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Old 04-10-2018, 12:42 AM
amycondit amycondit is offline
Junior Ledgie
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 18
Default Processing the difficult news of the day

Hi everyone,

I feel that this is one of the few places to process this information where people might understand what I'm feeling. This is just ghastly. I was in an 8 hour work orientation meeting today with ability to check emails only on scattered breaks throughout the day. I only saw the news at 4:00, and had about a minute to speed read and digest one article. After putting away my phone, I had tears in my eyes and had to wipe them away while trying to focus on my meeting content.

Having been a 7 year old in 1977 (!) who immediately latched onto Fleetwood Mac, the "Fab 5" lineup has been my lifelong favorite. Later, I explored Mac's back catalog, and became admirers of the pre BN incarnations as well. However, in 1987 regarding the upcoming tour, I had a difficult time enjoying FM without Lindsey's participation. I bought the next FM album, did not like it as much, and my interest in their present work (1990) waned. I just focused on the back catalog. In an age without the Internet, it seemed to me that it was much harder to keep Fleetwood Mac in my day-to-day life than it is today. So, at the time I did not think there was much chance for a reconvening. I found solace in my old vinyl, VHS tapes, and looking at old magazine articles/concert programs.

What a happy day years later when they decided to reunite! It seemed that there was hope for a long future---they weathered difficult times, and seemed to have gratitude for the public's long-standing affection for them.

It's been a shame that difficulties between them have gotten to the point of being too unpleasant for some band members to endure, and compromises have to be made that violate a sense of integrity. It seems quite a distance from the five people who originally delighted in their ability to click together musically in such an uncanny way.

All this to say is that it is hard for me to believe/accept that today's news is how it stands. I am having a tough time understanding what might have happened recently that brought things to such a head. My understanding was that in 2017, all members were on the public record as saying there would be a big world tour in 2018. I was surprised when I heard that Lindsey wanted to do a solo album/tour in 2018. I wondered how he would have the time after Buckingham/McVie wrapped the tour in November 2017, and before the tour rehearsal. I was puzzled, but cautiously optimistic, and very much looking forward to a year that was going to bring a Sirius channel, new LB solo album, and big tour.

Not knowing full details of how far one books tours for such a major band, I would assume (which is dangerous!) that signatures would have to be on contracts at some point in 2017 for promoters to book venues, plan a tour itinerary, in order for all members to be able to plan their professional commitments. If there was some kind of contractual obligation where they were on the hook for a tour, you would think they would have to honor the contract or perhaps face financial penalties if they backed out. (Maybe there's a lawyer on this Board who knows!) So, if Lindsey wasn't prepared to participate in touring, and the band had to honor a "Fleetwood Mac" tour, maybe FM's hand was legally forced. What a pickle to be in.

As one of the Variety articles stated, it would have been more tactful to say that Lindsey was not participating in this year's tour. That's less drastic and final, and leaves opportunities for partnership open after tour obligations. By leaving it open like this, Lindsey's reputation would not be damaged by using words like "fired". That's a harsh word to use and could really tarnish his "brand"/reputation.

I can see that the casual "public" would be confused if Fleetwood Mac minus Lindsey is out there touring, and Lindsey is simultaneously playing as a solo act. Again, what a mess and tough situation to be in for all concerned. Even without giving the public all the details of what happened, there could have been a more diplomatic way to release the information so as to honor his history with the band.

I'm devastated. It's a shame that something could not have been worked out to preserve the LB/SN era of Fleetwood Mac. Especially in light of Tom Petty's passing. The death of an age-peer like that is often a wake-up call where you appreciate loved ones and realize that we're all mortal and have to go at some point. One never knows the future regarding health issues, and this tour could be the last due to those reasons. It makes me sad to think with that consideration in mind, the conflict could not be resolved. My only solace is the phrase (paraphrasing), "Lindsey is not joining us on this tour." With luck, maybe he will join them again down the line, if everyone's health/willingness to be road-warriors holds up.

All this information is hard to swallow. I respect Mike Campbell's musicianship, and I don't have much familiarity with Neil Finn. I guess what's difficult for me to work through is having a band member replaced when that person is still alive. I have an easier time understanding continuing on with the legacy of a band if members have passed away, and new members are added. But, it is harder for me to embrace that if something cannot be worked out when all are still healthy and have the ability to perform as a band.

I'm working my way through this, and am not sure how I'm going to be feeling about the whole thing as time goes on. I'm grateful for the Internet (for the most part!) to be able to share thoughts with a Fleetwood Mac fan base that understands, the ability to listen to all these great bootleg recordings of the band and its members, read old reviews, and see great photos of the past. Why, my Fleetwood Mac collection has grown considerably even in the last decade thanks to the Internet!

As so many have said, I love this combination of artists so much, and it saddens me greatly that this was confirmed today.

I send lots of love to LB and his family---what a difficult couple of months it must have been for them. I send good wishes to everyone hurting in this group, too.

Thanks for bearing with my long post---I had to get it out here.

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