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Old 07-28-2014, 06:46 PM
urbanscot urbanscot is offline
Junior Ledgie
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 26

I'm a bit confused about the words for the challenge. Surely there's only one way to say on, last etc? lol. I'm Scottish so here's the words that North Americans commonly say differently to the Brits:

Aluminium is said like al-u-min-i-um.
Herbs - emphasis on the h.
mirror - more of an i sound. In movies it always sounds like mere.
garage - gar-age (as in age, how old you are).
Tomato isn't said like potato. The a is like apple or aligator.
Anti - ant-ay, movies (sad that everything I knew is from movies) say it like antiiii or semiiii, we don't emphasise that i.

Oh nearly forgot:
scone - said like gone.

Think that's all
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