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Old 05-30-2013, 05:02 PM
UnwoundDreams UnwoundDreams is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Wales
Posts: 39

Went for Rumours and Tusk as they are the only two Mac albums I've given a good proper listen. Dreams and Gold Dust Woman are my all-time favourite Mac/Stevie songs that mean a lot to me; they got me through a tough, emotionally draining period in my life, when an old "friend" of mine returned and started making me feel like crap because of the argument we had that ended our friendship and what I'd apparently said afterwards. The lyrics describe the situation in so many ways - wanting to end it (Dreams) and remembering constantly (GDW). Silver Springs makes me tear up every time I hear it, and Stevie's songs on Rumours as a whole are perfection.

The Tusk songs are simply fantastic - the amount of times I've had "Angel" and "Sara" on in a loop is ridiculous. "Sisters of the Moon" just gives me the shivers; I remember listening to the song on vinyl, through HD quality headphones ans almost crying due to the depth and power of the song. "Storms" and "Beautiful Child" are other teary-eyed ones. Ever since, Stevie is my favourite member and lyricist of FM. Lindsey is great, but I don't connect with his songs as well as Stevie's. I'm not too fussy on Chris's songs (don't shoot me I'm sorry!!); I've always found them to be gushy, although there are a few I really like (Everywhere, Warm Ways, You Make Loving Fun, Say You Love Me). I will confess that Songbird is my least favourite FM song. *takes cover from the flying tomatoes*
''Dreams unwind, love's a state of mind...''