Thread: Has PG retired?
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Old 10-27-2006, 07:47 PM
maryellen healy maryellen healy is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Pine Bush Ny
Posts: 42
Default Show Biz Blues

There is a tightrope that every entertainers has to walk. Some Performers embrace things that they were famous for . Others play a few as a begrudging bone to the audience. Some performers don't give a S__t what the audience wants to hear. As an act, it only works if the audience is receptive and the music can transcend it. From a bystander in obseving what has happened with Peter Green, it appears that he loves to play in front of anaudience. Hehas been damaged physicly and mentally by time, hte music Business and his own personal demons. As a fan I have come to appreciate what he does in whatever form it has taken. I have kept coming back for more.

I have followed Eric Clapton sisnce the Yardbirds. I have also weathered him playing in a stupor flat on his back on stage.

As a musician I can only say that I am unlucky enough not to have an "Albatross" around my neck. My spouse is not so unlucky and does have to perforrm the song they come to hear.

I wish Pete would play stuff from way back like Jeff beck can still do better than he used to. OH well
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