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Old 08-30-2010, 06:32 PM
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Originally Posted by ButterCookie View Post
I find that often a good "leave me alone" or just monosyllabic answers often work with males of many ages, too.

Doc Marts don't work I go there every day of my life. My leather armour has to be washed over night because I don't go out without it. Once walking down the street in Manchester I had my usual attire of Dr Martens, Sex Pistols shirt, shredded jeans and leather jacket and still some old guy leered. I'm like COME ON DUDE! My friend Debbie, who I was with at the time, is much prettier than I am and he left her alone

Most recently, I was working in the record store and this THING came in drunk as a skunk talking to me about Generation X. The amount of times I said "I don't like Generation X" is innumerable yet he still badgered until I said "Lion, I turned 15 on Tuesday, you're putting yourself in a bad situation" and went upstairs to continue valuing the records. I hate it and yet it's just so prevelant and accepted where I live

Annie, I'm so sorry to hear what that guy did to you and frankly disgusted at those who did nothing to help you. I'm glad you got away
Haha, your store story reminds me of a similar thing that happened to me. When I was 14, I was working under the table at a local amusement park (Conneaut Lake, for Marissa, since she'll know of which I speak), running the kiddie train ride, and this dude kept asking me to come down to the bar with him on my break for a drink. I finally said, "I'm 14." You never saw someone backpedal so fast, it was hilarious.

But yeah - I was disgusted, too. Not so much at my friend, though I would (and HAD) saved her from bad situations repeatedly over the years, because she is quite small and timid and prone to going tharn like a bunny in headlights, but there were other people around, and I was screaming like a banshee. And it was in broad daylight. Some people are INSANE.

Originally Posted by LikeAWillow View Post
I'm quoting this entire thing because it needs to be read again and again. I love you. And going further back, I love CGB. He's almost as much of a catch as you are. Well actually, he's most likely not Jesus so I rescind some of the strength of that statement. Dude srsly, I'm pumped for you.

So like I said in the Stevie forum, I just got back from Atlantic City yesterday, and OHMYGOD was it amazing. I swear to God, Nicks is better than she's been since 2001. Plus I was surrounded by amazing people, staying in a hotel that was literally overrun with chiffon, AND I saw Forest Gump for the first time. It was perfect

From left to right---

My best friend Gina (a casual Stevie fan I bribed into coming with the fact that AC is on the beach), Me, Arlene (Steviefan49), Sara (looking amazing and posting as ILOVEFM), and Erica (obsessedbutnotcoolenoughtostoplurking.)

Sidenote: Lori walked by as we were taking this We had a mini little conversation with her. I'm still Team Sharon, but that woman is adorable.
I love you, too. And I also want to say that I'm not condemning anyone that doesn't "fight back" for whatever reason - if someone is harassing you, that's his fault, not yours, regardless of your reaction or what you feel you can or can't do about the situation. ALWAYS his fault. Don't care what you're wearing, what you look like, where you're walking, where you work, how old you are, where you're standing, if you previously didn't mind the attention until he said something out of line, whatever.

But I do always try to advocate for women, especially young ones, to stand up and say something if and when they feel they can, because as Georgie commented about it being so acceptable and prevalent in her area - it will only continue to be that way if we can't somehow teach these asshats otherwise.

And re: CGB, fanks! I will tell him the Jesus comment, for it will amuse him greatly.

Also still so jealous about the Stevie shows. And you all looked fabulous - how tall are you, woman?
Malanderer, Badlander and Thief, Est. 1982

All the same, baby. All the same.

"You never know what I'll do. I've resequenced my show. I'm a master at sequencing. I'm the one who sequenced for Fleetwood Mac. I sequenced 'Rumours.' Everyone loves my sequences. They're fun.''
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