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Old 11-12-2018, 04:42 PM
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Originally Posted by PaulaMacFan View Post
I was at the Salina, KS show. It's true people were asking those standing to sit down. This was an issue the last time Lindsey played here too -- it was so distracting last time Lindsey actually stopped the show mid-song and told the people complaining that their complaining was much more distracting than the people standing there. But part of the problem at this theater is they put the handicapped section in the front row, so those people literally can't stand most of the time, so the people who want to stand up are made out to be the bad guys. I live about 8 blocks from this theater and we are lucky they bring great acts like Lindsey to our town, but unfortunately many people here still have a 'small town' mentality and don't understand people standing to enjoy a show.

I too was surprised about the opening act cutting short. We were told by theater staff the opener would play until 8:40, and Lindsey would take the stage at 9pm. However, Lindsey started at 8:50. I was bummed and surprised when at the end of the show Lindsey and the guys came back for the encore, played one song, and after band introductions, Lindsey said 'we're gonna play one more song and get out of here' and Treason was the last song. I had been looking forward to Down on Rodeo.

I've seen Lindsey 6 times as a solo act over the years, and I thought this show was superb and he seemed very humbled. I bet he thanked the audience for their support and for coming to the show 7 or 8 times. He seemed very sincere and the message heartfelt. It was a great show and I'm glad we went.
Thanks, PaulaMacFan! I appreciated your post. That's interesting what you said about the handicapped section being in the front row- I can appreciate both sides. On one hand, some people in that section may not be able to stand up, but people who can stand up may be blocking the view of those who can't stand up.

Glad you enjoyed the show!
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