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Old 04-10-2018, 08:03 PM
Lola Lola is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Location: Illinois
Posts: 455

Originally Posted by TimeCastASpell View Post
Very well stated. All the bands craziness has the rest of us feeling rather crazy as well. Like what are we supposed to make of this yet on some level it's almost funny because as stated it is the Mac-iest darn move possible. Like I'm having a weird kind of laugh/cry response. I really just want a final album. Don't care one way or the other about the tour. I think they're all surprisingly at the top of their game just listening to recent work and combinations (and heck, I may be an odd one out but I really love SYW for that matter). So much potential to make incredible new music but nope, gotta get all wrapped up in typical Mac drama. I'm sad/mad and just have to laugh I guess. The article amused me deeply because it was written from the same kind of snarky/bummed place I seem to be stuck in.

It's just Fleetwood Mac being Fleetwood Mac. And somehow all of us diehard fans are sitting here loving them inspire of our frustration. Like they've pulled us all in with them.
Weird laugh/cry response--pseudobulbar affect (pathological laughter and crying, no cure but can be treated with Nuedexta). I'm sure you've seen the commercials. Yep, that's me with this band.

My sig other has been coaching me since the weekend when I first read the rumors online about Lindsey. Here are a few of his talking points:
* Wasn't it great that Chris came back--you never thought it would happen!
* You went to so many shows (FM, BuckVie, Stevie)
* You'll always have BuckVie to listen to
* Lindsey will do a solo album/tour and you'll love it
* You still have Mick, John, Stevie and Chris--they didn't break up
* Mike and Neil are talented people---give it a try, you might be surprised even if it feels awkward at first--you love live music! Buy a cheap ticket and if you don't like it leave

Then he eases into the point he's really trying to make: "Look, you knew the chances of one final album with the Rumors 5 was slim and you already said you wouldn't go broke over the next tour. Wasn't Lindsey's album supposed to be out already? You knew something was off when the SiriusXm FM channel was delayed. I KNOW YOU'RE UPSET BUT LET'S JUST SEE HOW IT GOES....NOBODY DIED"
He's a good guy and has put up with a lot a Mac related crap over the years
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