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Old 12-30-2010, 06:11 PM
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Silver Springs Silver Springs is offline
Addicted Ledgie
Supporting Ledgie
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 3,934

I'm probably going to be the naive and non materialistic voice "of the fan" here. But to me, music is never a bomb as long as it reaches people. It doesn't matter how many, but as long as there's somebody who is being affected for the better by the music, the lyrics, whatever. At the end of the day, music in its root form wasn't about sales figures or money made. It was about telling a story, reaching hearts. And in that sense, Say You Will could never be a failure. Speaking on a personal level, it was my gateway album. And I would probably have lost interest in my only greatest hits album if I hadn't have gotten my hands on this album when I did and realised how much the band has to offer. If you single each song out, then they work. They're beautifully crafted, lyrically sublime and works of art in their own right. Maybe they don't work together as a whole, but you don't listen to the album as a whole, do you? You listen to each song individually and come to your own judgements, so why judge how it was put together and how disjointed it is so harshly?

My heart was affected for the better by this album, so it was a success. It reached somebody. That was the point.
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You were the only audience I ever needed.
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