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Old 06-12-2018, 08:14 PM
LB Freakazoid LB Freakazoid is offline
Senior Ledgie
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 244

Gotta chime in on this one...

With artists, they put out there their personal stuff. That's whats make's them the artists that we love. That we support with our 'fandom'. When an artist, notably, singer/songwriters, display their guts and heart over personal episodes in their lives thru their music/writings - isn't that what connects us to them? So when you ask that artist to remain one dimensional (tell me how you've suffered cuz I can relate), how can you groove on who they are?
When artists put themselves open for display - that's vulnerable. And that's what is so gravitational.
However, to pigeonhole an artist to perform as you what them to, is repugnant. If not insulting to who puts themselves out there 'just to entertain' you.
Artists are not 'on demand'.

When you don't know what it is
But you can't get enough of it
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