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Old 10-26-2004, 03:37 PM
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Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Jun 2000
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Posts: 968
Default Cory's Q&A Answers are up

Thanks go out to all that sent in questions for our tour reporter to answer. We recieved over 300 questions and below are the best of the best. Enjoy!

Michael asks: Do you know why on all cd's and in all concerts the song Dreams is always the second song??? It seems to be a pattern and I wanted to know if there is a method to the madness.
[CB] Yes, Dreams is always the second song because because if it’s put in any other position an alarm will be triggered and the song will immediately self destruct, causing a huge explosion of flames, noxious gases and toxic other words, I’m a sarcastic freak and no, I don’t think there’s any particular reason for it.

Sarah asks: Is there anything on the necklace Lindsey wears?
[CB] Hmmm. I believe his wife bought it for him and he just really liked it. He’s worn it ever since. I wish I could make up some really interesting answer, but I think it’s just as boring and simple and that. Sorry!

Sarah asks: Who is the 3rd teen on vocals on "Say You Will" on the album in addition to Molly McVie & Jessica Nicks?
[CB] It was one of the girls friends. It was so long ago, I can’t recall whether it was Jessie’s friend or Molly’s friend, but my memory is leaning towards Jessie.

Tom asks: In the pause, what refreshments are taken by the Fleetwood Mac
members (Coca Cola Diet, my favorite drink) ?
[CB] Let’s see, Stevie is an iced tea kind of gal, while John likes sparkling water, Lindsey drinks regular Coke, and Mick drinks Lemon-Lime Gatorade.

Randy asks: What is the real reason Running Through The Garden and Destiny Rules were cut from the set list?
[CB] The “real reason”? Is there a conspiracy theory I’m unaware of? I just made myself laugh. Let’s be real here, RTTG was never really in the set. I think it may have seen one live performance and then it went away because it just wasn’t right, Stevie wasn’t happy with it and it’s her song, so she makes the call. And Destiny Rules was added because they wanted to try something new, but it was causing the set to be too long (yes, we do have curfews to worry about!) and from what I remember it wasn’t getting a great crowd reaction, and blah blah blah...It wasn’t right, so they took it out. Sorry for my hasty answer, it was just so long ago, and the only thing people asked me (harassed me) for about three months were set list questions, so I’m all out of lengthy, informative answers!

Marla asks: I have attended several concerts this past year and I notice while Stevie is singing, she is continually adjusting a black box on her waist. What is this box for and what does it do?
[CB] The black box you speak of is what we call a belt pack. We all wear them, or at least most of us do. The audience can hear the show very well, because they’re standing in front of the PA system, but when you’re standing behind it, like the band is, you can’t hear much of anything, it all sounds kind of muffled. If you look carefully on the side of the stage you can see an antenna. It sends a signal, provided by the sound guy, to the belt packs. You plug ear monitors into the belt pack and voila! You can actually hear the show! Singers can’t sing and musicians can’t play if they can’t hear themselves, and with how much noise is being made on stage the band can’t hear what they’re doing. Stevie and Mick choose ear monitors, custom molded earphones that block out all the “noise” and let them hear only clean, clear music. While John and Lindsey opt for floor monitors, which are just a set of speakers on the ground near them that allow them to hear what they’re playing. All bands will have one or the other, it’s just a matter of personal preference. When you see Stevie adjusting it, she’s just turning the volume up or down. Did that make any sense? Sorry, it’s hard to explain a relatively complicated thing in one paragraph. Hopefully I answered your question.

Natalie asks: If Fleetwood Mac said that they wanted to add a cover version to their set and they asked you to choose the song for them, which song would you choose and why?
[CB] Wow. Great question. I’m a little touchy about cover songs, I usually despise them, but I realize this question is just in theory...So I just spent 15 minutes going though my iTunes trying to figure out what songs I think I would want them to play, which resulted in a list of 31 songs. I have a serious issue with answering “favorite music” questions. I’ve removed the really obscure songs that you probably wouldn’t know anyway, so here’s six that I think would be good.

1. Lady Writer, Dire Straits: I love Dire Straits, and I love Mark Knopfler, and although I don’t think anyone could do it like he does, I would love to hear FM’s take on it.

2. Death Or Glory, The Clash: One of my top 5 bands...The drums in this song are great, I think Mick would do them justice. I’m not sure where Stevie would fit in to this song, but I know Lindsey would do something great with the guitars and vocals, and really I just love this song, it has such a good feel to it, and I think FM could put a good spin on it.

3. Black, Pearl Jam: To be honest, I think I just want to hear Lindsey sing this song. Eddie Vedder actually reminds me of Lindsey vocally. I think they both sing with the same kind of enthusiasm and fervor, and this song is just brimming with the kind of emotion that I think Lindsey delivers so well in his own songs. (I’m starting to sound like a know it all columnist for Rolling Stone...ugh.)

4. Little Triggers, Elvis Costello: Again, one of my top 5 bands, and this is one of my favorite songs. And again, I just think it would be a good choice for Fleetwood Mac. I’ve never heard anyone cover it before, and it might be a song that only Elvis can do, but I’d love to hear FM give it a shot. I originally thought I would want Lindsey to sing it, but I just gave it another listen with Stevie in mind, and I think she’d be great too.

