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Old 04-12-2018, 05:55 AM
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krrrby krrrby is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Posts: 577

I think Stevie lives in a fantasy on stage where the personality Lindsey delivers to Stevie on stage is what makes her happy. She cherishes those moments with him as good times. Off stage I feel is a very different story - that's where their real personalities still come at each other.

They tried their best to contain it in the Destiny Rules documentary but they eventually broke out into a fight...and who knows how many fights off-camera they had together.

I think if Stevie loved him SO much, that she would have ran to him during The Dance era - but knowing that she did not speaks louder than her words. There was a reason she didn't want to go back to him.

Now I don't think Lindsey is a monster but I think the image of what he is based on his past has been portrayed. Some fans feel that this departure is karma coming around full circle from the last time he left.

But will we ever really know the reason? I'm sure Stevie will give a speech about it on every show when she tells them how many shows they've done and how many minutes she talks in it.

I love them all as musicians, but damn.
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