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Old 02-17-2004, 12:08 PM
DrummerDeanna DrummerDeanna is offline
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Originally posted by GypsySorcerer
Once, my parents and I were at church very early because they had to decorate or set-up for something. While they were busy, I drank all the juice and ate all the crackers out of the Communion trays that someone had prepared for Sunday morning service. Imagine the surprise of the servers when, during the service, they pulled the lids off to find empty juice cups and no crackers. They had to run downstairs and refill everything while the congregation waited.
OMG..that's hilarious!!! That reminds me of one time my sister, her husband and I got locked in our church (she was a wedding coordinator) and the deacon locked all our stuff in this closet, and we couldn't get it and he locked the doors of the church from the outside...and we couldn't get to any we ate some unblessed hosts, drank some unblessed wine, and dipped our feet in a baptismal fountain....blasphemous maybe...but it sure was fun!!!
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