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Old 08-08-2017, 11:17 PM
jenniferuk jenniferuk is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: May 2009
Location: London transplant in Ohio
Posts: 574

What a night! Here's a few thoughts: I loved the energy, enthusiasm, we even got some ad lib comments...a brilliant evening. We were on Christine's side (left aisle), row 4 (which was really row 3) and security wouldn't let us up to the stage until the encores, but such is life. They also didn't let the people in front us to the stage-there was a pavement/floor crack they said we had to stay behind. Anyone in violation got moved.

Highlights: the energy, Chris and her little dance moves, her interaction with the crowd is reserved but there...she shook her maracas at us, gave thumbs up, etc. For a brief moment we exchanged a look (during too far gone) that I realise could be directed at anyone, but I'll take it. The new music sounded great. She is so beautiful.

The crowd was slow to get up & dance but finally a few joined in & that kicked off the fun. I loved when the crowd sang Stevie's part on Lies & Linds & Chris seemed to enjoy that.

YMLF is one of my all time faves and CM was definitely off tonight. But, I'll take it. I was a tad disappointed that Linds never came over to our side, but I can't blame him as no one was up at the stage.

Fess up Ledgies: who amongst you was front row center dancing the night away? Your enthusiasm was unparalleled!

I've been a fm fan as long as I can remember, like many of you the songs are the stories of my life. My favourite members are John & Chris, not in a shipper way, but in a talent & coolness way. I haven't seen Chris on stage since 1997, shows I enjoyed but shows we knew bored her. I can't begin to describe how amazing tonight was for me, and it appeared also for them!!

I haven't been to a small venue in years but this one was great: well organized. A lot of empty seats, sadly. At FM shows I like to sit center row 4-8 where the sound is good and I can see John. After tonight I completely understand the appeal of getting to the stage! It was wonderful to be that close, interact with the band.

I will say that I thought I'd miss John & Mick but this was a completely different experience and the band members were solid & clearly having a ball.

Sorry for any typos & nonsense...too pumped to sleep & typing on my phone.

Hope some others were there & had an equally enjoyable night.
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