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Old 12-30-2002, 07:19 PM
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Originally posted by Johnny Stew
I have no idea why I am not allowed... by certain people, at least... to say anything in regards to Lindsey (well, anything that isn't unbridled praise, that is), without a dig being made at Stevie Nicks. I just find it terribly baffling, and not the least bit ironic, that if my every post doesn't find me worshiping at Lindsey's feet, then the snide remarks about Stevie won't be far behind.
I would have to conclude that these conflicts which erupt among Mac fans are inevitable. I've been on the Internet for 10 years; I started reading the World Wide Web a few years after it was born. The opinionated stand-offs predate the Internet, too. I remember passing around mimeographed lists among large groups of fans via the mail while we were waiting for the first Stevie Nicks album to get made. Arguments were shrieky & constant back then, as well. It's always been this way---it's human nature. You can find the same harshness & acid among the fans of movies or books or brands of breakfast bar. I think I'm inured to most of it; even when it cuts pretty deep & it's leveled at me, I just play it out like a verbal game. We don't know exactly why someone feels a certain frustration when another person says he likes or dislikes something. No one knows what triggers it, but something *is* triggered. In person, people might rub you the wrong way because of the way they comb their hair; on the Net, it's their way with words & their opinions in their posts. Since you will never "fix" others of getting annoyed over some opinion or style---or fix yourself, either---I guess the next best thing is to employ various techniques for hiding your annoyance so that you don't alienate everyone or hurt anyone. Really, if you think about it, it's exactly the same thing as getting along with family.

Setting up a message board with all these fans posting to it so that everyone is consistently polite & reasonable & ultrafair is a dear, sweet thought. Peace on earth is a dear, sweet thought, too. But it's a pipe dream---an ideal. You can strive for ideals, but you never reach this type of ideal. It's too unreal. Mick Fleetwood sets up a message board with someone to rule with an iron hand (the guy even dresses his icon in medieval armor & wields a broadsword), & you still get flareups & petty annoyances manifesting themselves on a fairly regular basis. Some of you belong to that Enchanted mail list, which is heavily moderated, & that list is legendary for its squabbles & discord. You don't need to go all the way to unmoderated Usenet to find plenty of examples of this; it's all over the place. There is no forum on the Net that is wholly free of discord, regardless of the amount of moderation & maturity & good intentions & ... well, prayer.

I can't remember what my point is anymore, except that I have always thought it was cool & worthwhile & essentially valuable for people to hash things out in forums like this. If you feel persecuted, as Johnny Stew did, say so (as he did). It feels good. When it comes to Fleetwood Mac, I have many unpopular opinions that get me in hot water with other people here. All I really want is a minimal amount of civility in the skuffle, just to keep cogent points in the argument (too little civility & the discussion is no longer entertaining to large numbers of people). Just keep the argument pretty cool & it can still make for a good read. Of course, the moderator or board owner will have the final say as to what is allowed to pass & what is deleted. But that's almost always case by case, despite the desire to adhere to overarching principles.

So what do you guys all think? You know, I look back at this post in the preview feature, & worry that it's too long & windy.
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