5. Never Tear Us Apart, INXS: How can anyone not love this’s incredible. Lindsey or Stevie would be perfect for the vocals. There are some great back up vocals that I think S&L could even improve upon with more complex harmonies. It’s such a mellow song, but the drums are really present and noticeable, unlike a lot of ballad-like songs, so I think Mick would dig it. (They might have to ditch the saxophone solo though...)

6. Wave Of Mutilation, The Pixies: Although this song is on the bottom of the list, I think if I had to choose one, this would be it. Like Fleetwood Mac, The Pixies also had both a female and a male vocalist, and their voices work so well together that more often than not you can’t tell if it’s two people singing or only one, so I think Linds and Stevie would be an excellent match for this song. The bass line in this song is great, as are the drums. The whole song is a little messy and rough around the edges, but that’s The Pixies. I am crazy about this song, and would not allow anyone to seriously cover it, but if we’re just talking for curiosity sake, I would definitely enjoy a rendition by Fleetwood Mac.

Tired of me babbling yet?? Best way to get me talking...ask me a freakin’ music question. I talk so much I annoy even myself.

Doroth asks: A thousand thanks for your witty, detailed and much appreciated reporting. Sounds like you had a blast on the tour. I sure did having gone to over 20 shows. Do you have a favorite Stevie song, Lindsey song and is there anything about Stevie and Lindsey that would surprise their devoted fans like me?
[CB] I absolutely had a blast. Best 18 months of my life. Oh my, favorite songs are my hardest questions, it all depends on my mood on any given day. This is going to be a three page answer! We’re talking solo careers, right? Can I give more than one? Stevie songs I’d have to go with If Anyone Falls, I love the lyrics, and I think it encapsulates what’s so amazing about Stevie’s songs, they tend to have a sad thread to them, but they always have an underlying sense of strength or optimism. Also, Imperial it. Talk To Me is a good one, and I can’t leave out Stop Draggin My Heart’s one of my all time favorite songs. Tom Petty is a god, and the two of them together are phenomenal.

Lindsey god. How could I choose only a few? This is torture. At the risk of proving how young I am...Out Of The Cradle is the only record I was old enough to really remember coming out. A lot of the songs on that record are very personal to me. The whole record is amazing in my opinion, musically, lyrically, and it has a lot of heart. So I hold a special place for that record. You Do Or Don’t, Street Of Dreams and Turn It On are extremely dear to me.

The rest of the list is a mile long. Holiday Road, Bwana, I Want You, Mary Lee Jones. Trouble is one of my favorite songs ever, by anyone. And the album that Lindsey was working on before Say You Will has a handful of songs that I adore, two of which were Steal Your Heart Away and Red Rover. Also, Down On Rodeo, which hasn’t been released, but he performed it for his PBS Soundstage, it’s incredible. I have to end the list there or we’ll be here for days.

Rhonda in Texas asks: I was also wondering if it is lonely for famous entertainers when on tour and have to be secluded in hotel rooms, especially for such a long trip as the recent tour.
[CB] I think there are lonely days, but that’s true for all of us. Everyone is away from family and friends, and there are days where it gets to you. But we make our own family with the crew and the staff. As for the band members, who have fame to worry about, you’d be surprised how much they can go out without much trouble. Fans are generally very respectful, and when they do get recognized or approached, it’s usually very nice and unintrusive. People don’t tend to interrupt dinners or private conversations or moments. Stevie comes out shopping with us, Lindsey spends a lot of time alone, but only because he travels with an itty-bitty recording studio, and his favorite place to be is with a guitar and headphones on. I know he tends to get a little lonely when he hasn’t seen his family in a while, but they come out often enough to avoid that usually. Mick also has small children and a wife that he misses, but he keeps busy playing lots of golf and goes out often. And of course they also come and visit often. John spends a lot of time walking around, shopping, checking the cities out, and his wife and daughter come out to visit when they can. So, to answer your question, yes, I think they all get lonely at times, we all do, but we keep busy, and generally we all really enjoy it out here, band included.

Sabrina asks: What is Stevie really like? Also, What's the reason she doesn't where her boots any longer on stage?
[CB] What’s she like? Well, she’s very silly and funny. Sometimes she’s loud and raucous, sometimes she’s quiet and introverted. She has a contagious laugh, if she’s laughing you can’t help but laugh too. And when she starts giggling it’ll take an army to get her to stop. She has her moments where she’s tired or frustrated with something...but who doesn’t? She’s no frills, no bull, she writes a lot and takes a lot of pictures. She’s sweet to everyone on the crew, gracious, and appreciative. She’s generous, supportive, soft, sweet and talkative. I truly can’t say a bad thing about her...honest to god.

And she still wears boots! She’s got six inch spike heels on at the end of every show! She doesn’t wear them the whole show, but I can’t blame her...dancing around for two and half hours in stilettos can’t be fun. I think she likes being comfortable as much as possible, but she still brings the boots out every night, even if it’s only for a few songs.

John K asks what kind of perfume does Stevie typically where?
I can answer that very easily...she always smells so good, you would not believe it. She got me hooked on her perfume. I’m addicted. It’s called Fracas. But I warn you, perfume can smell different depending on the person, I put it on one of my girlfriends and she stunk to high just never know!

