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Old 05-25-2018, 02:56 PM
Dr.Brown Dr.Brown is offline
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Originally Posted by dreamsunwind View Post
Kristen "liked" this post on twitter YIKES.

She'd also previously liked things that said Stevie wanting MC in the band was the root of this.
Here is the post that was referenced in the Tweet (link to full blog page below):

Thinkthinkthink 2:29 PM

Fleetwood Mac. Stevie Nicks gave the band an ultimatum: “It’s me or Lindsey.” Why? Besides the fact that she’s crazy, she’s been grieving the death of Tom Petty. She acts nutty when she grieves. Recall she married her best friend’s husband a few weeks after she died and divorced him three months later because the ghost of Robin (her dead friend and his dead wife) was no longer coming at night and rocking the baby’s cradle so she knew “ that was Robin’s sign to me telling me to leave and divorce him.” Leaving the then four month old Matthew with no mom or stepmother. Alrighty then!!!

Stevie wanted Mike Campbell in the band. She always loved popping up at TP and The HB’s shows. A feather in her cap. She met Tom Petty by hiding in his basement years ago. After Petty’s death, Nicks set about to blow things up with Lindsey and have him removed from Fleetwood Mac. She’s the cash cow so Mick sided with her because Mick’s bankrupted seven times and is not acquainted with loyalty or fidelity. Christine McVie was informed of Lindsey’s firing AFTER the fact.

Stevie and Mick wanted to feed the public the story Lindsey was fired due to a touring scheduling conflict. That’s notably hilarious because Nicks has delayed touring and making FM albums for years. The last Buckingham/McVie album is a case in point. All four members of the band were on that album, sans Miss Nicks.

Nicks and Mick being elderly and probably thought they could get away with the deception given they know little about social media. It would have worked in the 70’s. Oh, well. It didn’t work in 2018 and as it turns out; it’s not that funny, is it?

Fast forward to the pathetic band interview on CBS with Anthony Mason where all the members of this motley crew are looking at the floor as Mick and Stevie lie to Anthony Mason about Lindsey’s firing while announcing the NEW band and their upcoming tour. An interesting mix of prevarication and non-sequiturs followed. Stevie, the perineal victim, is holding two of the men’s hands like a grieving widow saying “I’m not the boss.” Umm, who asked that Stevie?

Stevie Nicks later tells Rolling Stone Magazine: “Well with Tom’s death you know, anything can happen and I want to spend the next ten years of my life dancing and having fun.” Okay, Stevie. THAT’s your response to being asked a question about Lindsey being let go from the band based on the contrived nonsense that he didn’t want to tour on the band’s schedule? Well, Stevie’s no neurosurgeon for good reasons. The “we wanted to play old tunes” mantra is equally absurd to all sentient beings sans the Stevie Bots who remain firmly entrenched in dated hairstyles and 1980, insisting “Stevie is a goddess.”

In short, Stevie Nicks wanted Buckingham out of the band because she wanted former Heartbreaker, Mike Campbell in. She threw her weight around (no pun intended) to make that happen.

Lindsey Buckingham was in no way shape or form fired from Fleetwood Mac because of a scheduling conflict or a disagreement about a potential set list. Those are the facts. The band has lied about his firing since April 9. The leaks of what really happened were coming in for a month before the band’s announcement. Because Chris is a normal person with a modicum of ethics and decency, she’s struggling.

Fleetwood Mac has tarnished the Rumors 5 legacy (please don’t tell me the band existed before Lindsey and Stevie, I’m well aware) and now has become a cover band to cave to an melodramatic diva hell bent on having her own way to meet her twisted emotional needs, may others be damned.

Let’s see how long Chris can deal with this nonsense. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Chris leave before this faux band starts this tour. Meanwhile, just watch how surly the usually affable Mick gets when questioned about the "new band.”
. .

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