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Old 05-25-2007, 12:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Red View Post
Yes, someone pleeeeeeze post the Lindsey Daddy pic. I want to see what the chitlins look like now.

And yeah, didn't Stevie say something along the lines of "when I see how Lindsey is with his kids, I just think, oh made a mistake'. Now that's some big time regret.

Seeing how having kids really mellowed out the Linds, I wonder if having kids would have made Stevie less self centered?
Having kids makes everyone less self centered. Is that good? Usually. But in Stevie's case? We probably wouldn't have seen her for the past 20 years. Also, it is different when a man is "forced" to have kids - Lindsey has been still touring every since he had those kids. Cause his wife was taking care of them. But if Stevie had had some kids - tours stopped, career stopped. Kinda different. And when a guy becomes "less self centered" when he has kids, it's totally different than the all consuming "less self centered" that a girl has to be when she has them. Lindsey just has to talk about his kids fondly, and write songs about them, and see them between tours. Stevie would have had to stop her career for awhile, and be completely attentive to the kids at all other times, else she would have been a "self centered mom".

I don't want Stevie to not be self centered. If she wasn't "self centered" all this time, we wouldn't have anything. Unless there is some guy out there who will totally take care of her kids at every moment while she is touring. Like Lindsey's wife does.
If Stevie can find a "Lindsey's Wife" to be her husband, than that is cool. Until then, I want her to rock on with her childless, self centered self. And we all know she is very kind, and giving, so her self centeredness is not the totality of her essence.
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