Jeannie G.asks: Thank you so much for writing to all of us. We have enjoyed reading every word that you had to say. I am a huge fan of Stevie's! What could you tell us about her that many of her fans may not know? I do know that she loves candles,Jasmine,angels and red roses. I know that she loves to paint and draw, which is where I get my inspiration for my art. So please tell us something about Stevie.
[CB] Something about Stevie. Well, the candles she loves are coconut shell candles from Island Soap Works (I highly recommend them actually, I bought them for all the women in my family for Christmas last year). They’re tropical smelling; coconut, pikake and plumeria are her favorite. She has a cashmere obsession. She loves blonde and gets mad at me whenever I dye my hair dark. She told me weeks ago that she would disown me if I didn’t make my recently dark hair blonde again. She also plays with hair a lot, if she’s standing near one of her girls, she’ll just start braiding your hair or fluffing it. She is a girly-girl and loves clothes and make-up, and shares all her good finds with the rest of the us. She talks to her dogs in this high-pitched cutie voice that makes them wag their tails and snort with excitement. She loves Folgers coffee. She likes decorating, and constantly moves her furniture around to accommodate her mood. She loves the ocean. She takes good care of her friends and loved ones, is always there if you need a hug and always always always has good advice. She does things for herself, which include opening the flue in the fireplace when she wants to light a fire, which resulted in her dumping ashes all over her white pajamas and white bedroom. Did I just say that out loud? (Oh my god, she’ll kill me for that one...but it’s too funny not to tell.) I better shut up now.

Pat asks: What are your plans after the tour ends for a job?
[CB] I’m already on another tour...I didn’t even get to go home between Fleetwood Mac and this tour! I flew straight from the last FM show to rehearsals for the next tour. And as we speak, I’m in New York City about to head out the door for a show. My plans are just to keep touring as long as someone will hire me. I’ll be on this tour for a while, into next year at least, so I’ll just see what happens after that.

Amy asks: How does Lindsay Buckingham get through the whole concert without appearing to stop -- does he ever take a break? Also, I read in the fan reviews that during the first concert at the casino in CA Stevie appeared very annoyed at the way the security made everyone sit -- is this true?
[CB] Lindsey doesn’t get a break during the show, to be honest, I don’t know how he does it. It makes me tired just watching him sometimes. It must be adrenaline or some super human power. Beats me. And yes, both Lindsey and Stevie are always a little miffed when security asks people to sit. They love having the crowd up front, and they also know that the crowd loves being up front, so security is always told to let at least the first 5 rows come to the stage. At the casino show, however, it was a different story. It was an Indian Reservation, and security asking people to sit was a tribal counsel thing. Apparently it’s disrespectful to the tribal elders to stand in front, so obviously we all had to be understanding of that, and the band just rolled with the punches.

Todd asks: Since the band has been playing "Beautiful Child" so much lately, I was wondering if you could tell us what specifically the song is about...
[CB] I should make something up just to please you and not feel like I’m shafting you out of the one question you had hoped to get an answer to, but if I’m being honest, I’ll tell you that after 130 shows, I still listen to that song and think...”what in the heck?” I have no idea. Sometimes I think Stevie’s poetry takes over and the lyrics are not always a direct relation to an actual topic.

Stephanie asks: You are so considerate and thoughtful to all of us Fleetwood Mac fans. Are you going to miss being on the road and having fans scream at you for Stevie's roses and the songlist? By the way, thanks for tossing me a rose.
[CB] I’ll miss being on the road with Fleetwood Mac, but I must admit, it’s nice to be on a new tour and reclaim my sense of anonymity. I totally appreciated everyone’s feedback and was so flattered by how many of you liked the diaries and sought me out to tell me so. But I’ve never had the urge for any kind of fame (no matter how small it was), and I still don’t. It was always a little weird to have people yelling my name after shows...I never got used to it. So although I’m grateful for how much people liked the diaries, the attention that came with it tended to make me a little uncomfortable. I’m just a socially anxious kind of gal!!

Chris asks: I would be so pleased if Stevie would consider selling some of her artwork. I would love to have a piece that I knew was made by her own hands. Does she have any plans in the future to sell some of her creations? Could you talk her into it!! Ha! Ha! I have read her stating that there are very personal to her,and she has hard time parting with them, she has influenced me as a person with her music, I would to be influenced by her art as well. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my email, I applaud your efforts to keep the band in touch with the fans!!!
[CB] If you’ve been to any of the Say You Will shows, did you know that during Rhiannon, the drawings on the video screen that kind of bleed in and out of each other are drawings by Stevie? There’s a little tidbit for ya. I have never heard her talk about selling her artwork, but I would think if she ever decided to part ways with it, she would more likely auction it off for charity, or something of the sort. I can’t see her selling it for personal profit though. So you never know, I guess! But I wouldn’t hold your breath if I were you.

Vinna asks: What does the band do after the show? I would think they'd be exhausted, especially when they do the show night after night. Do they rehearse every day?
[CB] The only rehearsal they have is a three song sound check at every show. After the show they typically hang out in the dressing rooms for a while, then our tour manager wrangles them up in to the cars and they head out to the plane and fly to the next city. Stevie is a night bird so she’s usually pretty energetic after the shows. I think the boys catch some sleep on the plane though.

Michele asks:. Do all of the band members get their own dressing room on tour, or are there usually just 2: one for the guys and one for Stevie?
[CB] We had 4 dressing rooms, one for Stevie, one for Lindsey, Mick and John, one for the back up band (Taku, Neale, Carlos and Brett) and one for the back-up vocalists (Sharon and Jana). We also have a separate room for wardrobe, and when the band had family traveling with them we would do a family room, where the kids could hang out and sleep and just be kids. We carried our own furniture (the furniture provided by the venues can be reeeeally yucky, and nobody wants to take a nap on a couch that 4 million people have sat on.) We even traveled with an entertainment center so the kids could watch movies, and a huge hamper full of the kids pillows, blankets and toys. We pretty much carried the contents of the world with us. But everybody was comfy and at home and that’s the whole point!

