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Old 01-20-2005, 05:40 PM
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Originally Posted by strandinthewind
That would be a bloodbath, though I like her alot.

I think if we look at the last 24 years, we can see that it will take a plain spoken person to get elected. Kerry and Gore's problem was they simply did not appeal to the masses like Clinton, Reagan, and W did and do. Bush I was an anaomly in that he is not of the masses - but I think a good deal of his victory can from the lack of credible D opposition (can you say Dukakis in the tank ) and the overall, right or wrong, love of RR. So, the D's need a man with appeal to the common man even if it is a ruse like I think W's common man appeal is and Clinton's common man appeal was and still is - though clearly Clinton came from far humbler beginnings than W.

I think Edwards is and was a GREAT choice. His only hurdle is people tend not to like lawyers and his wife is sick.

Anyway - food for thought!!!

BTW - on edit I point out Jeb B. appeals to the common man (less so than W though) and America or at least half of it voted for W - so . . . . the D's have their work cut out for them.
Can I just get this straight?

Are the Democrats supposed to keep nominating middle-of-the-road candidates every four years, fail at getting said middle-of-the-road schmuck elected each time, go back into their little bag of tricks, pull out an even more conservative candidate, and then expect the liberals to support them because they're supposedly "Democrats"? Ugh.

These people are not Democrats, they're Bush-lite. If anything is killing the Democratic party, it's the leaders of that party. They're so out of touch with everything, elections are just exercises in focus groups and internal polling for them. They don't know how to choose candidates, they don't know how to run national campaigns, and if they keep going at the rate they currently are, they are going to be the minority party for many years to come. And that's if they're lucky. A few more nominees like Kerry or Edwards and the Democratic party as we know it will cease to exist. The liberals who keep that joke of a party afloat will jump ship without hesitation and only the fairweather Democrats will remain, of which they're are not many as evidenced by the past two elections. They screwed up royally and continue to do so each day. Pissing off the people who elected you to your current post by exercising your lack of spine with every vote is a no-win formula, and it's even more of a no-win formula when you try to pull the wool over everyone's eyes every fourth November.

This Democratic party is no better than the Republican party. Except the Republican party knows how to get **** done.

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