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Old 02-16-2022, 10:08 AM
ricohv ricohv is offline
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Originally Posted by Macfan4life View Post
Edit: I did some research. This may be the printed article the audio interview is based on. The most controversial things did not make it to print? But the audio interview was posted online for awhile when youtube was young. She infers 4 abortions? This magazine interview is rather positive compared to the things she said in the long interview. It does paint her as a sobbing and aging rock star but the interview is more cut throat. He calls her flaky in this print interview. The full audio interview is jaw dropping. I also saw in google that his article was posted and discussed on the Ledge many moons ago. I just wish the audio still exists somewhere online. To say Stevie opened up about her life is an understatement. Is it a fair interview or a hit job? You decide.
YES! That is the article the audio interview is based on. I remember both, but I think I remember in the audio she never mentioned the four abortions, right? So that part appeared to be totally fabricated. The interviewer was clearly a biased hack. BUT...she was a zonked out kook who gave him him all the ammunition he needed to paint her the way he did. Also, in the original article he talked about following her up the bell tower and looking up her dress (anyone remember that?) That part somehow didn't make it into this condensed version of the article. I believe the original article also mentioned the view from the bell tower to "Old Queens Road" or some such thing. I recognized this a couple years later when she did that odd segment for some show about veterans (or something??) where she read the weird poem about her movie star view and Old Queens (or was it Kings?) Road.
I remember this clearly because this was back in the pre-Youtube/internet days when interviews and press were scarce because she really was at the darkest depths of her career. So random press like this was all we had to hang on to. She just seemed so odd, but now we know she was lost in the Klonopin haze!
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