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Old 10-18-2014, 10:39 PM
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Danigirl Danigirl is offline
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Originally Posted by bethelblues View Post
So rather interesting post today. Richard's assistant said Lindsey was a self-absorbed asshole on Twitter and someone asked him about it. Maybe Richard hasn't exactly written what happened when he left the band on his blog and Stacey knows much more? It's very weird that Lindsey was one of his best friends and Richard produced all of the albums, and now they not only don't keep in touch but Richard isn't recognized for his contributions. He wasn't even invited to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony. Makes sense that he might feel betrayed and that this is primarily Lindsey's doing. Might have come from that 1 hour interview when Lindsey didn't even mention Richard...
There are three sides to every story. I started out thinking Rich didn't haven any ulterior motives besides generously sharing his Times With FM, now, I feel he truly is reaching out for the bands (anyone of the 5) friendship or acknowledgement. This would explain him not answering questions that don't suit in fulfilling this mission. He answered the more controversial q's in the beginning to garner attention.
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