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Old 05-02-2018, 07:21 AM
Dr.Brown Dr.Brown is offline
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Originally Posted by FuzzyPlum View Post
I don't live in America so I don't know what the answer is...but...
Why are more celebrities in the US left leaning in their views? I really am not sure of the answer.

I'd suggest perhaps celebrities are a bit more worldly. From what I can tell quite a lot of the US is rather insular. However those that have had the opportunity to travel maybe get more of a world view on issues. When Americans travel to Europe, Australia etc they come to understand that single payer health care systems and an empathetic welfare state aren't bad ideas after all. Until people witness ideas in action they tend to rely on what they are told by their 'team'.

Perhaps the Hollywood elite are a bit more world cultured as they often have to travel abroad for filming and promotion and get a different side of the story

BINGO you nailed it. When you get to travel around and meet all kinds of people you have more empathy. That's why most conservatives come from small insulated towns. They tend to like conservative candidates. I came from a small town and moved to LA. I was conservative because I was SO isolated. I have met tons of people from all over and my views have changed. That's why.

Rubbish. I was born and raised in a large city, lived in large Democrat strongholds in the Upper Midwest and Northeastern US. I've also lived in a large Asian city for two years and in a large European city for nearly five years. In between, I've traveled to many other countries in Europe and Latin America. I'm well-educated with a Masters degree and, yes, I'm conservative.

My experience has been that it is liberals who have been those with a provincial, insular mindset, intolerant of those who hold an opinion contrary to their own. In college, I've seen them routinely shout down speakers and cover up signs that they disagreed with. I've seen the same behavior in large liberal cities. Hollywood stars that do not espouse liberal views are quickly marginalized. This is a form of groupthink and they quickly pat themselves on the back for enforcing the rules of their 'team'.
. .

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