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Old 12-09-2002, 04:20 PM
CarneVaca CarneVaca is offline
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 3,228

Indeed, Paul wrote "Yesterday." In fact, most of the Lennon/McCartney songs were written individually, contrary to popular notions. Usually, he who sings lead wrote the song, though this is not 100 percent accurate. Whether he should be changing the songwriting credit at this late stage, especially when his partner is not around, smacks of disloyalty and pettiness.

I agree with MadforMac: John Lennon was the true genious. It becomes especially obvious how musically talented he was when you look at his solo stuff: It is disarmingly simple when it should be and complex when it needs to be. John had a keen sense of marrying the emotion to the music in just the right way.

Everyone thought Lennon was the difficult one, and indeed he was a difficult, complicated person, but McCartney is not the nice guy he wants us to believe he is.
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