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Old 05-21-2003, 08:40 AM
CarneVaca CarneVaca is offline
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 3,228

Christy, that was excellent. I especially loved your interpretations. Very cool.

When I was a reporter, Lindsey was just the kind of person I loved interviewing. It was that anticipatory sense that this interview could be great or it could be a major fiasco. Once I interviewed the CEO of a big company. I had been told he was reserved and it would be tough to make him open up. So I started with the usual, where were you born, where did you go to school kinds of questions. Next thing you know he told me he had spent some time in a certain. So we spoke the country's language (not English) to each other, and the interview just took off. We became pretty friendly (I married one of his employees, but that's another story) and we still exchange the occasional e-mail.
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