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Old 05-13-2008, 09:25 AM
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Serrart Serrart is offline
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Originally Posted by dontlookdown View Post
Wow - I'm really surprised that people on this board are siding with Hillary Clinton.
Senator Clinton
began with such a promising start in January. For a while I saw her as a stronger candidate then both
Al Gore and John Kerry.

But since then, she has done nothing to win my
confidence. Instead I have witnessed an embarrasing
determination to pander to elderly voters and voters who
are not educated. She has mixed republican-style fear
mongering with an appaling level of racism that has left me with
only one qiestion: Why would any Democrat that's truly
paying attention buy into this disgusting mafia of a campaign?

We expected more from the Clintons and you will
find that smart voters in places like LA and San Francisco
will no longer welcome them.

After 8 years of sleaze & bigotry, this country will
no longer tolerate a candidate like Hillary Clinton.
They can race-bait to people in
Appalachia, but the rest of us are watching in
disgust with our jaws on the floor.

I'm disappointed to hear fans so easily condone the racism in this campaign.
But all that aside, I know Senator Obama has what it takes to actually get things done.
Clinton would have spent her entire presidency fighting off the Republican attack machine.
Obama is a magnetic character, seems honest and makes great, inspiring speeches, I can see why people adore him (I even like him very much), and not only in Usa. I can't even say I'm a great Hillary Clinton fan. But don't you think if he became the Democratic candidate he would mercilessly lose with McCain? I know that If I were American, I'd vote Democratic, but in this case probably not. Obama simply hasn't any experience to be President. I have this vision of him, awaken in the middle of the night to cope with some international menace and simply not knowing what to do.


Non vogliate negar l'esperienza
di retro al sol, del mondo sanza gente
Considerate la vostra semenza
fatti non foste a viver come bruti
ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza ~ Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia, Inferno Canto XXVI

Last edited by Serrart; 05-13-2008 at 09:28 AM..
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