Tiffany asks: Why didn't Fleetwood Mac do Thrown Down during the tour? It seemed to be the song the fans most wanted to hear.
[CB] Tell me about it. I love that song. LOVE it. They rehearsed it, but I think it just comes down to four people voting on what songs make the cut, and how well the song flows with the rest of the set. I know it’s a generic and uninformed answer, but it’s the best I can do. Sorry.

Tiffany asks: Can you tell us how Stevie and Lindsey get along now?
[CB] They get along really well. They’re very good friends, and they love and fight just like all good friends. They make fun of each other, and respect each other. I think they have their differences, but after 30 years I can only imagine they’ve put them to rest.

Sarah asks: Can you describe the most interesting items that have come up on the stage?
[CB] There’s been the attack of the Penguins, when 30 stuffed penguins were thrown on stage. The attack of the Hershey’s Kisses, when an army of personalized Kisses were all thrown up at once. There’s been bra’s, hats, tons of letters, a million pictures, cd’s. Stevie gets a lot of trinkets, ornaments, angels and stuffed animals. One time there was a teddy bear, and when I ran out between songs to get it, I picked it up and it started singing “Jesus Loves Me”. That one threw me for a loop. People throw incense, candles, a lot of jewelry comes up for Stevie. People like throwing up T-shirts, usually of their company or website. My favorite is the Zebra print cowboy hat, the rainbow feather boa, and the gold bedazzled belt. All came on different nights, but boy did I get a laugh when I met the band at their limos wearing the whole outfit.

Chris asks: Some fans who got the fan club "backstage tour" noticed John McVie had a "KERRY FOR PRESIDENT" sticker on one of his cases.. Lindsey has referred to John as a "staunch republican.." was the sticker on his case a joke by someone to John McVie, or has John really moved on over to the left??
[CB] There is a John Kerry sticker on McVie’s road case, John put it on there himself. Draw your own conclusions.

Amber asks: Where is Stevie's favorite place to play? (city...)
[CB] Oh man, that’s a hard one. You couldn’t ask me what her favorite color is or how many sugars she likes in her coffee? Geez. I know that Stevie prefers playing indoors, the sound is better, and the vibe is better. But as for a particular place, you got me...I do not know. I’m a failure.

Amber asks: What does Stevie think of young girls, such as myself (14), who absolutely adore her and idolize her? Is she surprised to have such young fans, or does she realize how much of an affect her music has on everyone of all ages?
[CB] I think Stevie is very pleased by young people enjoying her music. I think it’s a sign of timelessness, a reminder that you didn’t have to be alive in 1977 to know who Stevie Nicks is and to appreciate her music. I think most of all, she wants young women to find a way to express themselves and find their own sense of strength, and if they can learn to do that, or find a way a to do that because they listen to and watch her, I think that pleases her to no end. And I do think she has an idea of how much she affects people, but it’s also hard to grasp how big of an influence Stevie Nicks is when you’re Stevie Nicks. Does that make sense? I think I’m failing miserably at this whole Q&A thing....

Deborah asks: How did you get your job? (I could never do it with 2 little kids, etc., but just curious to know! Where was this job when I was young and single!?) Was this the first time you toured with a band like this? If not, how does this compare to other tours and bands you've worked with? Were you a Big Mac fan before the tour?
[CB] I got this job because nepotism is a wonderful thing. No really though, the same tour manager that did the Say You Will tour also did The Dance tour, which I was lucky enough to go along with for a while. I got to know the tour manager, and years later, when my current job was starting to bore me, Fleetwood Mac was about to go in to rehearsals, so I called him up and asked if he needed anyone for the tour. He did, I gave my two weeks notice, and here I am. I grew up around bands, local punk rock bands mostly. I spend a lot of time in my teenage years touring with friends bands and my then boyfriends band, doing merch and playing mom to a bevy of stinky boys. But those tours were a much, much smaller scale, traveling in vans and playing clubs around the US. Fleetwood Mac was the first big scale tour I’ve been a part of. And yes, I was a Fleetwood Mac fan before this all started. I’ve been a Fleetwood Fan since I was in the womb. Literally.

Deborah asks: If you could tell us 1 thing about each of the Mac that gives us a little tidbit into their unique personalities what would it be? For example, what do they do in their spare time? We know John sails, Mick golfs, but what about Stevie and Lindsey. How does Stevie even go out in public anywhere? I almost never hear of Stevie sightings in public places...(if there were, there would be a whole section for this on the nicksfix website!)
[CB] Stevie actually goes out a lot. In every city she goes shopping and out for dinner, at the least. The only thing that makes her really noticeable in public is the “bodyguard”, because it’s hard not to notice a six foot five 300 pound bald guy... (who, by the way, is a snuggly teddy bear underneath his overbearing appearance...) But really, I mean some people do recognize her and approach her, but she goes out at her leisure and does all the same things we do on days off.

One thing about the band members? Well, you’re right in that John likes to sail, and he’s a computer/internet geek as well. Mick loooves shopping. Stevie also shops a lot, and in perfect female form, jewelry shopping tops her list. She loves it when a group of people, maybe 8 or more, get together for dinner. She can sit and chat and laugh for hours on end. Literally. Lindsey loves books and movies, and obviously music. He’s usually reading, watching, listening, recording. He’s very cerebral and can lean towards being a bit of an introvert. Not that it would shock any of you to know that! Duh!

