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Old 01-20-2005, 11:51 AM
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Addicted Ledgie
Join Date: May 2001
Location: in the shadows, running
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Originally Posted by SuzeQuze
What was Sting like? Details, please.

Did you meet Gene Simmons too? He gives me the willies, eww. He will be the next celebrity Judge on American Idol.

I use to work in the recording industry and met Stink Sting backstage one night. He was one of the most arrogant little men I have ever met. He treated his staff like crap and was acting hollier than though. (I think there was a thread on here sometime ago with a few other ledgies who met him also and had the same wasn't an isolated case). I managed to piss him off by just ignoring him and not caring or smoozing with him. I had more fun talking to the roadies.
If I had to choose the biggest A**Hole in music, it would have to be Gene Simmons. He is under the impression that every women in the world wants to sleep with him, and that if they don't, they are Lesbians or soon to be Lesbians. He did an NPR interview on FreshAir promoting his book and was such the piece of crap to Terry Gross. She has done literally hundreds if not thousands of interviews with almost everyone famous at one time or another. (She knows what she is doing) and he kept saying she wanted to sleep with him, and she wasn't having any part of it. That had to be the nightmare interview from hell. Everytime I have seen him in anything he is an A**Hole. Was in the same room as him at a function, didn't want to meet him, and didn't care. He acted like an idiot, and managed to piss off a few people. He reminds me of that Guy "The BRAd" in the TV commercial. Thinks he is god's gift to the world.

Watching the drama of the Ledge since 2001.
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