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Old 10-21-2018, 12:22 AM
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Originally Posted by saniette View Post
You just prefer Stevie's style of songwriting, and that's fine. But she's not "far better". And her songs tend to be pretty dull musically, whatever "dynamic variance" there is comes from Lindsey's arrangements.

"Go Your Own Way" is just as good as the songs you listed, as well as I'm So Afraid, Never Going Back Again, Walk a Thin Line, IKINW, Trouble, Go Insane, and plenty more. I do think Stevie's songs tend to have more of an emotional resonance than his, but musically they're just as good. What he can do, she can't do, and vice versa. She can't write those type of songs at all, and all the FM songs you listed depend on Lindsey's arrangements to make them hits. And Stevie liked the "Can't Go Back" music enough to sing "Wild Heart" over it, and that song would have been better as a collaboration than either song they came up with separately.

Notice how you didn't list any of Stevie's solo songs? I guess her solo career isn't that great after all.

I just think you're selling Lindsey's songwriting abilities short. Neil Finn apparently likes his songs enough to sing them every night, and I'm sure he had a say in which songs he would sing.
I adore many of Stevie's solo songs ... "Has Anyone Ever Written ...", "Beauty and The Beast", "Mabel Normand", "Hard Advice", "Belle Fleur", etc. One thing we can agree on is that Stevie and Lindsey are musically better together than apart. You mentioned Neil and yes, I think he's one of the best songwriters of all-time but that's obviously my opinion. Unlike Lindsey and Stevie, Neil has written almost every song on the 18 albums he's released since Split Enz ended about 35 years ago. And Neil wrote most of the Split Enz songs during the last few albums and wrote most of their hits. It's kind of astounding how many great songs he's written. Lindsey, Stevie, and Christine shared the songwriting in Fleetwood Mac while Neil has been the main songwriter in his 18 post-Enz albums outside of the projects he's done with his brother Tim where they wrote the songs together. As far as Neil singing the Mac songs, I know his son Liam and his daughter-in-law are HUGE Fleetwood Mac fans and Neil has become a big fan of the band's songs. He recently said that he only knew the Mac hits until recently but that he's been very impressed with the quality of the songwriting now that he's been learning the back catalogue.
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