Deborah asks: What's your favorite Mac song and why?
[CB] Oh no, another favorite song question...ok. I’ll give three, because I am incapable of naming only one.

1. Monday Morning: But only the live version. The recorded version is a little too clean for me. The reasons I love this song are actually a bit complex. This song was recorded when Fleetwood Mac were at a level of fame that I can’t even comprehend. In the beginning of the song, when there’s just a guitar riff and over the guitar you hear “Ladies and Gentlemen...will you please give a warm FLEETWOOD MAC!” and the crowd goes gives me chills. It is the one of the moments in music history that I would give my right foot to have seen. I’m crazy, right? On top of that, I think this song is everything that rock and roll was supposed to be. It has an energy and a force that I just can’t get over, an energy that I think very few bands can compete with today. Every time I hear it, it puts the biggest, stupid smile on my face and makes me remember why I have this insane love affair with music.

2. Blue Letter: This song is perfect for Lindsey and Stevie’s voice. It’s the poppier side of Fleetwood Mac, but it’s just such a good song. It’s one of those songs that I can have on repeat and listen to it 37 times and not get tired of it.

3. I Know I’m Not Wrong: I love the Tusk album. I think it’s crazy and brilliant and I’ve never heard anything like it. The whole album is as good as this song, but this one just gets me. The drums are perfect, and makes me wish I was a drummer so that I could properly drum along with song, but I still pretend anyway. And if you listen to the harmonies...holy mother of mary. You can’t even begin to hear everything that’s going on there. During rehearsals this year our keyboard tech took apart all the layers of the song in order to give the band and idea of how many harmonies there were, and so that we could replicate them the best way possible for the live version on this leg of the tour...the harmonies in this song are nothing short of rocket science. They are ingenious. And the song rocks. Simple as that.

Ash asks: I was blessed to see the Say You Will tour four times, and wanted to ask about play lists/song selections. How does the band decide which songs will be played on tour, aside from the popular songs, the fans might expect. ( e.g. The Chain, Dreams…..)
[CB] All the band members, though especially Lindsey and Stevie, bring in choices for songs, they get discussed, some of them get rehearsed. Then they over analyze them and pick and choose what works and what doesn’t. A lot of the songs just don’t end up coming across well live. I remember when they were rehearsing Everybody Finds Out, it’s a great song on the record, but it just seemed like they couldn’t get it to a place where it sounded as good as some of the other songs they were considering for the set. Where as Monday Morning sounded great, but it just couldn’t find it’s place in the set. Every ditched song has a story to tell of why it didn’t make it. If you look at all of Fleetwood Mac’s songs, you would be able to guess the fifty or so songs that would be good for a live performance, and from there, they just try everything out until they have a set of 25 songs that all work well together, have a nice balance, keep a good flow to the set, not too many uppers, not too many downers. It’s like sorting through a big pile of yarn for the colors and textures that will make the best blanket. Ooooh...metaphors are cool.

Lori asks: What will you remember most about this tour overall and with each of the members?
[CB] I can’t possibly pick one memory or one day that I’ll remember most. Quite honestly, I loved every minute of it. I have never been surrounded by better people. And I doubt I ever will. So, I guess to answer your question, the thing I’ll remember most is the crew. I will always remember the amazing feeling that came from being a part of this crew. As far as the band members go...Mick had a very sweet way with me, he’s very funny, and always kept me smiling. Most of all I’ll remember how much he loved this band. His excitement and pride for Fleetwood Mac is admirable and contagious. I loved that about him. John is hilarious, and I already miss his quiet, smart humor. I sat on his side of the stage during the shows, so I have many memories of his offstage antics and jokes. He is SUCH a sweetheart, and is so easy, give him a cup of coffee and a computer and he’s a happy camper. I have too many good memories of Stevie to even start, but the funniest one is when the backstage lift broke... it still sends me into hysterics when I think about it. I can’t bother explaining it again, but look back through the tour diaries and you’ll know what I mean. As for Mr. Buckingham...I wouldn’t know where to begin, and it might just be too personal to me to rant about on a website. It’s all been so important to me, rather emotional, and certainly unforgettable.

Tim asks: Does the band ever recognize familiar faces in the crowd (People who have been to numerous concerts)? Or does the lighting make that too difficult?
[CB] When you’re on stage and the spots are on, it’s hard to even see past the microphone...but I do think that at certain moments in the show Lindsey and Stevie can see the first dozen rows or so, and I think Lindsey especially has a knack for recognizing familiar faces.

Karen asks: How does the group maintain their energy level, night after night? I would love to know how they can give so much and still be able to do the same fantastic show the next day for over a year now.
[CB] That’s a question best left to the band members themselves. I can’t tell you how they do it, they definitely have their great night and their good nights, but never really a bad night. I think that’s why they’ve been able to have the success that they have, they’re really good at what they do, they love doing it, and that keeps them going. They do get tired, everybody does, but by the time 8PM rolls around and there’s 10,000 people out there waiting for you, I think it’s hard not to get pumped and give it all you got. That’s my best guess anyway.

