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Old 01-05-2011, 11:35 AM
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WhiteDove1979 WhiteDove1979 is offline
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Default VHI Classics Groupie "Sweet Connie" with the guys of Mac!!???

Hi All - I was bored last night Tuesday Jan 4th- around 10:30ish.. VHI Classics had on a show titled Pamela De Barge - the Greatest Groupies of Rock.... and Mac wasn't mentioned until the final bit with some lady from Little Rock Ark. called "Sweet Connie"- she claims to have been with all 3 guys of Mac!!! I was shocked especially when she got all into details.. stating she had been with Lindsey during "Tusk" at the Studio Sessions and "serviced" him.. eww ok. As for John she said she did indeed "sleep" with him in Baton Rouge, LA - backstage... Mick she was also "with" but..stated Mick couldn't really "do too much- because he was under the influences pretty heavy back then."... WOW.. I mean.. I knew the guys had a lot of Groupies... but this story was pretty wild!- Thought I'd share.. and see if anyone else out there saw this program as well???.. or have other wild deets??? Groupie wise or other- to put out there!???? lol here are some pics of the lady and.. the last is a still from the show itself- "Connie" is on the right.. Pamela is in the glasses. THANKS guys!

The Guy looks like Lindsey in the black and white photo above her right shoulder


"To the Gypsies that remain..."

Last edited by WhiteDove1979; 01-05-2011 at 11:59 AM..
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