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Old 04-19-2003, 03:10 PM
WindingRoad WindingRoad is offline
Senior Ledgie
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 118

Oh, it belongs to Lindsey. So he gets all the blame!(ducks)

Yes, I may be bored with the older songs, but I sure hope FM plays them at the concert because there's only 4 or 5 songs on SYW that I like. The rest is just plain bad.

And where the heck was Stevie? She's seen what other producers can do with her music. Didn't she ever stop and say, "Hey Lindsey, WHOA! What in the world are you doing to my song!"

Now I understand that video clip where we see Stevie in the booth and hear Lindsey say to her, "Is there anything else about it that you absolutely hate?" (speak up Stevie !!!)

So many of you have been saying that Stevie seemed very unhappy in the interviews on AOL. Now I know why. SHE had already heard SYW.

I keep playing the cd because I'm hoping it'll grow on me. This morning I had it on and my teenage son came downstairs and said, "Mom, can you turn that down, that stuff is creeping me out!" (must have been Red Rover or Murrow playing at the time) I don't blame him, I think a screeching guitar solo was making my ears bleed at the time.

I don't mean to be so negative, it's just that I'm sooo disappointed in this album.

Note to Lindsey: Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD do it. (TUSK) (SYW) And if you're going to DO IT ANYWAY, don't take everybody else down with you.

This should have been a Lindsey solo album. But he couldn't get his work out without the FM name behind it. Now the reputation of FM is going to take the fall with him.

(the comments expressed here are not meant to upset anyone, nor am I trying to provoke anybody (like whoever it was who said Stevie should be slapped), this is just my opinion, I'm entitled to it and you are free to completely ignore it if you like. And BTW, I like Lindsey. I just don't like this.

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