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Old 12-14-2018, 08:58 AM
saniette saniette is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 88

Originally Posted by AncientQueen View Post
Well, that could have to do with people not taking the overprotective mama bears fighting Lindseys fights online THAT serious anymore. It's 10 months+ now and some moving on happened or should really happen soon by now, it get's tiring. And maybe, there is an element of compassion towards the Lindsey fans. He uses what he can for much needed media coverage just now, when Stevie is the first ever two-time female Inductee into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame while he is sinking further into irrelevance now that his tour is over. That's kinda bittersweet.

Straight talk and calling like it is is this:
Lindsey is no longer a member of Feetwood Mac.
It's over (for now).

You asked!
Stevie Nicks has no more relevance than Lindsey, actually less now that her recording career seems to be effectively over. That's what induction into the mausoleum known as the RRHOF really signalizes - the final nail in the coffin of being relevant. When is Stevie's next album coming out, based on all-new material? Lindsey at least still writes new songs.

I don't care how many boring piano plonk versions of FM songs Stevie plays on TV, that's not really relevance. She hasn't been relevant since The Dance, and that's being generous. When younger artists praise her work, they're talking about what she did 40 years ago. And hardly ever her solo stuff - it's the songs she did in FM that are most remembered.

We all know she's being inducted into the RRHOF for extra-musical reasons. She's an iconic woman, and that's great. Objectively, her solo career isn't that good. One decent album, and all downhill in quality from there. There's a lot more worthy artists not in the RRHOF, if we're basing this strictly on musical merits.

And we don't ever have to accept that it was the right thing to do to fire Lindsey. It wasn't, and that's not going to change in 10 months or 10 years from now. She abused her power in the band to get him fired - there's really no defense for that.

Last edited by saniette; 12-14-2018 at 09:15 AM..
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