Ashley asks: I'm the girl from the Scranton show that drew the picture of Stevie and gave it to her...I was wondering, Stevie said she would keep it. Do you know what she did with it?
[CB] Ah, the infamous Miss Ashley...nice to hear from you. I don’t know exactly what she did with it, I do know she has it though. But Stevie has hardly been home since the tour ended, she went straight from the last show to Chicago for a while to do a Chris Isaak thing, and I think she only recently got home. I’m guessing she’s settling back into being home and pretty soon I’m guessing she’ll start sorting through “tour life” and getting back into “home life”. But I can tell you that if she said she’d keep it, she meant it, and my guess is it will be somewhere that she can see it. I know it meant a lot to her. Hope that answers your question at least a little bit.

Kiki asks: My question: Do you get to go home at all during a tour? If not, do you ever really want to go home but you can't?
[CB] We got to go home inbetween legs of the tour, whether it was for a few days or a few weeks. But for the most part, we were gone for months at a time. Personally, I didn’t really get homesick. Every now and then there’s something you wish you could be home for, whether it’s your mom’s Thanksgiving dinner or simply a friend in need. But once you get out on the road, your bus kind of becomes home and you don’t think about real home that much, at least that’s how it is for me.

Robin asks: How long is sound check and do Mick, John, LIndsey & Stevie always show up for it?
[CB] Soundcheck was usually three songs, Dreams, Chain and Big Love. And yes, all four of them were there for every one. The only ones Stevie wasn’t there for was the few shows before and after the cluster of shows we had to cancel. When her voice was bothering her she didn’t want to sing if she didn’t have to, in order to preserve her voice. Every now and then they would sound check a song other than the three above, but only if something had gone wrong with it at the previous show or if they were changing something.

Kurt asks: Are there any backup musicians playing guitar during Big Love or does Lindsey play it all by himself?
[CB] That’s just Lindsey. That’s the song that always makes people realize what an amazing guitarist he is. It sounds like there are three guitars, and it’s just him.

Bill asks: What kind of airplane did you all travel in? Did you have any scary moments in it?
[CB] I didn’t actually travel in the plane, the band and their staff fly, and the 45 crew members (including me) travel by bus. The bands plane is a 727 a think, it’s a pretty big plane. I have flown with them a few times though, and it’s a very nice plane. Not your typical Delta jet. Actually, I flew with them recently from LA to DC for the last few shows in September, and there was a storm when we were landing. Stevie was sitting next to me for the last part of the flight, and we had so much turbulence that she and I couldn’t stop laughing because we both thought were going to barf. It actually got pretty scary and the landing was rough. But their pilot is very good, and I think it could have been a lot rougher than it was.

Tracy asks: I heard that John and some of the crew were wearing Stevie's hair rollers during the Chumash show. Can you give us the backstory on that?
[CB] Certainly. Stevie will kill me, but Mama’s got a good sense of humor. Stevie usually shows up to sound check in curlers, and more often than not she actually shows up to the gig in curlers. Sometimes it’s just one or two up front in the bangs, but other times it’s a whole head of big coke can curlers. We had a very creative crew member who liked giving Stevie a hard time about it, so at the last show we bought a truckload of velcro curlers and distributed them to the whole crew and staff, boys and girls alike. When Stevie showed up to gig, she got out of the car (with a full set of curlers, thank god) and saw every single member of the crew with a curler in their hair. She died. So then to top it all off, John decided he wanted to play too, so we put some double stick tape on a curler and put it next to him so that he could stick it to his hat before she turned and looked at him during Gold Dust Woman. Again, she died. We like practical jokes around keeps everything fun.

Maz asks: What was the band's thoughts on the Aussie leg of the tour?
[CB] I think they had the same thoughts as the rest of was pretty much a paid vacation. It was beautiful and warm and sunny and tropical. The crowds were great and the plane flight sucks. No really, I think everyone was very happy we went, we had so much fun in Australia. It was worth every miserable hour on that plane.

Lisa asks: have there been any romances among members of the crew and/or back-up musicians on this tour? I know, cheesy question, but I had to ask! Now that the band members are pretty much over their soap opera, somebody's got to continue the tradition, ;-).
[CB] My oh my...aren’t we nosy? Romances on the road, hm? Maybe so....maybe not. I reveal nothing.

Andra asks: Did Fleetwood Mac play in any cities in the Say You Will Tour that they hadn't performed in previously?
[CB] Geez. I’d like to claim I know the answer to that, but I’m not the Fleetwood Mac historian some of you may think I am. I’m guessing they played in a few cities they had never played before, because we played a lot of brand new venues, in cities where there was no venue before. Does that help?

Amy asks: We are all familiar with Stevie Nicks's stage outfits. When she's "off-duty," such as between performance dates, what sort of thing does she generally wear? Always those velvet tunic tops with black pants? Does she ever dress in colors--if so, which ones?
[CB] She typically wears black pants, cute little slinky pants with a little flare at the bottom. She actually wears a lot of color. She had a lot of red tops, white, green, and a lot of neutrals, beige's and such. She also has a beautiful camel color coat that I threaten to steal from her. Her tops are all really pretty, usually a little bell to the sleeve and slightly off the shoulder.

Amy asks: Does Stevie Nicks actually receive the gifts and flowers fans hand to the security guards who guard the backstage area?
[CB] For the most part yes, I think so. Although I can’t tell you that if you give something to a security guard that they will actually give it to the right person, but a lot of stuff ends up getting backstage. It’s usually not given to her the same night, it gets gathered up and given to Karen and she looks through it all when she can.

