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Old 10-22-2005, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by hayley
Oh, sweet! A professional! He gave me a scrip for Vicodin, I've been taking it every six hours with Advil in between. I guess he only partially did it? He put in the temporary filling or whatever and I have to go back on Tuesday for him to finish it and do the cavities. I don't really get what he has to do to fill it, though. I mean, is it like a regular filling? Or is it a crown? I don't get what they do.
if he hasn't finished the actual root canal treatment, he has probably just removed the nerve tissue and bacteria. then they have to shape the canals and fill them. Once that is done, they will go back and put a regular filling in the space they created to get to the canals. (you may have to have a post anchored down depending on how much of the tooth structure is gone) then you need a crown-all of the blood supply and nourishment is gone from the tooth, so it becomes very brittle. If you dont' place a crown, you could bite into something and break the tooth. Your dentist may have already told you all of this tho, so I'm prob just talking out of my ass hope everything goes o.k. It sounds like tho, he needs to finish the RCT if you are still in that much pain. if not, definately bring it up. there could be many reasons of why it's not getting better.
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