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Old 08-14-2018, 07:32 AM
BlanketMan BlanketMan is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 108

Originally Posted by HomerMcvie View Post
Opinions are like.... what?

I'm saying most of us don't give AF about Neil. I personally don't want to hear his stats.
I'm not sure I buy that "most of us" part. This is a FM board, after all, and Finn is a member now, no matter how much a seemingly large percentage of us wish it weren't so.

Lindsey was fired. That part sucks - that opinion seems universal around here.

Finn had zero to do with LB's firing. That seems beyond dispute, also.

What's left of the band will heavily feature Neil Finn. Why wouldn't "most" Mac fans "give AF" about him? Sure, we're pissed about the LB situation, but why sit in the corner, fingers in ears, yelling "LALALALALALALA, I don't know/care who Neil Finn is! LALALALALALALA! I'm not listening!!!"?!? (I mean, hey, it's a free Internet, you can do what ya want, but it seems to be an odd response to me.) Until we hear this latest incarnation, none of us can really say whether this "new band" is worth listening to or not. I think us Finn Fans are only saying it just *might* be worthwhile to give him/them a chance, despite our anger over the LB dismissal.

I saw The Classic East show last summer and while I enjoyed the show, Lindsey looked bored and a bit angry at times. I absolutely love the guy and his musical style, but seeing that show left me with little enthusiasm for future Rumours-FM projects, including this upcoming tour. LB seemed checked out. His exit has ticked me off, but Finn's addition just might breathe some necessary new life into these old-timers. "Might" being the key word here. So to paraphrase the Crazy Britney Spears Guy from years ago: Give Neil a chance!!!
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