Jamie asks: Of all the places you got to visit in your travels with the band, where would you like to go back and explore more and why?
[CB] Ireland and Scotland. Hands down. I loved them both so much and didn’t get to spend nearly enough time there. I also would like to see Berlin, we were there, but only for the show day so I didn’t get to see it at all.

Barbe asks: Does Lindsey Buckingham have a special routine to keep himself in such excellent shape for touring?
[CB] Not that I know of, I think just the show alone is work out enough. He’s never mentioned working out or anything of the sort, so I imagine he just keeps in shape by being a crazy mad man on stage.

Serenity asks: What is your relationship like with Stevie? Have you known her all your life and have you spent time with her? Do you consider her your Aunt?
[CB] I actually haven’t really known her all my life, I mean I obviously saw her here and there when I was very young, and she had a presence in my life simply because she was in a band with Lindsey. But Lindsey had left the band in 88, when I was 9 years old. So I didn’t really see her again until they reunited for one song in 1990, and then I saw her again, years later, in 1997 for The Dance recording and tour. She was always very sweet with me, and I always liked her very much, but it wasn’t until the last few years that I think as an adult, I became close with her. I don’t really consider to be an aunt or anything as specific as that. She has very deep ties to my family and it’s history and has a place in my family, and I just consider her a very dear friend.

BT in Texas asks: When Fleetwood Mac has a day off what is a typical day for Stevie Nicks and what is a typical day for her on a day of a show?
[CB] Although I didn’t travel with the band, and we were very rarely in the same cities, I do know that Stevie goes out a lot on days off. She loves shopping, whether it be for something she actually needs or wants, or just strolling around window shopping. She and her posse go out to dinner a lot, and also spends time writing and taking pictures. She really a lot of fun. She’s come out shopping and lunching with us if we’re in the same city. A show day is a little different, the band usually has to leave their hotel around 1:00 for a show day, because they have to board a plane, fly to the show destination and then drive from the airport. Once they get to the gig, it’s sound check, hair and make-up, wardrobe, etc...She has a big stereo in her room, and they turn the tunes way up while she gets her hair and make-up done. Then it’s straight to the stage for the show, and back to the dressing room to wind down. Then she does it all over again the next day.

Cindy asks: On the Buckingham/Nicks album, Stevie's hair is very straight and not extremely thick looking. Then later, around Rumors, she got it layered and it looked kind of wavy. Some years later, her hair looked like it was permed...super full and curly. Lots of hair! My question is - Is Stevie's hair naturally straight or naturally curly???
[CB] I’m pretty sure that Stevie’s hair is naturally wavy, which makes it easy to go straight or curly. During the Rumors era, when it was super straight, I think that was just the popular style then, so that’s how she wore it. But her hair can take a curl easily too. She’s just a creature of change and likes trying new things, but when she doesn’t do anything to it, it’s kind of wavy and wispy.

Lisa asks: I was wondering if you could tell us about some of the gifts the band members received during the tour and their reactions to them. Also, who had the best funnel cake?
[CB] Hmmm. Well, Lindsey was most pleased with a Beach Boys poster he received, in fact I really liked it, being the Beach Boys fan that I am, but he wouldn’t let me take it, which means he must have really liked it. I believe he was planning on hanging it in his studio (that is, if he ever actually gets around to it). Stevie, as you might have guessed, gets a lot of things. Someone carved a little yorkie for her that she liked, so I put it out on her make-up mirror every day, with all her other little trinkets and treasures. Someone else painted a tambourine and wanted to get it signed. When Stevie saw it, she said she would only sign it if the artist promised to make her one just like it. John got a Hawaiian shirt once that he liked so much he wore it the same night on stage. Most people send letters, pictures and flowers, which are all lovely and much appreciated, it’s just that the weird things or the out of the ordinary things are usually the things they like the most. Imagine that.

I can’t believe I got a funnel cake question. That is too funny. To be honest, I can’t remember what city it was that had them, I can only picture the venue itself. (Tour tends to cause days and cities to blur together and you can’t remember what you did where, or where you were’s strange.) But I know it was on the East Coast. All good funnel cakes are on the East Coast. Don’t even bother if you’re on the West Coast. Unless you’re at an amusement park, then you have about a 50/50 shot at getting a good one. Funnel cake statistics...oh my god, I’m pathetic.

Sandra asks: Since the band members arrive so early before show time, what's pre-show and post-show rituals like? Do the band members hang out and visit with each other or do they prefer to wait until show time to interact? (except for sound check, of course)
[CB] The band usually arrives about three hours before show time, sometimes earlier, but anywhere between 4:00 and 5:30 is normal. Usually they just get to their dressing rooms, the boys tend to mingle about their room for a while before heading to sound check. Stevie goes to her room and has her hair put in curlers (if she didn’t show up in them, that is.) Then sound check happens sometime before 6:30. Lindsey always has dinner in catering, Mick eats in his room. I don’t really know what John does, he’s very mysterious sometimes. Stevie spends most of her time before the show in her room, wardrobe, hair, make-up etc...after all, she is the girl in the band. Around 7:30 the boys are usually ready to go, and they just kind of hang out, waiting for show time. It’s all rather boring actually. Mick paces the halls and warms up his hands a little. John goes to the stage early, he’s usually there a good twenty minutes before show time. The tour manager wrangles them all together and they head to the stage in a little pack, and then the show begins. After show events really depend on the night, sometimes the band gets hurried out in a matter of minutes, sometimes they all stay for an hour and go in and out of each others rooms, socializing and faffing about. They do hang out with each other a lot at the gigs, the boys mostly, especially before the show, but Stevie has to take the cake for after show socializing, with Mick coming in a close second.

