure they could’ve cooked up other more torturous [deaths], but I think it was pretty befitting.

TVLINE | When do you start work on AHS: Hotel?
Very soon. Two weeks

TVLINE | What can you say about your character?
I’ll be pretty involved with Ms. Gaga.

TVLINE | You’re in a love triangle with Gaga and Bomer, right?
Yes. Bomer and I will go head-to-head once again. Payback might be a bitch.
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