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Old 11-18-2006, 02:30 AM
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natesummers natesummers is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Two houses away from you
Posts: 57

Here's my take. As a songwriter/producer, Liddy has made enough money (I would think) to never have to put out a new album again, to tour again, or to do ANYTHING again. I won't count money made from Mac as a singer/guitarist.

I think Liddy puts out what he want's/when he want's to because he can. He puts out what he wants and knows he will sell to his loyal crowd of fans, no matter if it's a song like "Play In The Rain Continued" (one of my favorites) or "It Was You".

We, Liddy's fans, have accepted him as he is ... eccentric and a bit ... odd. But that's why (for me anyway) we love his music. I will step right up and take one for the team when I tell you I am NOT a huge FM fan. Nicks gets on my nerves, to be quite honest. I'm a Liddy fan. I like his oddball way of doing things and if he decided to put out a new cd with just Bosnian Folk Songs, guess who will be first in line to buy it? Me!

Let's let Liddy be the same character he always has been. Sure, I would LOVE to hear some rocking electric guitar and drums and overdubs and all that good **** we got on OOTC, GI, LAO and even GOS. But, I can wait for him to get it done. If I need rocking Liddy, I will toss in OOC. Weird Liddy and I drop in GI. Goofy Liddy, it's LAO. It's not like we dont have a lot to choose form.

I would love more, but until that time, I can't sit back and complain about him getting older. I for one am glad he has finally gotten his life to a point where he is happy. Maybe now all the new stuff, if there ever is anything, won't all be about Nicks ...

As far as the videos go, it just shows me Liddy wants it done his way. Look at that POS video for Countdown. Being from Cincinnati, I know you will get this joke, but it looks like he did it at that make a video place in Kings Island, lol.

As far as UTS goes, I truly love it. It's a different album and THAT'S why I like it, and it's replaced OOTC as my fav. Liddy cd.

Last edited by natesummers; 11-18-2006 at 02:33 AM..
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