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Old 06-28-2010, 06:05 PM
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Originally Posted by iamnotafraid View Post
I agree many were awful to her. And I also agree that woman can sing.
But I'm not sure about it being anyone's business but her own. I know
it's totally unfair, and I believe most women are given a much harder
time about gaining weight. But don't you think with the money she and
other stars with the same fame have - couldn't they at least have a dietician
or someone make sure they have the right food to eat.
Saying "couldn't they at least have a dietician or someone make sure they have the right food to eat" is incredibly offensive. It implies that fat people are fat because they somehow don't "know any better," and therefore need someone to tell them what to do with their own bodies. It neglects to account for the wide variety of other reasons that could cause weight gain, and while it's true that not everyone is overweight due to a medical condition they can't control, you don't KNOW for sure that the person you are looking at doesn't have one of them.

Besides, if you know it's totally unfair, why would you participate in perpetuating that unfairness?

I don't know if drugs had anything to do with Ann's weight gain. But it sure did
with Elvis' and Stevie Nicks. Too many "yes" people around. No one to tell them
the truth. All the way down to the fans. And by fans, I mean the ones that will
accept anything the artist does, even if it's unhealthy to the very artist they care

Buttercookie was right that I shouldn't have mentioned her weight, even though
I did so as carefully as I could without coming right out and saying she's ____.
As I don't know enough details about her personal struggle with weight. But for
her health's sake I wish she could lose some weight.
What "truth"? Do you think fat people don't know they're fat or something? Like, "Hey, Zombie, uh...dunno how to break it to you, but you're kinda fat..." and then I'm going to be all, "WAIT. WHAT? I'M FAT? OMG, NO WAY. I HAD NO IDEA. Thank you, kind observer, for pointing out I have a huge ass, or I might never have noticed it on my own - good thing I had someone to let me in on the truth."

C'mon, dude.

This is what's called "concern trolling." A judgment or personal attack disguised as heartfelt worry is still a judgment or personal attack.

It's not your job to police a stranger's health. And you can't judge the relative health of someone based entirely on their outward physical appearance. A thin person is not automatically healthy, just as a fat person is not automatically unhealthy.

And I agree Zombie, Ann's voice is great.
Yes, it is. And it's just as good now as it was when she was starving herself to fit someone else's standard of beauty.

I'm not yelling at you or anything, but I would like to ask that you please consider your motives for saying things like this. Why do you REALLY care so much about what she looks like?
Malanderer, Badlander and Thief, Est. 1982

All the same, baby. All the same.

"You never know what I'll do. I've resequenced my show. I'm a master at sequencing. I'm the one who sequenced for Fleetwood Mac. I sequenced 'Rumours.' Everyone loves my sequences. They're fun.''
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