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Old 10-28-2009, 05:46 PM
Ghost_Tracker Ghost_Tracker is offline
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Originally Posted by daniellaaarisen View Post
I'm being forced to. I accidentally took an Ambien this morning (long story) and although I was actually holding up really well in class, my French teacher overheard me telling a classmate that I was surprised that I was functioning and she made me go take a nap. 30 minutes into my nap, the DEAN of all people walks into the room I was sleeping in (in the faculty lounge) and gives me this lecture about how I need to manage my stress better and not take any medications at all. She recommended I join her meditation class. At 5:45 AM. That's definitely going to help my sleeping problems.

So she called my parents who came and picked me up. I would've been perfectly happy just going back to class...

Rant over.

Believe it or not, it sounds to me like you go to a really good school.

At my old high school, they probably would have given you detention, believe it or not. Sound unjust and stupid?
Welcome to my old High School.

Don't get me started about the time in Junior High when they made a rule that no one could wear shorts to school - even though it was REALLY really hot - - - The entire student government (the so-called "cool" kids who were also the cheerleaders) - wore shorts to school the next day - - That was the end of that because they weren't about to suspend anybody even remotely connected with football.
If anybody but the "cool" kids had done it they would have suspended them like a shot.
That was exactly 9 months after they wouldn't let my friend Ken take Algebra a year early because he lived on the wrong side of the highway.
So if the ghosts are gone then doesn't that mean I'm kinda screwed??

Last edited by Ghost_Tracker; 10-28-2009 at 05:50 PM..
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