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Old 11-22-2006, 12:51 AM
jbrownsjr jbrownsjr is offline
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if i can put my 2 cents here...

1. i don't think anything lindsey has done is crap... i wish i had an ounce of his success as a musician...

2. the new album is finally starting to grow on me... it doesn't measure it up to his other three yet... but for me his solo work has always been a process of getting used to... (and i'm insane.... haha)

3. i don't like his personality as of late.. but then again... every member of fmac has put their respective foots in their mouths as far as the media goes... stevie and christine included.... and mick... well umm....

4. i wish this album would have sold more... i'm sort of sick of the people with half his talent getting millions of dollars with half the effort... (those dance tracks on the radio are getting old).

5. i have some problems with his vocals, but none with his guitars... even if he speeds the tracks up...

6. what's growing on me?... (show ya show ya show ya..) i'm starting to love it... you almost think of eyes eyes eyes eyes... (for those of you that love that song)...

anyway at least he is out there and i can't wait to hear the rockin album.. .i think that will be more of what i want to hear...

having said all that... whether i like it or not doesn't mean it's crap... that goes for Rock a Little and In the Mean time... etc...
I would tell Christine Perfect, "You're Christine f***ing McVie, and don't you forget it!"
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