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Old 10-23-2013, 10:17 PM
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charmedhour26 charmedhour26 is offline
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Posts: 21

Originally Posted by Jondalar View Post
any updates
In regards to the show or anything Stevie related?

If you're a fan of the show and assuming you've seen the previous episode, here's a quick recap.

Zoe took Frankenstein Kyle back to his mother. Misty was not pleased. Kyle's mother started making out with him. Kyle's mom now realizes that something is wrong with her son. His body is different than before and she starts thrusting on him. Kyle kills her and Zoe finds out.

Cordelia was told that she was unable to have children. So she went to see Marie Laveau for a fertility spell. Marie said hell no because Cordelia's mother is her sworn enemy.

Fiona goes to see a plastic surgeon (?) doesn't like what she hears. She also has a flashback to when he killed the Supreme who came before her. Fiona starts to take Madison under her wing because she believes she next supreme. Fiona tells Madison. Madison yells she doesn't want to be supreme. Fiona tells her to kill her, Madison won't do it. So Fiona kills her.

Delphine is made Queenie's slave. Queenie's finds out who Delphine REALLY is after Delphine's mutant bull man slave (sorry I have no idea what to name him) comes to the house looking for her. Queenie tells Delphine to go hide and she will confront him. Queenie goes outside to find him. She does and says something to the idea that they are both monsters, who need to be loved, and things get heated.

The ladies have new neighbors and they are "bible beaters," a woman and her attractive young son. Madison, Queenie, and Nan take notice when they see the young man unpacking shirtless. The girls take a cake over to their new neighbors. His mother come in and ruins the party and says the have to leave to go to church. Madison gets pissed and throws a knife at his mother and sets the curtains on fire through her mind. His mother realizes what they are and makes them leave. Later she takes a bible to school and confronts Fiona about the girls behavior.

As for things Stevie related, Sara was the only song to play. The twirl was very brief. It occurred near the beginning of the episode while Sara was playing. Misty was dressed in the typical all black Stevie garb (1970s) and had a black shawl. No one was REVIVED in this episode. Kyle was on episode 2. Her music doesn't revive people. Misty has the power of resurgence. They did mention Seven Wonders, but I don't think it was a Stevie reference.

I think I covered just about everything.

Last edited by charmedhour26; 10-24-2013 at 09:18 AM..
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