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Old 05-13-2002, 10:47 AM
CarneVaca CarneVaca is offline
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 3,228

Don't expect to see it in stores. You'll have to order it online.
Secondly, Brian, I will be glad to help, but it will have to wait until I get a new computer. Right now, I am at less then 200 megabytes of space, so adding music files would not be wise.

And finally, I am happy to report I received it on Friday. It starts out with a fairly sober version of Over and Over. And then it starts getting weird. I had already heard Save Me a Place, and the final take is a little more refined. Wonderful. I like the carnival feel of it. Sara is mixed a little weird, and I think it could have benefitted from a slighly better production. Storms is a highlight. There's s a violin through the track, and it sounds wonderfully haunting. What Makes You Think You're the One is another highlight. Here, David Lowery takes a more sedate, melancholy approach. I'm sure he realized it would be hard to replicate Lindsey's anguish in the original. Sisters of the Moon is spoken and uses a dance backbeat. Very good listening. Let's see, what else. Nice job on Tusk, though there's an interlude that is entirely too long. Honey Hi is a hoot. It is sung in some very poor Spanish. The only instrumentation is a mandolin, against a backdrop of the sounds of Tijuana daily life. You hear car alarms, kids running through the streets, etc. Angel is a nice ska version, which deteriorates toward the end of the song. Other cool stuff: I Know I'm Not Wrong and their take on That's Enough for Me and Walk a Thin Line. I was a little disappointed in Not That Funny, one of my favorites in the original, but, hey, you can't win them all.
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