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Old 06-06-2010, 12:01 PM
Nikolaj Nikolaj is offline
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 1,035

In my opinion, country music- since the 90's-- has approximated the feel of rock and pop music, there aren't many new rock stars, but there seems to be tons of new country stars, and they are now promoted, marketed, the same way the rock acts of the 70s were- tons of media saturation, lots of radio airplay, and the acts play the big stadiums.
I don't dislike or like country music, to me, a good voice or a good song can transcend genre, but I don't really appreciate how country has become the force that rock once was and the country touring bands, in the worst case scenario, sometimes border on 'This Is Spinal Tap' special effects on stage.
Someone wrote that this Eagles tour is tanking in some markets? I think they've kind of worn out their welcome in the big dollar arenas, haven't they been doing this since 'Hell Freezes Over' circa 1994? Sixteen YEARS is a long time to milk 'we're baaack!!' Though, to the credit of The Eagles, they did release a well-received cd of new music 'Long Road...Eden' whatever- I have the ltd. edition red copy with some bonus tracks, or maybe it's just deluxe packaging- but I've never made it past five songs on the cd, it just didn't hold my interest, but that's probably ADD, I'll spin it again!
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