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Old 06-08-2013, 09:17 PM
JeremyGloff JeremyGloff is offline
Senior Ledgie
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 103

I was at the show. It was the BEST I've ever seen Fleetwood Mac. I've seen The Dance (they seemed tired - I saw them in Buffalo) - Say You Will in Tampa (Stevie seemed bitchy - it really seemed her and Lindsey weren't getting along - there were obvious unhappy looks) and Unleashed in Tampa (going through the motions).

Last night - it was the band as I'd never seen them before. Lindsey and Stevie's solo projects really really did rejuvenate them. It's not just a spiel they are giving to the press. They seemed very alive and very on fire.

For the first time since The Dance, I didn't miss Christine either. The band was ferocious in a way they might not have been able to with Christine there. It was like they really WANTED to be there, and they were hungry again.

The best "Landslide" I've ever seen, one of the best "Dreams" I've ever seen. It was awesome seeing Lindsey having the time of his life shredding on "Stand Back" - cool to hear him doing the parts Waddy usually does and having a ball.

Stevie was especially and enchantress -- some really witchy and magical moments. She went into her soft "Lady From The Mountain" voice during the end of "Gold Dust Woman" - doing the improv mentioned above like I'd never seen her before.

At the end of "Sara" she started singing "...and the wind became crazy..." and I fell in love again.

You could hear a pin drop during most of "Say Goodbye" . It was cool being in that huge venue and just having the acoustic guitar, and those two legendary voices.

I loved that the show opened with "Second Hand News" instead of "The Chain" - it set the pace for a more energetic and shredding show. I've never seen Lindsey strut, rock out, and show that much passion onstage with the modern version of The Mac.

Stevie rambled more like in her solo shows, which I loved. Overall, it's like Stevie and Lindsey brought all the learned and loved about their solo stuff into the Mac. For the first time ever, instead of their solo careers being a threat or distraction from the Mac, it felt like the solo ventures only fueled and added to the fire.

Best show ever. Pure magic.
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