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Old 03-11-2018, 04:14 AM
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RudieCantFail RudieCantFail is offline
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: SF Bay Area
Posts: 53

Yeah, I'm aware of free speech being limited to what the government can and cannot prohibit. What are you paying for exactly? The opportunity cost? Don't answer this, I honestly don't care.

You know what you can do? You can DVR these shows and just skip over what you don't like. Oh wait, using the DVR still counts for the advertisers, so are you still not going to watch? Fine, good on ya.

You know, if they don't talk, you don't know how 'wrong' they are in your view. What do you think Hollywood is? They've been preaching the liberal message in their Best Picture winner choices for practically the last decade. The winner is either a celebration of Hollywood or the actor or it's preaching a liberal message. Argo was practically Hollywood saves the day and The Artist was a celebration of the Silent Era. Don't get me started on the rest of whatever has won. At this point, their selection of winners is laughable that I don't hold any movie choices that they've made in the last decade in high regard. Until they start awarding Best Picture to films that people actually watched or that didn't preach a message to your face, I will start to respect the Academy once again. I like their picks for the 1970s the most.

Also, this year's ceremony was almost 4 hours. That's ridiculous. Just record the thing and skip over the parts that you don't like or listen to Ben Shapiro's podcast for the 'highlights.'
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