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Old 01-24-2004, 09:04 PM
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Originally posted by CarneVaca
Excellent point, Jason. One I thought of making, but decided not to so I wouldn't take the thread too far off course. So ultimately, the finger about whose fault it is is not to be pointed at any mere mortals. By the way, isn't "Father, why have you forsaken me?" (or something like that) one of the oddest little bits in the Bible? Jesus knew he was supposed to die all along, but yet he has this outburst, which would be all too human and understandable for anyone else.
I know - it is almost like God said "Listen Son - go down there and do this and I will save you at the last minute" and then "psyche" God is nowhere to be found I know that is hyperbole, but it is interesting. Many Christians in the various faiths believe that this "cry of dereliction" was Christ taking in the sins of the world and the task overwhelmed Him bedause He was human when He did it. Conversely, the remaining two of the Holy Trinity (God and the Holy Ghost) were not human and therefore were not similarly overwhelmed by the agony and anguish of the human Christ.

Here are some sites giving different perspectives. Note: I know nothing about these sites other than these blurbs

Again - I mean no slam to the Christian faith. I am just commenting on the literally awe inspiring events surrounding the crucifiction and those that make up the foundation of faith.

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