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Old 01-31-2004, 06:07 PM
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ERigby818 ERigby818 is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: New York, NY
Posts: 485

I'm a sucker for: A sexy voice, wacky sense of humor, a love for cats (I just think it's SO hot when a guy appreciates cats!), a love for music (especially if it's the same kind I like), a mischevious smile, an ability to dance and/or sing/play an instrument, and broad shoulders (especially when they're toned and have sexy toned arms attached to them) .

Stuff that really matters:
Morals/values-must be similar to mine to be a good match
Hygiene/cleanliness- I can't stand a slob!
Health- Doesn't have to work out every day but I can't stand a couch potato, and I won't date someone who has really unhealthy eating habits or just doesn't care what he eats.
Taste- I have to be able to appreciate his taste in stuff, and vice-versa
Interest in me- I'm Not interested in someone who's not absolutely ga-ga for me and not ashamed to show it...If he gives me the cold shoulder (and I don't deserve it), that's a huge turnoff.
Education- Don't care what college he went to just as long as he went to one and got a degree in something.
Height- OK this is totally sueprficial, but I can't help it- I just only seem to be attracted to tall guys (5'10" and up!)

Stuff that really doesn't matter:
Hair/Eye color
Skin color/Ethnicity
Money (as long as he can support himself)
Penis size (as long as it's functional)
Dress style (as long as he can pull it off with class!)
Car type
Hair style (as long as he's got some and it's clean)
Facial hair style
Weight (as long as he's healthy)
Job (as long as he makes an honest living)

Geez, does that sound like a personal ad or what?
"So I close my eyes softly... till I become that part of the wind that we all long for sometimes. And to those that I love like a ghost through a fog, like a charmed hour and a haunted song, and the angel... of my dreams"

"All alone we suffer. Oh, to steal your heart away."

Last edited by ERigby818; 02-01-2004 at 01:49 AM..
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