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Old 07-27-2014, 02:19 PM
michelej1 michelej1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Richard B View Post
If I was a betting man, maybe I would bet she doesn't/hasn't watched it or her friends tell her to cover her eyes or ears when something gory is going on or FF. Even with her dark themes in her music and lyrics, Horror just seems too out there for Stevie. Didn't she like Twilight? If've never seen them but heard there is no gore or even blood. Not sure though.
Because Twilight had a PG audience, they essentially made the vampires out of stone. So, when they are killed, they basically just crumble like a statue does. There is no blood. You don't get the same sense that you do when a flesh and blood person is murdered.

I am kind of immune to violence when it is removed. I can watch people being shot all day long. I just don't care. But that Batman with Heath Ledger? I watched it with my hands over my eyes, because his Joker was always wielding that knife and I was afraid that at any moment I would see him put it to someone's mouth and slash their lips corner to corner. That terrified me. You know a movie or television show with sex and violence is a lot different than a movie or television show with TORTURE.

But Game of Thrones is no walk in the park, so if Stevie likes that, I can see her not being too horrified by AHS.

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