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Old 08-22-2014, 07:41 AM
olive olive is offline
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ok first off I am as guilty as anyone but am getting better at texting with out thinking.

as for the past there isn't a lot of first hand proof , letters 8mm film ?with the exception of Nixon just watched HBO documentary, Nixon by Nixon: In His Own Word , incredible .

now we have text , email video instantly put out to the world for ever just hit send !

my husbands family is in the entertainment business and I work occasionally either on camera or off in film ( work i get on my own not by nepotisim )
I an not dazzled by celebrities I keep my distance and seldom go to functions with my husband my thought on a lot of them , How did you manage to get up and dress yourself this morning .... then realize someone helped them and I'll leave it at that .

Yes we are bombarded by info 24/7 we know it before it happens ! and for most it is in the form of 120 characters or less ,or sound bites very few people ( i have too ) Bothered to get the full story .

yes the media manipulates well . and the latest insider buzz word “grandicide,” for the concept of raising up a person, just to tear them down. everyone will and has gone along with it Britney Spears was one of the first, and will not be the last

" that people these days are more educated & tolerant than ever." they are a minority and it's not going to get any better turn on the news humans as a species are screwed most of america get their information from Blogs, talk radio and fox news

blah balh blah end of rant I am tired work on a filmset last night celebutard is the most spot on term ever coined and i secretly get a trill out of pointing out to parents of Kardashian fans that she is famous for a sex tape her mom produced in which she was urinated on

Last edited by olive; 08-22-2014 at 08:05 AM..
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