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Old 10-26-2004, 10:00 PM
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Exclamation Hate to say...

but I am disappointed with this Q&A, Seems the questions were basically too easy to answer...Guess I was expecting too much.

Brian j.

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Old 10-26-2004, 10:54 PM
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Default hmmm

Didn't John just tell us in his Q and A, that "they" put the Kerry sticker on his road case?
Uh huh.

Other than that, it was ok with a few cute tidbits, but for the most part, stuff we already know. I liked learning what Stevie's favorite perfume is though.

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Last edited by Kelly; 10-26-2004 at 10:56 PM.. Reason: spelling
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Old 10-26-2004, 11:39 PM
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Lightbulb Good grief

Can people ask INTERESTING questions next time? Thanks. LOL

Anywho...lots of Stevie questions, to be expected, I guess...sigh...

I think I recall John saying that John Kerry sticker was a joke and would be coming off soon....right?

Thanks to Cory for answering the questions.
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Old 10-26-2004, 11:50 PM
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I actually kind of liked it. I thought it was pretty informative and very descriptive. At least it's better than the 2 word answers we get from *certain* members But I agree, some of the questions were a bit silly and I was hoping to see more questions asked about Lindsey. It seemed she answered variations of the same questions too But anyway, I hope she answers more in the future.

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Old 10-27-2004, 01:14 AM
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Thank you for posting this Ali.
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Old 10-27-2004, 03:26 AM
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I thought it was pretty cool! Glad to see that our penguin throw on stage was one of her highlights! LOL! And I love to read all the stuff she says about Stevie
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Old 10-27-2004, 08:49 AM
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Originally Posted by AliP
[CB] 6. Wave Of Mutilation, The Pixies: Although this song is on the bottom of the list, I think if I had to choose one, this would be it. Like Fleetwood Mac, The Pixies also had both a female and a male vocalist, and their voices work so well together that more often than not you can’t tell if it’s two people singing or only one, so I think Linds and Stevie would be an excellent match for this song. The bass line in this song is great, as are the drums. The whole song is a little messy and rough around the edges, but that’s The Pixies. I am crazy about this song, and would not allow anyone to seriously cover it, but if we’re just talking for curiosity sake, I would definitely enjoy a rendition by Fleetwood Mac.
A choice from Cory that I endorse too but still it's a bit of an oddity given what she says, since it has only one male vocal throughout.

So my suggestion for a Pixies cover would be "Tame". Now wouldn't everyone want to hear Lindsey and Stevie go "uh huh huh, uh huh huh, uh huh huh" together?

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Old 10-27-2004, 08:58 AM
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I'm just glad that there are some people who agree with me that IKINW not only is a fun song, but also a VERY complex song, sounding simple....and deserved to win the Tusk-competition. YES let's discuss some more Strandinthewind.....

I know....still not over it yet....

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Old 10-27-2004, 09:02 AM
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Originally Posted by face of glass
A choice from Cory that I endorse too but still it's a bit of an oddity given what she says, since it has only one male vocal throughout.

So my suggestion for a Pixies cover would be "Tame". Now wouldn't everyone want to hear Lindsey and Stevie go "uh huh huh, uh huh huh, uh huh huh" together? I thought her pearl jam -black mention was pretty amazing, was her Vedder-Buck comparison. I agree with her on that one. Not very obvious to compare those singers though......

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Old 10-27-2004, 09:52 AM
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Originally Posted by shackin'up
I'm just glad that there are some people who agree with me that IKINW not only is a fun song, but also a VERY complex song, sounding simple....and deserved to win the Tusk-competition. YES let's discuss some more Strandinthewind.....

I know....still not over it yet....
I had Tusk in my CD player in the car on the way to work today and was BELTING IKINW - I LOVE the song - but Sara is better!!!!!!

BTW - I also belted SMAP and came to the realization that the reason I LOVE that song and think it is the best on Tusk is that it reminds me of the Negro Spirituals and bluesesq. songs that my nanny used to sing to me when I was a kid. I do not think I ever made that connection before or if I did, I realized it again!!!!!!

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Old 10-27-2004, 11:15 AM
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I enjoyed her answers a lot. Even if we knew the answers to some of the questions, I thought it was a totally worthwhile, entertaining read. Did anyone else know about Stevie's drawings appearing on the screen during Rhiannon??
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Old 10-27-2004, 01:09 PM
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Originally Posted by SpyNote
Did anyone else know about Stevie's drawings appearing on the screen during Rhiannon??
Yep! I thought everyone knew! LOL

I agree, entertaining read. I used to have a sample bottle of Fracas, and it smells heavenly! And, I've ALWAYS used Folger's coffee!
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Old 10-27-2004, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Livia
Yep! I thought everyone knew! LOL

I agree, entertaining read. I used to have a sample bottle of Fracas, and it smells heavenly! And, I've ALWAYS used Folger's coffee!

Well, I'm about to find me some of those coconut candles she mentioned - I LOVE coconut scented candles.

*knows she's kind of a loser*
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Old 10-27-2004, 02:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Livia
Yep! I thought everyone knew! LOL
I guess it's just been a while. What drawings were up there? The Rhiannon print? I can't remember, LOL!!
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