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Old 04-19-2011, 06:14 PM
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HomerMcvie HomerMcvie is offline
Addicted Ledgie
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Originally Posted by jbrownsjr View Post
I do understand because they were both female that it might bug another woman, but I would say Christine McVie is no ordinary or typical lady. I just don't see her caring that much about her image as much as she cared about the band. She would have tried to pop into the limelight or front the band long before Stevie ever arrived if she was into that sort of thing.

I will say however, I always felt Lindsey was bitter and disappointed that he never got the fandom Stevie did. And he's kind of a girl... (LOL) And comments like, "I had to do it all." that demonstrates to me just how strongly he felt about it.
I think she was probably relieved somewhat, that Stevie did get to shoulder so much of the attention. Chris is too smart to care too much(even though I'm sure it did sting a little bit)...she knew it was good for the band, and always knew that her songs were the hit singles.

Lindsey is a girl. The gayest straight man I've ever seen. And yes, I think he was UBER bitter, over the attention that Stevie received.
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